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nikhil nghb
Tell me anothr type
by nikhil nghb on Jul 22, 2009 10:47 AM

I guess they have covered all types...Which makes men irresitable regardless of what type

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LoL... The Considerate Guy...
by Jas on Jul 22, 2009 10:09 AM  | Hide replies

As per the Article - The Considerate Guy.. is considered by the gals.. once she has been through relationships with other guys...


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brahman cat
Re: LoL... The Considerate Guy...
by brahman cat on Jul 23, 2009 09:29 AM
rolling on the floor laughing

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max skinner
by max skinner on Jul 22, 2009 10:07 AM  | Hide replies

Article missed the most important kind of guy - The Billionaire Guy

Having tons of money but very ugly still women flock around you.

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Re: Missing
by netholi on Jul 23, 2009 10:14 AM

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Kachbo Games
by Kachbo Games on Jul 21, 2009 09:18 PM

Did you read the other article on computer geeks being best when it comes to S E X

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Bhasmasur Rakshasa
Free spirited guy is not bad boy......
by Bhasmasur Rakshasa on Jul 21, 2009 07:05 PM

The bad boy syndrome is different...some women call it the "bad a_ss" personality....

Free spirited guys are not tied down by convention or norms...they don't seek societal approval and do exactly what pleases them oir appeals to them.......eg. mountaineers or white water rafters....they spend an entire youth and beyond with such esoteric pursuits..

The "Bad boy" on the other hand, lives life on the edge...has a dangerous streak to him, is cocky and arrogant and never does anything to please women....
In corporate settings such men are extremely dangerous and can go to any extent to get what they want....they are unpredictable, dangerous, dominating and aggressive...they are the ones who get the biggest promotions cos they never hold back.....women are attracted to such men and are turned off by tame, submissive men....

So, there is a difference....Free spirited guy and "bad boy" is totally different....this article needs a relook......

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Loosers in message board
by Ashish on Jul 21, 2009 05:15 PM  | Hide replies

Some frustrated guys like Sweet Orange over here, have tried there luck with a lot of girls, but perhaps because of their lack of personality, and maybe looks, and attitude, girls have been saying no to them. And now they are acting like complete loosers by talking non-sense abt them just because girls refused to go out with them. Im sure if any of the girls whom they hv been referring to as pros-titutes here asks them out, they will run behind her with their toungues wagging like a d-o-g chases a car. Get Real guys, even if Girls want rich guys, whats so wrong with it. We all are working for money only, and if a girl wants her man to be rich so that they have a stable future whats wrong with it? Once u grow up, ull have daughters, wont u wont financially soung guys for them apart from being a good human being?

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Aman Sawant
Re: Loosers in message board
by Aman Sawant on Jul 22, 2009 01:21 AM
The biggest loser is you cos you can't even spell "loser".....and like an illiterate, you have misspelt "loser" as "looser"........that itself says how much progress you have made with women......

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Kalinga Ashok
Re: Loosers in message board
by Kalinga Ashok on Jul 21, 2009 06:55 PM
Hahaha... and those type of girls often get cheated. Your long debate clearly says that its just an objective of girls not the emotion matters for them. Thats why they get kicked out in most of the cases after being used. Am I wrong? No girl is the most beautiful one. A rich guy can use his wealth to change his options... Good.. I will never recommend a guy like that for anyone.

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Bhasmasur Rakshasa
Re: Loosers in message board
by Bhasmasur Rakshasa on Jul 21, 2009 06:59 PM
Just fuxck off from here...don't try to act as if you are some messiah of women...what have you seen Kiddo???

You come across as a tame loser yourself who has never gone around with neone...your lack of experience and bitterness is reflected in your comments....it is clear that no one has ever agreed to a date with you.....

Don't try to come across as a some stud who has seen it all cos you are not....you just a lame a_ss loser like many in these blogs....get lost!!

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Kalinga Ashok
Re: Re: Loosers in message board
by Kalinga Ashok on Jul 21, 2009 07:10 PM
shaant bhasmasur...

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Jeetendra kalan
i think the whole article is written by a old lady..
by Jeetendra kalan on Jul 21, 2009 04:40 PM

i think the whole article is written by a old lady..may be more than 50 years

still remembering her young days

totally out dated...

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