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Sheer exaggeration
by S S on May 10, 2009 01:34 PM  | Hide replies

It is riduculous and unbeliavable to hear that an employed girl/lady can't afford to take her mother for a dinner. Please don't behave like a fool.

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rishi khurana
Re: Sheer exaggeration
by rishi khurana on May 10, 2009 03:45 PM
Fully agree with SS.............IT'S ABSULUTELY ABSURD to hear that a working lady can't afford to take out her mother for a dinner on the pretext of "Global Recession"..........you dont need to spend thousands of Rupees to offer a nice meal..........you cam manage it in any budget u want.........its a stupid excuse for not wanting to do anything for your loved parents.............cut the crap...........& what happened to rediff........dont they have anything better to publish on their site........they are becoming a laughing stock by endorsing such meaningless opinions.........

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raj kapoor
Re: Re: Sheer exaggeration
by raj kapoor on May 10, 2009 08:32 PM
seriously,, this shows that what kind of a miser u are madam,, one dinner in a year and u are giving a lame excuse of pay cut, I am studying and got a small part time job getting around 3500/Pm,, my gift was the entire sum i got for that month and u are not giving one dinner??????

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Kiran DMello
Message to Maa(how many a's)aaaaaanasi
by Kiran DMello on May 10, 2009 12:55 PM

First of all recession, its a nice word that everyone uses, but probably you used it on a wrong person, I'm sure that when you were young your parents might have provided you with everything ranging from toys - clothes, cutting on their needs and taking your petty ones into consideration. But when its your time I guess, "recession" was always on the cards. Have a great day!!

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bus ho gaya
by V T on May 10, 2009 12:55 PM

..Corporates,bus ho gaya ab recession ka natak!
Our economy is stable now.Many corporates r doin wat is called "beheti ganga me haat dhona"..their co. is doin fine but in the name of recession,job cuts and salary cuts.Employees cannot go against that cos its "recession".
Media,when nothin to report,prints this emotional crap about "recession experiences"
Wake up people,fight..recession is HISTORY for INDIA!

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ab bus ho gaya
by V T on May 10, 2009 12:53 PM

..Corporates,bus ho gaya ab recession ka natak!
Our economy is stable now.Many corporates r doin wat is called "beheti ganga me haat dhona"..their co. is doin fine but in the name of recession,job cuts and salary cuts.Employees cannot go agains

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Kiran DMello
Happy Mothers day
by Kiran DMello on May 10, 2009 12:48 PM

agree that everyday is Mother's day, fathers day et cetera, but we have these special days in the year that is devoted and dedicated to them to keep everyone in prayers. We have an independence day on August 15, so why do we need to celebrate it every August 15, aren't we independent everyday?? Your birthday for instance, you're a living being for 365 days a year so why celebrate and treat your friends on your birthday, its just that, the day is dedicated only for you and no one can make it wrong except you, similarly mother's day is a day dedicated for all mothers, including un-wed mothers keep them all in prayers and celebrate it and make that day special to them.

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What a shame
by adithya on May 10, 2009 12:23 PM  | Hide replies

Money Cannot buy love

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Great Nationalist
Re: What a shame
by Great Nationalist on May 11, 2009 01:00 AM
Yes Money can. Give me the money and i will show you

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Re: What a shame
by V T on May 10, 2009 12:57 PM
wah wah!!!!..ye to mujhe pata hi nahi tha.
Money can definately buy luv, ye typical cliche statements dena band karo.Luv se pet nahi bharta,be practical.

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Inderdeep Singh
What a Shame
by Inderdeep Singh on May 10, 2009 11:41 AM  | Hide replies

It's pretty shameful for the lady mentioned above Ms. Maanasi RK. She should take note of the fact that her parents would have fulfilled her wishes when she was a child even though they might have faced hard times in their respective lives and now she can not afford chocolates and a dinner for her Mom, what a pity.

If she really needs money for giving her Mom chocolates and a dinner, let me know, I'll send her the money so that her mother can celebrate. How much hard the times may get we should always take care of our parents in there old age, the way they used to care for us when we were children.

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Re: What a Shame
by Guest on May 10, 2009 11:13 PM
Very well said ! I completely agree with you. Looks like she played a cheap trick to grab headlines.

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Great Nationalist
Re: Re: What a Shame
by Great Nationalist on May 11, 2009 01:01 AM
May i why you people are meddling in the affairs of others?

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Inderdeep Singh
Re: Re: Re: What a Shame
by Inderdeep Singh on May 11, 2009 09:33 AM
I am just offering her help, and giving her some sense of responsibility

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RedX Red
Really Shameful
by RedX Red on May 10, 2009 11:00 AM

Quotation like 'My Mother's Day plan has been hit by the recession' is really shameful. and that too from a female ??? And for this , thes eyungster says they are "modern" ... she might have the money to go in bangaklore pub, and curse Ram sena

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