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Now, you too can buy your credit score from CIBIL

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sristhi tiwari
new trick to suck money
by sristhi tiwari on Apr 22, 2011 11:23 AM  | Hide replies

CIBIL really works for not granting loans for people who need the most. It dont work for granting loans whom banks/financial institutions want to give without any verifications. You really should have good relations with the bankers NO CIBIL is required.

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anupama singh
Re: new trick to suck money
by anupama singh on Apr 22, 2011 11:40 AM
if this works properly then how policians and diplomats dont have work for them. So dont panic have some broker/agent and get the work done.

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ranjith shaw
by ranjith shaw on Apr 22, 2011 11:22 AM  | Hide replies

CIBIL reference report to any fin institutions on individual is an infringment of right per artical 14 & 15 of the cosntitution. One can question credibility of the report shared by the cibil.why financial institutions take cibil score as a bench mark for their advances or any credit loans to customers??

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anupama singh
by anupama singh on Apr 22, 2011 11:38 AM
FI take CIBIL SCORE to make under table money that how the brokers come in the scene

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vivek sharma
CIBIL score/CIBIL report is very important. Please don't ignore
by vivek sharma on Apr 22, 2011 11:15 AM

If you are going for credit, CIBIL report is used for granting you credit. You cannot afford to ignore it.

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Shakeel Shah
CIBIL cannot decide anybodys real credit
by Shakeel Shah on Apr 22, 2011 11:05 AM  | Hide replies

Useless and please shut it. this institution cannot decide the present and future of anybody faith .Somtimes a man cannot avoid any circumstances in his business damages.And not paying on time to any loan .CIBIL means complete speed breaker in his path.They cannot judge honesty .Shut it.

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Kamlesh Kumar
Re: CIBIL cannot decide anybodys real credit
by Kamlesh Kumar on Apr 22, 2011 11:13 AM
Dear SHakeel Shaikh I am quite agree with you. Kamlesh

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J Vijayaraghavan
Re: CIBIL cannot decide anybodys real credit
by J Vijayaraghavan on Apr 22, 2011 11:18 AM
I too agree. History cannot tell a man's genuineness. There is a chance for a regular payee to be a defaulter and a previous defaulter can pay back the loan fully.

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dss d
The service from CIBIL is despicable
by dss d on Apr 22, 2011 11:02 AM


The customer service is really non-existent
when it comes to CIBIL.

They charge you Rs 450 for the CIBIL report,
then say the address proof is not in your name
or give some other stupid reason for not
sending the report.

They don't reply via the email they provide
and the phone number always says all
representatives are busy. plz stay on the line.

So don't waste your time with them.

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y k
new trick of money making
by y k on Apr 22, 2011 11:02 AM

If the lender is so concern about his money, than the financer should pay and get the score, just like insurance comnpany pay for medical test.

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Pritam Ghosh
additional disadvantage
by Pritam Ghosh on Apr 22, 2011 10:59 AM

at the top of processing fees, interest rate, once you aproach CIBIL for your score, CIBIL will tag your record with "enquiry done" kind of tick mark which is again not healthy when you apply for new loan/credit

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Shakeel Shah
No need of CIBIL
by Shakeel Shah on Apr 22, 2011 10:59 AM

Existance of CIBIL itself is useless They canot decide ones faith of present.A man sometimes suffers from unavoidable circumstances and cannot reach to pay on time of any Type of loan.Intensionally he is doing nothing wrong .But CIBIL is on his way as a speed breaker for his whole life of progress.Shut It Please

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vive k
Old Story
by vive k on Apr 22, 2011 10:58 AM

Getting CIBIL score is very old story, dont know why its rpesented here as if they started this form yesterday

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chindhee chor
by chindhee chor on Apr 22, 2011 10:58 AM  | Hide replies

i got my credit stat. from cibil and it displayed default of Rs 750 for credit card issued by hsbc bank...neither i received the card nor any statement...and i am the defaulter...sbi refused loan to me...my salary statement entitled me to get loan of 40 lakhs...sbi told me to contact ombudsman of rbi to get the issue resolved.... i think there is some nexus between these authorities...

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shailendra srivastava
Re: cibil..
by shailendra srivastava on Apr 22, 2011 11:32 AM
I support your views regarding the nexus between credit card companies and regulatory authority e.g. RBI for the exploitation of citizen. This is back door legal cover. It is invalid and against the feelings of constitution. Lets file RTI and PIL against it.- Dr Shailendra

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Periyasamy KS
Re: cibil..
by Periyasamy KS on Apr 22, 2011 11:24 AM
very true. It is like one way traffic it is completely in favour of bankers and financial institutions but what about the customer, what if the banke did some funny mistake does the customer pay for it?

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