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Watch out Nano, here comes the Shaastra

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sreerastu shubamastu avignamastu
by vijay on Nov 01, 2009 11:11 PM

sreerastu shubamastu avignamastu!!!
I am a professional mantra chanter(poojari).so if wanna marry the front part and rear part,don't do it without chanting mantras...call me,i'll be there in no time....80 percent discount for students

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Vijay Kurhade
What crap design is that??
by Vijay Kurhade on Nov 01, 2009 11:02 PM

Compared to this crap Tatas Nano looks like an Ferrari.

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Krishnan N
Ego trip
by Krishnan N on Nov 01, 2009 11:00 PM

Rediff must stop fuelling these ego trips and stop living in a "make believe" universe.

There is a big difference between a product and a prototype!

I'm sure if I sit on this contraption, it won't take me anywhere comfortably.

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Niraj Prasad
25 000
by Niraj Prasad on Nov 01, 2009 11:00 PM

the cost is 25 K because it is made of spare engine and parts and it is without a body. if all this is made and upto the test and safety standards the cost would easily escalate 2 lakhs.

i do not want to discourage anybody .. it is a good effort ... we need many many more such teams and innovations.

i am critical only of sensationalizing in reportage. by pitting it against nano, the reporter is just trying to garner eyeballs (or clicks)

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Hariya Teli
Wrong design
by Hariya Teli on Nov 01, 2009 10:50 PM

BTW, how does this 'contraption' move forward. Look closely..the direction of the front wheels is perpendicular to that of the rear wheels.

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Rajan atharvedi
Great Job By IIT-M !
by Rajan atharvedi on Nov 01, 2009 10:49 PM

Its not commentable Job,
Great..! simply Great..!!
Here my Question is- IIT- standard in the Industry as well as in Society.
Point no
1, IIT really does assembling job for Bajaj auto??
2, Is it really useful to society ??
3, Is it Great, Innovative job ??
Juat look at some Three wheel type of auto which is a Rajdooth bike in front and trailer is fitted as Autorickshaw, its running in chennai from long back. this was designed by local-automobile repairers. not from IIT.
4.Funny tale is IIT is going to open Offshore branch and its goal to lead a world. but IIT engineer are doing Assembling job.! and comparing to NANO and its price!!!
5. The Media and writers are fooling the readers by saying Cheap car.can it be cheap car OR cheap bike??
we need IITs for to achieve
1. Innovative, new fuel/ alternate fuel based automobile,
2. Make Hybrid fuel efficient engines,
3. Innovation needed in field of-
low cost vehicles,
low emission OR Zero emission vehicles,
fuel efficient Trucks/HMV's

we don't need autorickshaw assembling Engineers.

(Grower of Veg and Food-grains)

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Shankar D
poor reporting
by Shankar D on Nov 01, 2009 10:41 PM  | Hide replies

otherwise an interesting project

the title and the comparision with nano were done by some clown

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manappattil sreevalsan
Re: poor reporting
by manappattil sreevalsan on Nov 01, 2009 10:53 PM
90% of the stuff on rediff is like this only - pathetic reporting!

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somesh bhardwaj
What the Heck?
by somesh bhardwaj on Nov 01, 2009 10:36 PM

I could not get it? How come rediff even give a space to this kind of jokery?...Nano ..may not be a world class car but it is running on roads...whatever..look at the picture..come on it does not look like a three wheeler forgot the car...joke of the day...sponsored by rediff..

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Rahul Khaitan
What comparisons ??
by Rahul Khaitan on Nov 01, 2009 10:24 PM

Who writes these kinds of articles. To compare an IIT project with a production version car. Please, please upgrade your standards rediff.

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virat v
timepass articles
by virat v on Nov 01, 2009 10:20 PM

thinking of car at 25000. its just a time pass article. but dont compare it with tata nano.
there r many such stories which r heard now n then.

2-3 years back, heard of getting computers at throw away prices of 500. then last year, read of comp at 10000 prices, etc.

unless, the news doesnt come into reality, then it has no value. its just a timepass for readers.

tatas dreamed of cheapest car, n above all, they materialised their dreams n nano came on the roads is the biggest difference between such stories.

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