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Women in India will overtake men in job-hopping: Study

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Corrupt People dons many hats in Corporate World
by Samaritan on Jan 12, 2011 10:30 AM  | Hide replies

It is not men or women so to say gender bais but it is largely corrupt people at top echelon of corporate hierarchy that is rotting the system of India Inc life.
The system is so polluted and contaminated with corruption that if one does not give in to temptation of making extra buck by bribery, forgery, embezzelment and corruption then he or she will not able to make his livelihood and his journey through the corporate life is strewn with a lot of thorns and pricks.
All boils down to one basic and fundamental rule of growth i.e Be Corrupt and Enjoy your life in Corporate Jungle.

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Re: Corrupt People dons many hats in Corporate World
by Govinda on Jan 12, 2011 10:34 AM
Girls working in Red light area are much better. They work for their living...But the remaining girls are doing stupid things for their pleasure..so you decide who is better prostitue? remaining girls of india?

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Re: Re: Corrupt People dons many hats in Corporate World
by Samaritan on Jan 12, 2011 10:36 AM
Even prostitutes have some conscience and ethics of doing business practice.
But our India Inc is devoid of all human traits and for them Money is the only God. They can go to any extent in making life miserable of good natured and ethical persons of high standards.

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Re: Corrupt People dons many hats in Corporate World
by Samaritan on Jan 12, 2011 10:34 AM
It is important to make a point drive home that it is all account of head of corporate family ie. Owners who love to have corrupt people on board.
If one is job hopping quite frequently then he is supposed to fudge in his CV by all sorts of means to show that he was stable in his job. His honesty is not rewarded by any organisation if he gives a clean slate of information about his practice of job hopping .
Dishonesty is more rewarded than honesty of employees. HR people are burning with their own frustration of showing their importance and in this process they play with the life of many talented people if he or she does not fit in their image or scheme of things.

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Re: danger for males, awake
by Govinda on Jan 12, 2011 10:11 AM
I think you are a woman and you are male hater.....The males are alright. They have no problem. The girls feel like they have come from heaven and show attitude...DIVORCE IS NOT A PROBLEM FOR MAN...IT IS FOR WOMEN

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Re: Re: Re: danger for males, awake
by Govinda on Jan 12, 2011 10:27 AM
Males have better chance for remarriages. But a women will not get second chance...Thats our society...Actually there is no family without a fight....But because girls go to work they accept the divorce and ruin their own life..They think they are smart, but they are making the wrong move.....I will give you an example (if you say to a boy please dont go to well its dangerous, he wont go..but if you say the same to the girl she would think, they are telling me not to go to the well because i am a girl...She will go to the well to prove she is better than male and will die..males dont try to prove...Whereas girls try to prove they are better than male...its going on for thousands of years

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Amen Here
Why so much divorces ??
by Amen Here on Jan 12, 2011 09:56 AM

Because woman started earning. After the initial pleasure of marriage, they think why they need to stay under a Man.

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Anshuman chakraborty
Woman on top
by Anshuman chakraborty on Jan 12, 2011 09:48 AM

The reason for the same may be...woman accepting lower compensation than men...who can't in many cases do the same...bcoz...whatever be the financial status of women in india..the family runs..with the husbands..money in most of the cases..bcoz of the social tabooo that..taking money from wife to run the family is bad

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such jano
by such jano on Jan 11, 2011 08:40 PM  | Hide replies

for some reason men too seem to be enjoying this position.

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Happy Friday
by Happy Friday on Jan 12, 2011 05:16 AM
in bed?

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smart alec
job hopping
by smart alec on Jan 11, 2011 07:21 PM  | Hide replies

women sure are on the top be it job hopping or now even bed hopping...women are catching up fast and furious on what they feel they lost out...drinking and smoking are other areas women are now topping..

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leeza ann john
Re: job hopping
by leeza ann john on Jan 12, 2011 05:26 AM
oh your must be saying about your mother and sisters

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mallaiah anchoori
Yes,no wonder!!
by mallaiah anchoori on Jan 11, 2011 07:14 PM

"Muduthal Nervaga Raani vidde Galade Muddara Nerpinchinan"-thus goes the stanza of a Telugu poem which means that nothing not learnable if women are taught fondly.This has been eminently proved by the modern who women who no more lag behind the men in any thing they take up in all earnest.Days have come where women entered into all technological fields; they are proving their mettle as the best business executives,management experts, bankers,industrialists,defence personnel & what not.There is a sea change in the attitude & approach adopted towards the women till yesteryears.The perceptive reformations brought in and being accepted & assimilated by the society are welcome changes contrary to the traditional belief that a woman was to be confined to a kitchen & lacked independence quoted on the strength of a "Manusmrithi"- "pitha rakshathi kaumare....na shtree swaathathrya marhathi"(In childhood a woman is protected by her father,in youth by husband & in oldage by son/s;as such no woman deserves independence).But no more the present woman needs to crave for indepedence.Poetically,it was said long back in a Telugu movie-"Lechindi Nidra lechindi Mahilaa Lokam,daddarillindi Purusha Prapancham"(the women's world has woken up trembling/sending shock waves to,the world of males).No wonder,even if the women over

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