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Sriram C
illogical calculation and explanation
by Sriram C on Oct 06, 2010 11:30 AM  | Hide replies

i think it is nuts to calculate ROI on an education. I am sure many management grads will agree that more than the sheer salary part the exposure u get in a good bschool is quite unparalleled. The perspectives that are gained through management education helps many individuals not just in securing a job but also to start their own business and MBA is a bug confidence builder for the students. to equate the emi paid and ROI on the fees paid is quite shortsighted.

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Ankur Chopra
Re: illogical calculation and explanation
by Ankur Chopra on Oct 06, 2010 11:53 AM
You can call it short-sightedness...but the matter of fact is that the starting days in your career make or break you. You are able to give in your 100% only when you are free from such trivial but important matters. This is important because a middle class guy/girl has to play a supportive role to a certain extent to his/her family as a bread-earner. Here-in comes the impact of ROI. If its going south then obviously one has to think of an alternative. the exposure part is definitely true...but if one foresees one in a situation where the pay that one gets belittles one's time & money spent then it does cause morale to go low...

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Aashish. mylapally
Re: illogical calculation and explanation
by Aashish. mylapally on Oct 06, 2010 12:00 PM
Believe me! All said and done, everything boils down to placements. People are here for better offers. They may not realize the importance of an MBA degree now but will understand in due course. But the fact is that the package is what many in IIMs look for. Telling you by experience!

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TheBestMan InAll
Re: illogical calculation and explanation
by TheBestMan InAll on Oct 06, 2010 11:59 AM
Professional Education is only for Money. and not for Morality.

This is a fact.

So, ROI calculation is obvious and a must thing.

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Is it cheating
by S RAJAGOPAL on Oct 06, 2010 11:28 AM

Doing so many mathematical,business,futuristic models,the Instituitions would have definitely knew what was going to come.Why we should also not make money in this business?Only Individuals were cheating earlier,now Instituitions are also in the game knowing very well that more Instituitions get,more it will be shared with Individuals.Hope the students dont relicate this in future

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muhammed hussain
Well Written
by muhammed hussain on Oct 06, 2010 11:20 AM  | Hide replies

When i completed the MBA from bagalore university, it costed me 75K for 2yrs. Now, God bless the Students, education has become another main stream business.

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muhammed hussain
Re: Well Written
by muhammed hussain on Oct 06, 2010 11:21 AM
Completed in year 2003

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TheBestMan InAll
Re: Re: Re: Well Written
by TheBestMan InAll on Oct 06, 2010 12:01 PM

Have some sense of Place and Time.

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