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Dakshina Murthy
First thing is intellectual liberation.
by Dakshina Murthy on Oct 11, 2009 04:25 PM

Unless our elementary and higher primary schools focus on imparting value-embedded lessons and de-prioritize learning of superficial subjects, the mindset of our grown-up population would continue to be the same at the core. The content of our education system is the culprit. And what are we trying to say and do without addressing the real offender? Anyway, Mr Bagchi, your efforts are laudable.

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manibala kumar
by manibala kumar on Oct 11, 2009 04:22 PM

Does he mean that ohter country men are thorough professionals? Non sense. India is better compared with other countries. This author has a lot of time to write such petty things.

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migtwentyone bis
by migtwentyone bis on Oct 11, 2009 04:21 PM  | Hide replies

Indians are neither competent neither professional.

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afzal ahmed
Re: Ha
by afzal ahmed on Oct 11, 2009 06:30 PM
u r right. the sentence should have been - 'neither competent NOR professional'

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Bhaarat Darshan
Bizarre !
by Bhaarat Darshan on Oct 11, 2009 04:19 PM  | Hide replies

We are living in a country where a teacher is paid to teach our children but she goes on CCL,the Child Care Leave,to teach her own children;not only this she can avail these leaves for any reason even for simply being with her children or to go on a picnic by saying that in this way she is actually providing the much needed moral support & the affectionate care to her children who may be even 18 year old.
The poor students keep on waiting for their subject teahers in the school at the time of exams !
What Mr.Bagchi writes may be correct but here in India Boss is the only right person on this planet.If he wants to spit on you it is his priviledge & professionalism but if you even try to wipe his sputum from your face it is your unprofessionalism,incompetence and boorish behaviour !
Many of these shamelessly selfish,dirtiest opportunist & highly venomous professionals have actually looted this country !
Those who can not write even a small paragraph in Hindi or any other Indian language are working as the person to select announcers in Radio and TV channels.This is just for an example.

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GangaRamu Vasanthakumar
Re: Bizarre !
by GangaRamu Vasanthakumar on Oct 11, 2009 06:37 PM
Agree with you.

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krishna rao
Professionals & Organizational Politics
by krishna rao on Oct 11, 2009 03:59 PM  | Hide replies

In spite of giving your best with sincere intentions, it is very important that we also master the art of managing internal politics, else in a country like India where often the politics takes over the performance. In my own experience in Indian companies I have found that many a times your career growth depends upon whom you are connected, who talks what at the reviews and in the rooms rather than what you do, unfortunately even in the Indian companies who are often labelled as the best companies to work for this is rampant, while all will acknowledge this within their hearts but will never comment on this boldly. I have not read this book, but I will do so, I hope this is also covered.

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SS Kumar
Re: Professionals & Organizational Politics
by SS Kumar on Oct 11, 2009 08:32 PM
Very true. There are just a handful of companies in India that are run professionally. The worst are the Marwari companies where the top man thinks he has bought you over once he has employed you and would ring you up at home even on sunday even- ings on matters that could easily wait until the next day. In such companies whether you are designated a senor VP or an office boy, the respect you get is the same. What a pity one has to put up with such illiterate but monied jute-bags.

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IndiaForce India
Indian acdemics is in hands of idiots and incompetent
by IndiaForce India on Oct 11, 2009 03:05 PM

In India professionla means you have doena PhD.In tecghnical education theoretical guys who never sold a pin teach marketing.There is hardly any representation in acdemic world of technoogy araes even,of hands on professionlas from industry and business.They are not only ignored but have been blocked by foolish rules of UGC ,AICTE and so on.It is time things are changed in interest of stsuydnets and country.No wonder theiretical peopel teach software programming.The only saving grace is medical education in India.So how can you build professionls in India?

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Yes College are worst here
by antipakanticongress on Oct 11, 2009 02:53 PM

There is a college in Surat SCET

All preofessors dont know anything about even programming and they are teaching us how to make a program

Ashish Kharvar
Meeta Parikh

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akshay hudlikar
thank you Mr. Bagchi
by akshay hudlikar on Oct 10, 2009 12:13 AM  | Hide replies

Its so igniting..well i was in search of such a book..thank you so much for the gift

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Re: thank you Mr. Bagchi
by jayantachakravorty on Oct 11, 2009 05:19 PM
Just go throgh the speeches of BARAK OBAMA where he admits that to compete with Indians American children should give more time to study isted giving their maximum time in playing video games. Will anybody tell what is average qualification of average of Americans. I donot think average is more than simple HSLC.

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Ajay Chavan
Faulty education system
by Ajay Chavan on Oct 09, 2009 12:17 PM  | Hide replies

Our education system is not allowing us to develop professionalism in us. from our childhood we are told to by heart our study materials to appear before any exams rather than focussing on presentation skills and developing interpersonnel skill, that is the reason why we are not generating more original thinker in our society.

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suresh kumar
Re: Re: Faulty education system
by suresh kumar on Oct 10, 2009 03:44 AM
Well Said.. I am totally agree with you..

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Ajay Chavan
Re: Re: Re: Faulty education system
by Ajay Chavan on Oct 10, 2009 03:05 PM
this is just an example of what we indian dont have to develop professionalism in us, PPL LIKE U CNT RESPECT GOOD PPL, who r u to jugde subroto bagchi ? bast745, a real mot456fuc596 like u cant understand this thing.

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Ajay Chavan
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Faulty education system
by Ajay Chavan on Oct 13, 2009 10:36 PM
get lost u as45639

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