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adibhatla venkatarao
by adibhatla venkatarao on Dec 08, 2009 10:35 AM

I am too a coal miner. Though financialy sound enough, as I am a Mining Engineer. But the quality of education in such places is realy a worry. But people from such area have made it not only to the Civil Servises and IITs but are flying the Prim Ministers planes. Willpower can do any miracle. Bravo

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adibhatla venkatarao
by adibhatla venkatarao on Dec 08, 2009 10:34 AM

I am too a coal miner. Though financialy sound enough, as I am a Mining Engineer. But the quality of education in such places is realy a worry. But people from such area have made it not only to the Civil Servises and IITs but are flying the Prim Ministers planes. Willpower can do any miracle. Bravo

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chetan tomar
goodness never dies...!!!
by chetan tomar on Dec 08, 2009 10:03 AM  | Hide replies

Amit...truely inspiring journey for many others dwelling in remote areas...Hardwork with attitude and patience always pays off .

With all best Wishes...Chetan

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Madhusudan reddy
Re: goodness never dies...!!!
by Madhusudan reddy on Dec 08, 2009 10:17 AM
hats off to you amit..keep it up....u r the fine example for coming generation

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Amit Sinha
Re: goodness never dies...!!!
by Amit Sinha on Dec 09, 2009 11:26 AM
Thank you very much to all my well wishers. i have not got any thing like great success, but just have been able to secure for my existence. May be with all the good wishes I prove worthwhile some day.

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