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amit saxena
What is democracy?
by amit saxena on Sep 01, 2009 10:28 AM  | Hide replies

Democracy says you have right to follow your religion. But there is a big responsibility your duty towards nation. You follow your religion at your home but when you are at working place you have to follow their norms.If you are working in a multinational IT company will you wear a burka?
The problem with India is that people are misusing their rights and are not fulfilling their duty towards nation.There is a dress code set by all the companies. It should be started from colleges also.
For example if you are studying MBA you cant wear dhoti kurta and go to meet a client.

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parvez tuy
Re: What is democracy?
by parvez tuy on Sep 05, 2009 02:19 PM
Dear sir, I would like to bring your kind attention about the so-called educated people. Almost all are involved in curruption what right they are using and what they are doing to nation? As far as dress code is concerned, I believe in respect and giving respect. Suppose, if my family ladies are asked to come to college in shorts or in the dress code set by the institution, they are prone to give chance to antisocial elements who are there to misuse this opportunity. It is the thinking of majority of the men to look into the ladies body and get pleasure by seeing their beauty. If you want your family members to be seen and pleasured by other, it is your choice, but if my sister or wife wants herself to keep protected from others, what is the problem in it?

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Re: What is democracy?
by ASHWIN SHANKAR on Sep 02, 2009 02:38 AM
you really need to take your head out of ur hole and look at the bigger world than just your home. Wearing a head scarf is upto her and is her choice as an individual. I work for Verizon and there are plenty of girls wearing hear scarfs and many muslim girls in formals. Many men wear jeans and some wear formals. Who cares, as long as you're not under dressed.

It is my belief that religion is totally man made and religious rules are too were made just to keep people under check and control them so they abided by what the people in power wanted at that time. No God would deny you a place in His kingdom for wearing a headscarf or not. If he did, then he's not a God.
But then again, who am I to intervene in someone else's beliefs? I cannot enforce anyone to believe in what I believe. Live and let live. Wearing a head scarf is not a security threat to our Nation. Why should it bother anyone? If I choose to wear a six pocket trouser to class, why should it bother anyone? I was born in a Hindu family and the one thing i learnt for sure was tolerance for other people's Faith and points of view, I'm so glad for that so I can actually read comments like this and afford a smile at their ignorance.

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Manjunath Srikantiah
Re: Re: What is democracy?
by Manjunath Srikantiah on Sep 05, 2009 01:22 AM
Just look at the tread that it may set.Tomorrow a guy or a girl may say that they would like to wear saffron shawl to college and many more girls or guys follow that tread.The educational instiution would become a place for identifying one's religion rather than a place to get educated,if competing religions are down there to grab religious identifcation rather than study the entire environment becomes polluted and educational aspirations are diluted.The institution has to see whether any such chances exist and allow the student to go ahead,otherwise it can say a strict no to the student,

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Re: What is democracy?
by mahavir on Sep 05, 2009 03:57 PM
y do MNC Drool when any Minister or PM comes in kurta..it is not dress it is the mentlity of us indiams..what wrong in kurta??

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Re: What is democracy?
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:30 AM
to muszlim,Islam comes first .. all these secular face mask they put on is gonna be there only untill they become majority .then -sharia,islamic state -secularism in dustbin

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Re: Re: What is democracy?
by mahavir on Sep 05, 2009 04:00 PM
it is all a big political drama..if a girl wearing shorts is not issue y is she wen she wears scraf

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Re: Re: What is democracy?
by Abcdefg on Sep 01, 2009 11:29 AM

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sati savitri
Cry Baby
by sati savitri on Sep 01, 2009 10:26 AM  | Hide replies

After Emran Hashmi and Shah Rukh, here is one more cry-baby Muslim out to garner "sympathy". If there is a rule to be followed for common good, that must bloody well be followed. This is a government college that has certain guidelines that are common for all students, which were clearly told to all when they applied for admission.

Then why is this girl demanding extra privilege? If she was so particular about wearing a scarf/burqa, she should have enrolled in a Madrasa and not in a Govt college. This is a clear case of using minority status to blackmail more benefits, which is not good for our country.

I strongly feel India is the ONLY COUNTRY where everybody has equality. Like other multi-cultural societies, we also have problem areas, but they are for us to solve and surely not for anyone to exploit to their advantage. This kind of harmful self-pity and bad attitude contributes nothing to India, except to waste our time. We need to tell this girl to grow up and also request the media to stop using this non-issue to get higher TRPs.

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Re: Cry Baby
by ASHWIN SHANKAR on Sep 02, 2009 02:24 AM
you really need to take your head out of ur hole and look at the bigger world that just your home. Wearing a head scarf is upto her.
It is my belief that religion is totally man made and religious rules are too. No God would deny you a place in His kingdom for wearing a headscarf or not. If he did, then he's not a God.
But then again, who am I to intervene in someone else's beliefs? I cannot enforce anyone to believe in what I believe. Live and let live. Wearing a head scarf is not a security threat to our Nation. Why should it bother anyone? If I choose to wear a six pocket trouser to class, why should it bother anyone? I was born in a Hindu family and the one thing i learnt for sure was tolerance for other people's Faith and points of view, I'm so glad for that so I can actually read comments like this and afford a smile at their ignorance

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wizardo id
burqas inside the class indeed has a problem.
by wizardo id on Sep 01, 2009 10:19 AM

how can you see who's come in ? then you have to start having a female staff responsible for checking the student - if its indeed the same person. every day. during exams and other days. if people are religious - they should attend religious schools.

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Ban burqas and head scarf or leave India.
by AMITB joy on Sep 01, 2009 10:13 AM  | Hide replies

go by the rules of insitution or leave the insitutuion, go by law of the land not your personal laws. if these are not possilbe got to your porkistan and get laid their u bicthces.

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Re: Ban burqas and head scarf or leave India.
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:18 AM
totally uncalled aggression by calling some females by derogatory words.

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Re: Re: Ban burqas and head scarf or leave India.
by AMITB joy on Sep 01, 2009 10:42 AM
Mr. Cupid, your name itself says what ur intentions are,a flirt. This issue of Burga and headscraf is unnecessary made a issue by this piiiiiiggggs. just go to gulf and other islamic countries and see what deragatory act women are made to do. the so called mujaras,belly dance and other indecent acts are common their. we just use words but in this places women are made to do derogatory act. stop your double standards. crap.

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Re: Re: Re: Ban burqas and head scarf or leave India.
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:49 AM

i didnt flirt ,as iam not a gay ..lol ..

anyway ,the idea is by stooping to their levels you are relegating yourself to their flithy levels ,which is a sad thing to do .
yes,i do know what is happening in gulf,but you could still put forth your ideas in a more civil way rather than insulting females ?? dont you agree ??

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Ban burqas and head scarf or leave India.
by AMITB joy on Sep 01, 2009 01:10 PM
We have been decent civilised till now in expalining them, which they dont want to understand, so speak to them their language which they easly understand. Yes, I agreed that my language is insulting, indecent but as you all are aware that they dont understand our decent language, a kick in buttt and slap on the face is the language thaught by their maulllah and disrepect to women and usage her as a commodity is what they understand? I am decent, but i cant afford to be decent anymore when my country and other inncoent people are torubled like this with petty issues. IF THEY HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS LIVING IN INDIA,WHY CANT THEY GO TO THEIR COUNTRY PORKISTAN WHERE EVERTHING IS ALLOWED? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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sathish n
Burqua issue
by sathish n on Sep 01, 2009 10:03 AM  | Hide replies

Its so ridiculous.. school or college is a sacred place where everyone is treated as one and that is why a sense of discipline is imposed through uniforms. How can a girl come suddenly with a burqa or headscarf to a college when she was politely asked not to wear it as it was against the rules of an institution. Tomorrow if a terrorist comes with a hidden weapon inside the burqa and kill innocent students who will be responsible ?

First of all why there is a hue and cry when these are raised by only particular community ? why not the issues raised by Hindus is talked about ? It is an open truth that most of the Christian colleges ban girls wearing vermillion (and flower – in South India) , bangles by girls and order them to comb their only in particular fashion. Some schools even ask girls to wear dress above the knee which is very embarrassing for many girls. Why not media least bothered to talk about this ?

What is the SIN the Hindus have made on this earth to undergo torture from their own people ?

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wizardo id
Re: Burqua issue
by wizardo id on Sep 01, 2009 10:21 AM
yeah - good point. well, what do you do in a country where the PM himself assures first right to resources to a paerticular community, because they are the primary vote bank community for that party!

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Ban Indian national flag
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:01 AM  | Hide replies

the Dharma chakra at its centre is of Buddhist origion .

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sita gita
Re: Ban Indian national flag
by sita gita on Sep 01, 2009 10:11 AM
the colours of flag belongs to which community boss

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Re: Re: Ban Indian national flag
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:17 AM
you failed to see the sarcasm in my message .

any way ,i never knew that colors in Indian flag belonged to some particualr community

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wizardo id
Re: Ban Indian national flag
by wizardo id on Sep 01, 2009 10:22 AM
haha, lols - you are ignorant !

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Re: Re: Ban Indian national flag
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:24 AM
care to enlighten ???

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wizardo id
Re: Re: Ban Indian national flag
by wizardo id on Sep 01, 2009 10:23 AM
buddhist symbol does not mean we adopted buddhism as the official tenet

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Re: Re: Re: Ban Indian national flag
by cupid on Sep 01, 2009 10:26 AM

again you failed to see the sarcasm in my msg .iam against all these religions .i mocked on these people who blow up all these trivial issues .

all i meant to say is -the day is not far when muzlims will refuse to salute our national flag as it has a prominent buddhist symbol .remember the commotion we had with vande matarm??

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sati savitri
by sati savitri on Sep 01, 2009 09:58 AM

This is a clear case of using minority status to blackmail more benefits, which is not good for our country. I strongly feel India is the ONLY COUNTRY where everybody has equality. Like other multi-cultural societies, we also have problem areas, but they are for us to solve and surely not for anyone to exploit to their advantage. This kind of harmful self-pity and bad attitude contributes nothing to India, except to waste our time. We need to tell this girl to grow up and also request the media to stop using this non-issue to get higher TRPs.

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Live and Let live
by Hitesh on Sep 01, 2009 09:57 AM

Guys, it is a matter of personal choice whether someone wants to wear a burqa or a turban or wear a tilak on forehead or any such thing... I live in the south and have seen many people applying tilak or vibhuti here and I feel proud to be Hindu...
It is religion which is being followed by the girl and our constitution is free enuff to not ban such things... We shud not impose things on others... If the ban is being imposed then it shud be imposed on all religious symbols... However, few people have correctly raised the issue that muslims shud also be more broad minded in accepting other people's view... Lets be more tolerant towards these things and not make it an issue... We have many more problems in India which need to be focussed on.

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read this.
by KALKI on Sep 01, 2009 09:53 AM  | Hide replies

Excerpts from a petition to Lady Reading, the wife of the then Viceroy of India from Rani of Nilambur[citation needed]

'We, the Hindu women of Malabar of varying ranks and stations in life who have recently been overwhelmed by the tremendous catastrophe known as the Moplah rebellion, take the liberty to supplicate your Ladyship for sympathy and succour.'

Your Ladyship is doubtless aware that though our unhappy district has witnessed many Moplah outbreaks in the course of the last 100 years, the present rebellion is unexampled in its magnitude as well as unprecedented in its ferocity. But it is possible that your Ladyship is not fully appraised of all the horrors and atrocities perpetrated by the fiendish rebels -of the many wells and tanks filled up with the mutilated, but often only half dead bodies of our nearest and dearest ones who refused to abandon the faith of our fathers; of pregnant women cut to pieces and left on the roadsides and in the jungles, with the unborn babies protruding from the mangled corpses; of our innocent and helpless children torn from our arms and done to death before our eyes and of our husbands and fathers tortured, flayed and burnt alive; of our helpless sisters forcibly carried away from the midst of kith and kin and subjected to every shame and outrage which the vile and brutal imagination of these inhuman hellhounds could conceive of; of thousands of our homesteads reduced to circular mounds out of sheer savagery in a wanton spirit of d

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Re: read this.
by KALKI on Sep 01, 2009 09:57 AM
its all good being secular now but they wont be secular when they outnumber us.

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Ramachandra N
Re: read this.
by Ramachandra N on Sep 01, 2009 10:24 AM
That happened because of BastardMuzzies who wanted to convert everybody thinkng that British have left India and the have the right to convert.

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