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He can''t imagine life without Facebook

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Get a life.
by Hope on May 17, 2010 03:47 PM  | Hide replies

Dude! Get a life, facebook and other social networking websites are for people who don't have person life like many in here in UK and US. Go out with friends and family rather then talking them virtually on internet.

Rather than Get Ahead, I would say Get a Life, you nub lifeless. :D

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rajulu ponnada
Re: Get a life.
by rajulu ponnada on May 17, 2010 10:27 PM
can't agree more on this, why virtual life is preferred if you have a real once, rediff is still successful in maintaining its low standards in article content and in article publishing.

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pandharinath prabhurajivadekar
This will end the future of childrens
by pandharinath prabhurajivadekar on May 17, 2010 03:34 PM  | Hide replies

Facebook/orkut and other sites are creating havoc. now a days children doesnt want to read anything. During this summer holidays childrens are hooked to computers. They dont do any constructive thing and I feel coming generation is getting distroyed. We as a parent are unbale to control the childrens. All this sites should be banned

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Arani Mukherjee
by Arani Mukherjee on May 17, 2010 03:25 PM  | Hide replies

Constantly on facebook. Monosyllabic, abbreviated, nonsensical words. Can hardly speak English. Uses an actor's picture as describe himself on his profile. Hallmarks of a loser in the making

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Chandran KR
Re: ...
by Chandran KR on May 17, 2010 03:38 PM
He is still where he studied his alphabets. Has not progressed beyond A,B,C.... He needs the medicines he grows in his 'Pharm'ville.

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anotherdumb indian
by anotherdumb indian on May 17, 2010 02:56 PM  | Hide replies

this is why i cut that internet wire behind my sons PC
but the computer no longer turns on . dunno why.

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by rocky on May 17, 2010 03:09 PM
it might be the wrong wire. try connecting the cut wire and the pc might start.

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bada sahab
by bada sahab on May 17, 2010 03:08 PM
LOL, call Inzmam Ul Haq!

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sarcastic donkey
by sarcastic donkey on May 17, 2010 03:17 PM
moron u must have cut the power cord

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