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Kalidas Sawkar
Tradition and conservative attitude
by Kalidas Sawkar on Feb 09, 2010 11:36 AM  | Hide replies

What I see in all these 5 interviews is that the youngsters have been exposed to a variety of opportunities, sans compartmetalizations present in Indians system. The talent has definitely been there, but parents should be given credit, but not the Indian society as such. Nobel laureat Venki Ramkrishnan would never have got it being in India, where he would have been in Physics throughout his life, may be a professor in MS University.

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Re: Tradition and conservative attitude
by Cherry on Feb 09, 2010 11:52 AM
Indian origin Nobel Laureat would have been head of departments of Jharkhand University if they stayed in India with those brains.

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Re: Tradition and conservative attitude
by Cherry on Feb 09, 2010 11:52 AM
Indian origin Nobel Laureat would have been head of departments of Jharkhand University if they stayed in India with those brains.

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Feb 09, 2010 11:04 AM  | Hide replies

what is rediff's and the general obsession with indians abroad.. and these are american citizens too..
why do we forcibly associate anyone successful abroad having indian roots? esp if they are other country citizens as well..
the whole context of this article is wrong..
i expected to read about indian students in india.. not some nri or pio/oci kids..in the US..

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Saurabh Kumar
Re: dsfsd
by Saurabh Kumar on Feb 09, 2010 11:20 AM
Its called rediff's mania to promote megalomania of NRI's and their shit wash.Even if they would go to shit rediff will publish, See what a style???

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SreenivasaRao Ketepalle
Re: dsfsd
by SreenivasaRao Ketepalle on Feb 09, 2010 01:14 PM
It's a way of communicating to this country what is happening to the diaspora. Let them be American citizens, but they dont cease to be of Indian origin.

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SreenivasaRao Ketepalle
Re: dsfsd
by SreenivasaRao Ketepalle on Feb 09, 2010 01:42 PM
It's a way of communicating to this country what is happening to the diaspora. Let them be American citizens, but they dont cease to be of Indian origin.

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Saurabh Kumar
Re: dsfsd
by Saurabh Kumar on Feb 09, 2010 11:20 AM
Its called rediff's mania to promote megalomania of NRI's and their shit wash.Even if they would go to shit rediff will publish, See what a style???

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jishith g
Please write about...
by jishith g on Feb 09, 2010 10:45 AM

These American kids have done a great job....Rediff, please write about bright young scientists from India first...

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jishith g
Please write about...
by jishith g on Feb 09, 2010 10:45 AM

These American kids have done a great job....Rediff, please write about bright young scientists from India first...

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