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rajani swami
by rajani swami on May 11, 2009 12:01 AM  | Hide replies

Dear young lady this is one of the biggest excuses one can give...you just used one word recession to cover all the affection, care and love given by your mother through out its not acceptable at all...

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Aravind Sujay
Re: Recession
by Aravind Sujay on May 11, 2009 01:06 PM
You are right. Taking Your loved Mummy to a Play and giving some bar with flowers, with good dinner will never cost you more than 1000 INR, wherever u r in India. And ofcourse thats not a big amount now-a-days.
If you could AVIOD YOUR MAKE-UP, u could cover all the cost.

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brahman cat
All relations are illusions
by brahman cat on May 10, 2009 11:34 PM

Mother and father are the purest of relations. Yet even these relations are mere illusions.

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Mani iyer
mother's day
by Mani iyer on May 10, 2009 10:55 PM

we are a joint family of 2 brothers ...our family and our mom.... our children together cooked a great meal 2 day and all 3 mothers and us njoyed the superb lunch that was dished out and served with a lot of love and affection.... cheers to rishi...pooja...priyanka...n jayashree... from prabha....mani...sandhya....mohan....and amma...

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She could have cooked a nice dinner for Mom
by Calspadeaspade on May 10, 2009 10:41 PM

which MOm will appreciate and get her a nice saree. There isno need to spend all your mioney on a flashy restaurant.

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Sougandh Pavithran
Passing the buck
by Sougandh Pavithran on May 10, 2009 09:43 PM

Looks like the generation is all too stingy to just call his or her mother and wish her a happy mother's day even. Probably the generation likes spending more time boozing or partying or on cigarettes. What a generation? Most of the times we simply like to show off the costly cigarettes we smoke or the brand we consume. Looks like the generation owes more to the liquor and cigarette company that their Mother.

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raj kapoor
Madam in pink, miser
by raj kapoor on May 10, 2009 08:33 PM

seriously,, this shows that what kind of a miser u are madam,, one dinner in a year and u are giving a lame excuse of pay cut, I am studying and got a small part time job getting around 3500/Pm,, my gift was the entire sum i got for that month and u are not giving one dinner??????

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