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My lover has a start-up and I want to burn it down

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Most essential capital required for a start up
by Paradox on Dec 18, 2011 01:31 PM

Most start ups begin with an objective of building a palace for the queen at home. However the start is stressful and most successful business people have a little time for family. At such times a supportive partner is the strongest support system. If the partner is not supportive, its not worth risking your life building a castle.

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Hope this article will save a few Marriages
by NarenKumar on Dec 17, 2011 08:21 PM

Hey Krithika, Wonderful story, totally true.

My people would have asked me to visit the Psychiatric, if they hadn't seen the success of my earlier Startup.
But Frankly speaking, sometimes when you see what your family goes through, it doesn't seem worth the trouble.
However, the lure of rewards & recognition and sometimes with no other alternative (Entrepreneurship is an Addiction) we feel like finishing it all in a hurry.

Good Luck to both Starters & their Spouses.

Naren - NashWall

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Catchy title
by Ajay on Dec 17, 2011 07:41 PM  | Hide replies

Some how the title sounded very catchy and when you go through the first page, you realize that is not what author exactly meants.

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Rahul Malhotra
Re: Catchy title
by Rahul Malhotra on Dec 19, 2011 12:32 AM

Journalistic equivalent of false advertising!

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ahmed mohiuddin
2nd Usefull article on rediff
by ahmed mohiuddin on Dec 17, 2011 07:25 PM

This is the second useful article I came across -- keep it up rediff -- and thanks to author

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sunil vasudevan
by sunil vasudevan on Dec 14, 2011 04:53 PM

rediff has done something useful by publishing this article

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sunil vasudevan
by sunil vasudevan on Dec 14, 2011 04:52 PM

at last rediff has given us something

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Calvin Hobbes
by Calvin Hobbes on Dec 14, 2011 03:21 PM  | Hide replies

Very boring and didn't make any sense...

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vijay kumar
Re: yawn
by vijay kumar on Dec 17, 2011 12:40 PM
If the lover had started something else, it would have been worth reading

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subhasish dutta
Great writing
by subhasish dutta on Dec 14, 2011 01:24 PM

It's a great writing. Definitely will help lot of people.

-- Subhasish

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Mrigank Sharma
My lover has a start-up and I want to burn it down
by Mrigank Sharma on Dec 14, 2011 12:41 PM

How true. Can personally empathise with this article and vet that most of the examples given are real life scenarios.

Thank you Krithika. Hopefully lots of young & new entrepreneurs will go to bed smiling & with a little less guilt tonight:--)

Mrigank Sharma - India Sutra

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