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BENEFITS of credit card with annual fee

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Credit Card
by aperillo on Aug 06, 2011 06:47 PM

Credit cards have lots of fees: cash advance fees, overage fees, late payment fees. In truth, your credit card is pretty much one fee after another. But what about annual fees? Some cards       have them, some don’t. Are they worth it?

Source: http://www.creditcards.org/article/when-should-you-pay-annual-fee-.html

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Sankran Maity
Appears to be from a paid CC agent
by Sankran Maity on Jul 28, 2011 10:19 AM

Every day I am offered annual free credit cards (in fact I have 3 annual free Credit Cards for years) from this bank and that bank. I have checked almost all paid credit cards .. and all of them have "strings attached" for redeeming of the bonus/reward points. Even for cash back cards, there is a maximum limit to which you can avail cash back. This looks to be a waste of information.

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