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go! go! go!
by Ingersoll on Jul 08, 2010 10:08 AM


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Rakesh Choudhary
God Bless him. It is truly inspiring......
by Rakesh Choudhary on Jul 08, 2010 10:04 AM

It is really inspiring. The say is true, if there is a will there is a way.....
God bless him and to the depressed people who commit sucide... they should read this 100 times.....

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Shyamsunder Gupta
Truly Remarkable
by Shyamsunder Gupta on Jul 08, 2010 10:01 AM

Truly Remarkable. Hats off to SUPPORT and in particular Madam Sujata Ganega who along with others are serving so many destitute children like Rajesh. What Rajesh has achieved is Truely Inspiring. No doubt there will be multiple hurdles as you progress in your life, but keep it up. God is with you.


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pranati Mohanty
God Bless You Wonder Boy
by pranati Mohanty on Jul 08, 2010 09:57 AM

I am falling short of words what to say now. Rajesh you are a pillar of strength for millions of people. When People have everything still they crib. Hats off to you and your efforts and SUPPORT group you have done a wonderful job. I wish you all the very best for your future.

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Shivanand Prabhu
Prasanna HATS OFF
by Shivanand Prabhu on Jul 08, 2010 09:56 AM


Could you start an forum / blog / a/c in some netwoking site where people with special abilities can be reached, by those who wish to help you guys economically to move ahead in life.

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brijesh dubey
by brijesh dubey on Jul 08, 2010 09:50 AM

The effort's of laxman in developing his ability is owesome,would request to tell me how he did it?

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shantanu banerjee
who calls you disabled?
by shantanu banerjee on Jul 08, 2010 09:49 AM

Can any of the able bodied people do what you have done? Never think of yourself as disabled. You are more capable than the most able bodied people. Rajesh, I pray that you rise high in life and be a source of inspiration to all. May God bless you!

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akhilesh mathur
by akhilesh mathur on Jul 08, 2010 09:49 AM

This is great&God is great who has showered His blessings on this child and the child has proved the same by his hardwork.
Really it is an inspiration.

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by T KRISHNAN on Jul 08, 2010 09:45 AM

Hearty congratulations to you, dear Rajesh, for the fighting spirit and never-say-die attitude. May God give you the strength and opportunities to realise your goal of becoming a psychologist.
And, congratulations to Rediff too for bringing out this story. Reminds me of the other person who you had interviewed in IIT Madras, I think last year, who did not have his legs but yet was able to enter such an institution through sheer hard work. And of the story about Babu,the son of an idli seller in Tamil Nadu who, after completing his studies in IIM, Ahmedabad, had started his own catering business and who continued to live in the old hut where his mother brought him up.
Such stories bring out the better features in our society. I hope rediff will bring out more such articles and less of the cinematic people.

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Sandeep Singh
by Sandeep Singh on Jul 08, 2010 09:44 AM


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