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Kris Bhat
poor article
by Kris Bhat on Aug 23, 2009 02:41 AM

This is a poor article, telling nothing interesting. Not all the excess calories is stored as FAT. Carbohydrate excess is stored as glycogen. Protein doesnot get converted to FAT. Simple formula is to eat less fatty food, and exercise enough everyday. Running, sports are the best. See, FAT burning is an aerobic process, while Carb is anarobic. ONCE you get the fat accumulated, it is the hardest and last thing to lose. Yes, we need some fat, but not excess.

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Eating several times a day?
by Guest on Aug 23, 2009 02:01 AM  | Hide replies

According to yogic tradition, one shouldn't eat more than three times a day. I have been doing Yoga for the past 2 years. (From my experience) you don't need more than 2/3 meals a day to survive if you are doing sedentary job if you include yoga as part of your life. The lesser you eat the better it is. This is what is my understanding. Eating 6 or 7 times a day can be really damaging. Indian yogis/siddhas have studied about the body, mind and soul to a greater extent than anybody else. So, going by their words and from my own experience I would not take this article seriously. To me it looks like a superficial article without any deep understanding of the mechanics of human body and mind.

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Best way is..
by Pampa on Aug 23, 2009 01:32 AM

to go on hunger strike....

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Thomas Mathew
How intelectually degrading
by Thomas Mathew on Aug 22, 2009 10:53 PM

And a waste of time....

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Mathil Fernandes
Trim Tummy
by Mathil Fernandes on Aug 22, 2009 09:14 PM  | Hide replies

Interesting to note that nowhere in the article is it mentioned to cut off completely junk foods from your diet!
Say no to soft drinks(the worst), high fat dairy products, chocolates and processed foods like biscuits, chips n the regular stuff you see at malls/multiplexes coz of the horrendous amount of saturated fats added for presevation n freshness.
Remember that healthy alternatives are available for all the above food categories like low-fat yoghurt/milk/cheese/butter, dark chocolate (having more cocoa content), etc. Also, check out the Nutritional Information printed onto the packaging of most processed foods.
If you're someone who works your butt off at a gym, you'll probably see the calorie counter and realise what a pain it is to get rid of those unwanted calories as compared to how easy it is to acquire them.

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Kris Bhat
Re: Trim Tummy
by Kris Bhat on Aug 23, 2009 02:43 AM
Wisely said

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Stalin MVS
more fruit = more sugar = diabetis
by Stalin MVS on Aug 22, 2009 08:39 PM  | Hide replies


do your own research

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Mathil Fernandes
Re: more fruit = more sugar = diabetis
by Mathil Fernandes on Aug 22, 2009 09:20 PM
Sugars contained in fruit is called Fructose which is more easily absorbed by the body as compared to artificial sugars which only increases the calorie count. Lower sugars present in strawberries, papayas, oranges, grapefruit,tangerines. Higher sugar content in Mangoes, Bananas, apples.

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Tamil Arasan
Re: more fruit = more sugar = diabetis
by Tamil Arasan on Aug 23, 2009 12:53 AM
Not all fruits are bad...chose right type of food and eat...

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simy sebastian
Re: Re: more fruit = more sugar = diabetis
by simy sebastian on Aug 23, 2009 01:09 PM
can u tell me the right fruits we get in india.

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Prabhas Ghosh
it's all waste without one important thing
by Prabhas Ghosh on Aug 19, 2009 05:33 PM

Workout for minimum 30 minutes a day. Plan to get some brisk exercise for atleast 3 days a week. 1.5-2 litres won't do much..you should make a point to never feel thirsty, so start sipping water every 30-45 minutes. Remember muscles need energy, and high amount of energy comes from fat. So if you burn fat, you get high amount of energy to burn, so pick up a sport, or work out frequently.

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kamia malhar
This is just marketing tricks
by kamia malhar on Aug 18, 2009 12:12 PM  | Hide replies

These articals can not be trusted. your stomach ask that much only whtever is needed. So any time and whenever needed one can eat. One should not go with such maraketing tricks.
This is just making public fool.

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Mital Shah
Re: This is just marketing tricks
by Mital Shah on Aug 18, 2009 07:48 PM
Oh Really?? I think by talking about Marketing here, you are making a fool of yourself. If you were an intelligent person, you would have known that everything mentioned here is very true and not marketing coz Rediff does not sell vegetables, fruits, water etc...All the things mentioned here are our daily intakes. There might just be some modifications here and there...JUST DONT COMMENT FOR THE SAKE OF IT. And also, for your kind information, these work...try it for yourself.

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Kris Bhat
Re: Re: This is just marketing tricks
by Kris Bhat on Aug 23, 2009 02:46 AM
Mital, the author is showing some professionals who spend all their time in the GYM. You need something for a regular JOE. Article is very poor.

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simy sebastian
Re: Re: Re: This is just marketing tricks
by simy sebastian on Aug 23, 2009 01:11 PM
it is worthless reading. just copied from the old articles from various sites and magazines.

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by HITENDRA GANDHI on Aug 18, 2009 12:06 PM  | Hide replies


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Kris Bhat
by Kris Bhat on Aug 23, 2009 02:48 AM
Best way to get it out is not to build that in the first place.

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