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syed fazlullah
scalf / Beard
by syed fazlullah on Sep 01, 2009 09:52 AM

It is tradition for Muslims Women to wear Burka and Men to have beard, wats wrong in it, In the name of fasion youngsters follow western style all over, but muslim have them permanently.

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Afraid of Islam's growth?
by indian on Sep 01, 2009 09:43 AM

They are afraid of Islam's growth.Today we have about 55 muslim countries.tommorow more since Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world,thanks to conversions around the world.

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sudha ramdas
burqa in colleges
by sudha ramdas on Sep 01, 2009 09:42 AM  | Hide replies

Why cannt we ban the use of all religious symbols in public institutions. we call ourselves secular. and then competing in exhibiting our religious identities.

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Raj Thankande
Re: burqa in colleges
by Raj Thankande on Sep 01, 2009 09:44 AM
praise the lord.

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Re: Re: burqa in colleges
by KALKI on Sep 01, 2009 09:55 AM
typical new life church recruit:)

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Indian National flag
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 09:41 AM  | Hide replies

The day is not far away, when muslims will refuse to salute the Indian National flag as the Dharma chakra in the centre is Buddhist symbol.

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Re: Indian National flag
by Shashikumar on Sep 01, 2009 10:52 AM
Thats why green colour was introduced in the flag. They will atleast salute to green colour.

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Sita Sawanth
Re: Indian National flag
by Sita Sawanth on Sep 01, 2009 10:08 AM
do you know the meaning of colours in the indian flag if don't know go and learn from school books

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Think Sensibly !
by sanath on Sep 01, 2009 09:32 AM  | Hide replies

I am not arguing for or against any religion, but am curious as to why is it that Muslims, wherever they go to whichever institution, pay more importance to such silly things rather than their education ? Wouldnt that do them more good than arguing and figthing for such things ? Earlier it was a boy who went to court demanding that he be allowed to sport a beard as his religion demands so (ironically the politicians even in Pakistan or Iraq have no beards!), then it was the girl in Chennai who went to court, and now these ppl...are they not wasting their time which could have been used to gain knowledge rather than try to promote their beliefs ? There are colleges run by these so called minorities where they have their rules, and then beyond that they go to other colleges and demand that the rules be changed to suit their beliefs ! I think this is the bane of their society which refuses to break their shackles and choose to remain backward and then demand reservation as they happen to be backward ! Change shud first be in one's mind, and then only can u expect any change from anybody else !

I feel there is a lot of paranoia where anything that is done is looked as an assault on their religion ? Look around u, u have Emran Hashmi, SRK, Shabana Azmi, Javed Akhtar, Mahesh Bhatt (converted) who are celebrities as well who start talking as if they have been victimized and then are forced to eat their words.

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Re: Think Sensibly !
by exposse on Sep 01, 2009 09:42 AM
I am sure,you will agree to my reasnoning.

H1ndu shouldnt spot kumkum in schools,because this is a overt display of religiosity.

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Re: Re: Think Sensibly !
by sanath on Sep 01, 2009 09:47 AM
This is the biggest blooper I keep hearing...I can show u 1000s of girls from other religions who sport a kumkum..kumkum is more of a cosmetic than it has anything to do with religion..in fact, even sindoor is used by girls of other religions as well.

Now if an institution says that kumkum shud not be sported, no person has a right to protest..either u accept the decision or u go to an institution that allows kumkum.

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Re: Re: Think Sensibly !
by sanath on Sep 01, 2009 09:49 AM
One question, in an educational institution what is more important - a head scarf or education ? I would have agreed wholeheartedly if the heading had been that they were denied education because of their religion, but to give importance to head scarf more than education is not wise.

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Re: Re: Re: Think Sensibly !
by sanath on Sep 01, 2009 09:52 AM
Earlier there was a boy who wanted to sport a beard in school as his religion demanded it - now would that mean that our dear ex-president Abdul Kalam is not a proper muslim ? is he respected for his religion or his knowledge ? has his not having a beard affected his stature or the respect that we have for him ? hasnt his education and knowledge given him simplicity and humility that is widely admired by our country men ? Are we not proud of him ?

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Re: Think Sensibly !
by john on Sep 01, 2009 09:35 AM
Well said

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Senso Johnson
They are telling they are not allowed to wear sleeveless
by Senso Johnson on Sep 01, 2009 09:25 AM

They are telling they are not allowed to wear sleeveless. But one Girl is wearing it

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Then Sardars Should be banned from
by mahe on Sep 01, 2009 09:19 AM  | Hide replies

wearing a turban

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Re: Then Sardars Should be banned from
by SHAIKH MAQBOOL on Sep 01, 2009 09:36 AM
Ya, If this is the case i think u r right.

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Vijay Mishra
Re: Re: Then Sardars Should be banned from
by Vijay Mishra on Sep 01, 2009 10:06 AM
your name shows you r not worrid about your education & bacwardness but you r more worried about spiting vemon in indian peacefull socity, throw all like you to pakistan,argue benezir why not she was never wearing burka or question nawaz,mushraf,& current pesident & priminister of pakistan why they r not keeping beards.the people like u r doing this sense less drama in india because they are knowing they will get reward by congis goverments for this useless act.
what happen to entire congress backed electronic media housed why not they r playing this drama & how they had played for manglore pub case.
if we not able to stop them imidiately after some time they will refuse to pray national anthem,because they can only pray alaah.

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