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Wear sunscreen -- and buy your money's worth!

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kieran dsouza
fully paid article
by kieran dsouza on Apr 23, 2011 07:07 PM

of course u don't need a drop of sunscreen even in your a**hole. you need at least half an hour daily sun exposure to your head, arms, torso at least for vitamin D which is the FATHER of all vitamins and has multiple health benefits from strengthening bones, boosting immunity, fighting cancer etc etc

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nishu only
looks like an advertizement for
by nishu only on Apr 14, 2011 10:37 AM

Nivea UV Protection Body Lotion....

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Raj Reddy
You know who paid for the article.
by Raj Reddy on Apr 13, 2011 09:57 PM

The winner is Nivea.

The author writes, there is no Cons to write about on this one! Sure.

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Sanjay Roy
Good Job
by Sanjay Roy on Apr 13, 2011 09:17 PM

Nice of Rediff to spread consumer awareness on products available in the market place. Every product worth its salt screams that it is the best available but as we read from your report its contrary to what they say and in some cases the price is exhobirant. Nice to know which sunscreen is best for a Indian Summer..

Your next target should be the shampoo, soap and the array of whitning creams...god only know which work and which dont.

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karthik c
by karthik c on Apr 13, 2011 09:08 PM

Indians don't need sun screen.

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