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Moral Brigade
Today's gals Need broad-minded men for these dresses
by Moral Brigade on Apr 27, 2010 01:59 PM

Gals need BROAD-MINDED MEN these days so they can talk to any guy on trains,buses,in office..roam around with any guy saying "He is my pal !"......and do IT what they want and where they want and with whom they want. So they can wear clothes that would attract unwanted attention even from panwallahs,autowalllahs,and other faaltoo public on the street.

They r scared of NARROW-MINED guy as he will put check on her objectionable dressing sense and activities.A guy who will question their unwanted moves and keeps them under strict supervision.They just dislike the narrow minded guys. HOW TRUE !!

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aja kumar
by aja kumar on Apr 27, 2010 01:18 PM  | Hide replies

thing of beauty is a joy forever, interest fades out when you open the fist, mutti bandh hee rahnedo. if every thing is revealed there is nothing for imagination, so ask them to keep something for ........

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Re: beauty
by Rambabu on Apr 27, 2010 03:35 PM
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever".

But beauty of a female is only skin deep, so it fades with age.

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a z
Re: Re: beauty
by a z on Apr 29, 2010 05:31 PM
well said

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by RAJESH on Apr 27, 2010 12:05 PM  | Hide replies

sheryl chopra u better keep this fish a side in ur hand & let us c the real pic.

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Re: ....
by Kuttappan on Apr 27, 2010 12:22 PM
macchi ke peeche kya hai...

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Bene Izraeli
what does not appear in the pics....
by Bene Izraeli on Apr 27, 2010 11:37 AM

is the amount of efforts in form of exercises and the kind of restrictions on their diet due to which they cant hog on their favorite food! the result is there to see for everyone but seldome anybody thinks how much pain one has to undergo to create and maintain such beautiful shape! cudos to their efforts!

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Mar Thoma
by Mar Thoma on Apr 27, 2010 11:32 AM

sexy - may be for farooq or modi
these both are useless creatures...not all sexy now.

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Whats all this?
by straightlines on Apr 27, 2010 11:29 AM  | Hide replies

Vote the best beauty or figure? What it all nothing but indirectly making females a sort of objects for calibration, tagging and branding? If not an attempt at objectification of the women then what is this?

The people who indulge in these sort of the things first have to take a look at the raising rate of eve teasing, raising crimes and atrocities against women, raising rate of the divorces among married couples etc, etc. For all the later things, viewing women as sexual objects is one of the most prominent causes that is most responsible. India has not yet become matured for the things of this sort.

Even in the West these sorts of things have brought almost their cultural doom and instabilities in their marriage systems. In the west itself they are trying to battle these things where as in India we have started to get increasingly indulged in and aping these undesirable tendencies.

Any way ultimately I am leaving it up to the discretion of the Rediff.

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mohd rahman
Re: Whats all this?
by mohd rahman on Apr 27, 2010 11:41 AM
Very well said,I totally respect your views.
Even i opened this link to look at girls half naked but your words opened my eyes

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sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg
Re: Re: Whats all this?
by sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg on Apr 27, 2010 11:46 AM
what else did it open?

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sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg
Re: Whats all this?
by sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg on Apr 27, 2010 11:36 AM
Yr. observation is okay, dude, but I got I point to counter - that WOMEN (and only women) become objects of desire. Y isn't that MEN too become so. So, its teh society who has to stop being unidirectional or biased or prejudiced... Our approach towrads d whole gender thing has to change, so that there's some balance in d concept of 'gender equality'

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Re: Re: Whats all this?
by straightlines on Apr 27, 2010 01:27 PM
My counter point to your point is : Does a woman’s position in society is only an object of desire for men? What about her role as a mother, as a wife, as a sister, as a sister in law, as a grandmother, as a house maker, as an employee (like a teacher, doctor, as a software professional etc, etc), as a responsible citizen etc etc many and many plethora of positive roles for which she has the rightful right in society and society in turn respects these rightful rights of women with utmost respect?

Now a days this culture of depicting, portraying and popularizing woman as an object of desire in main stream media tools like movies (in a number of them), novels (in a number of them), in papers (with a few exceptions), TV shows (especially in some reality shows), on a sizable number of web sites etc, etc is causing, abetting, encouraging and thus is mainly responsible for the raising rate of eve teasing, raising crimes (like rape, sexual molestation, sexually predatory employees in offices etc, etc) and atrocities against women, raising rate of the divorces among married couples etc, etc. Almost a flood of material depicting this UNIDIRECTIONAL, UNILATERAL and SOLO depiction of woman as an object of desire is being pushed towards Indian males incessantly now days. Even matured guys are getting vexed with this sort of stuff. So many prominent people, including some very honest and responsible politicians, too voiced theirs concern in this regard many times in papers,

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Re: Re: Re: Whats all this?
by straightlines on Apr 27, 2010 01:27 PM
(continuation)...on TV, in public speeches etc, etc. This sort of UNIDIRECTIONAL projection of woman as an object of desire does not promote the concept of gender equality rather it will mostly promote animal and predatory instincts towards women, in men.

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Re: Whats all this?
by Rambabu on Apr 27, 2010 03:47 PM
It is true that aping the west, exposing the skin, objectification and commercialization of female body all lead to direct increase of violence against women. In fact the very attitude with which concepts like size zero are marketed and proliferated objectifies women and their skin. The fairness and appearance of skin based on which women are tagged as attractive and desirable is nothing less than treating them as objects of luxury to be used for gratification of male senses.

But the biggest tragedy is that any attempt to protest these tendencies get the label of "moral police" and will be dubbed as interference in individual freedom. Moreover it will be described as tendencies to suppress and confine women of modern age. "I like freedom and I will ape the western attire" is the slogan promoted here. Modern girls are confused between feminism and emancipation versus aping the west and cultural degradation. Real emancipation lies in gaining economic and financial independence, leading a life of dignity and commanding respect, getting recognized for brains and intellect, not for skin and body curves.

Do not know when society and females realize this.

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sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg
Simply cheap!!!
by sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg on Apr 27, 2010 11:29 AM

This once again goes on to prove that some women have to so heavily rely on their bodies, coz they know that they hardly have any brains or other tangible skills to leave a mark, or leave an impression.
And yes, the media is no less cheap to b wagging its tongue to click them i their strange outfits. I call these outfits strange coz such kindaa stuff r not donned by common people, or even these very ladies on common occassions... Such pics r only illusions nothing else, and these so called 'top models' use such stuff to keep themselves in the news...
Nope - am notta moral police, who wud make a hue n cry bout these ladies or their outfits - its just that I take objection to:
1) the ladies who sport them coz they have no other traits to falunt.
2) the media, for giving such 'no important stuff' such high importance.
3) Those handful men, who find such pics and stuff enticing...

All 3 have to grow up...

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by Ravi on Apr 27, 2010 11:28 AM

vow hot and beauty, how not men go grazy looking these gals?

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sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg
Where's Mayawati??
by sdfgdfsgdfg dfgdfgsdfg on Apr 27, 2010 11:23 AM


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