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sarala jagan
the possibility
by sarala jagan on May 15, 2010 10:59 PM

The operative word is " Can" India has trtemendous potential but will she allowed to unleash her potential is the question.This tom tomimg about the capacity of the youth is just to cover-up for how lacklustre indian youth today is. The running down of the earlier generation becos they don't take anything at face value.he wanted to go to America so he did but to run down IAS is downright ignorance.

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'India's youth can make her a global superpower'
by Rajaram on May 15, 2010 10:46 PM

Indian youth are illeterates. else what knowledge they can gain by seeing films and keepng in politics? youths of india is worse than a piece of today. with this know how ,they cannot even raise the standard of political or cinema life. We must be like China-compulsionism or like USA --unlimited freedom or Old India--disciplined cultural and moral lots. we are incapable of doing anything. Ofcourse, those who know to make money may exploit the Indian youth and these devils will clap and dance around.

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Chandran KR
Youth trash,,, once again
by Chandran KR on May 15, 2010 10:10 PM

This trash is being told again and the same trash will be retold until we believe it to be true. This trash is being bandied about usually by corporates, MNCs, especially the human resources professionals because they see in the large youth population a cheap labour waiting to be exploited so that the management can reap in profits. This story is similar to the story of the brahman carrying a goat who was made to believe that he was carrying a dog by crooks who repeatedly asked him why he was carrying a dog till he let the goat go. The only thing that can make India a superpower is population control without doubt. It should also be remembered that the current youth would become old in another couple of years; in fact, these youngsters would become older at a faster rate than the previous generations became old.... And India does not need young leaders. We need experienced leaders to solve its myriad problems. The experienced leaders who invariably will be older will have a balanced approach to the problems facing the nation as well as they youth because they have also were youth at one time in their life.

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Chandran KR
Youth trash,,, once again
by Chandran KR on May 15, 2010 10:09 PM

This trash is being told again and the same trash will be retold until we believe it to be true. This trash is being bandied about usually by corporates, MNCs, especially the human resources professionals because they see in the large youth population a cheap labour waiting to be exploited so that the management can reap in profits. This story is similar to the story of the brahman carrying a goat who was made to believe that he was carrying a dog by crooks who repeatedly asked him why he was carrying a dog till he let the goat go. The only thing that can make India a superpower is population control without doubt. It should also be remembered that the current youth would become old in another couple of years; in fact, these youngsters would become older at a faster rate than the previous generations became old.... And India does not need young leaders. We need experienced leaders to solve its myriad problems. The experienced leaders who invariably will be older will have a balanced approach to the problems facing the nation as well as they youth because they have also were youth at one time in their life.

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Chandran KR
Youth trash,,, once again
by Chandran KR on May 15, 2010 10:09 PM

This trash is being told again and the same trash will be retold until we believe it to be true. This trash is being bandied about usually by corporates, MNCs, especially the human resources professionals because they see in the large youth population a cheap labour waiting to be exploited so that the management can reap in profits. This story is similar to the story of the brahman carrying a goat who was made to believe that he was carrying a dog by crooks who repeatedly asked him why he was carrying a dog till he let the goat go. The only thing that can make India a superpower is population control without doubt. It should also be remembered that the current youth would become old in another couple of years; in fact, these youngsters would become older at a faster rate than the previous generations became old.... And India does not need young leaders. We need experienced leaders to solve its myriad problems. The experienced leaders who invariably will be older will have a balanced approach to the problems facing the nation as well as they youth because they have also were youth at one time in their life.

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Anumakonda JAGADEESH
Indian Youth and Growth
by Anumakonda JAGADEESH on May 15, 2010 10:01 PM

The West and the rest of the world is fast "discovering" India.

The world's richest entrepreneur, Mr. Bill Gates, lamented the condition of the American School System in April 2005. He minced no words when he said: "American high schools are obsolete.... By obsolete, I mean our schools cannot teach our kids what they need to know today. Training the workforce of tomorrow with the high school students of today is like tying to teach our kids about today's computer on a 50-year-old mainframe. Our high schools were desinged 50 years ago to meet the needs of another age. Until we design them to meet the needs of the 21st century, we will keep limiting-even running-the lives of millions of Americans every year.

Mr. Bill Gates' though found echo in President Lawrence Summers of Harvard: " For the first time in our history, we are going low-wage, high-human-capital communities embedded within India, China and Asia." And there is warning too: "In Silicon Valley today, 'B to B' and 'B to C' stand for 'back to Bangalore' and 'back to China,' which is where a lot of four foreign talent is moving.

Whereas India is estimated to have a surplus of 47 million working-age people in 2020, the United States alone will have a deficit of 17 million

Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP)

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chintan jhunjhunwala
Re: a youth indian youth...!!!!!??
by chintan jhunjhunwala on May 15, 2010 10:17 PM
golden, b happy with ur porki training of the youth for getting the 72 ready made.

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Chandran KR
Youth trash, once again....
by Chandran KR on May 15, 2010 09:58 PM

This trash (the power of Indian youth) is being bandied about once again. I am not surprised since this is what the corporate sector especially the MNCs tell again and again till everyone accepts this is the truth, which it is not like the story of the brahman carrying a goat is lead believe by crooks that he was carrying a dog. This story of India's youth and vast middle class market is being perpetuated by human resource professionals especially coz they see in them cheap labour waiting to be exploited. Once they get a job these youth are set up on each other by these managements in the name of Performance Management and so on till they are thrown but not before they have been completely exploited. The only thing that can make India powerful is population control. Secondly, any intelligent man would not tell that India needs a young leader. The older leaders have the experience of youth as well as the needs of the older people in mind while reaching conclusions. If youngsters have their way then perhaps the only thing we can look forward to is cheaper internet, mobile phones and services, cheaper baristas and cafe coffee days, nothing else. And it should also be remembered this large youth population will become old in a couple of years. In fact, they will become older faster than the previous generation became older.

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