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Engg students zero in on the IT sector

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bharat karanth
have u done some thing abt it?
by bharat karanth on Jun 15, 2008 11:25 PM

Agreed - its important to work in a field you are interested in, have trained/ graduated in
- should have language skills be it english, hindi, or any regional language..
- no matter what you do.. u have to work hard, be honest have an aim and be positive.
- the young students should understand these basic facts.

but have you given you feed back to students. My advice.. when you find some time, go back to you college. give a talk on the current economy, job scenario, the future, the good and ugly side of following the horde (which is currently IT).
Tell them what opportunities they have other than IT field. How can they improve their chance of faring well in the industry.

We can keep discussing.. but it wont change a thing till we tell the guys who need it most.
we have chosen our career, IT or other field, good or bad, satisfied or not.. and if you thing what u did was a mistake.. or if you are proud of what you did.. Tell it to the next batches of students..
So my advice.. still is.. talk to the students..
it will hardly take half a day of your year
take a holiday.. they are to be taken .. not to be carried over and encashed..!

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ban arts & science colleges
by SUJATHA KUMAR on Jun 01, 2008 03:05 PM

the govt should ban all arts & science colleges as they are worthless these days - none of them get any job after graduation and waste their energy and parents money doing fit for nothing courses for 3 years. its high time all these colleges were converted to engineering colleges. dear readers please remember - all those who opt for arts & science degrees are doooomed for ever!!!!!!!you will end up beggars...

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jiju vengal
Money not the criteria?!
by jiju vengal on May 30, 2008 09:38 AM

It is surprising to read that IT students are opting for Financial Services and Management Consultancy without the paycheck in mind!!

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alfa male
better be in your field
by alfa male on May 30, 2008 08:40 AM

Studens will have to choose the field inwhich the graduate.Initial period will be tough.But later on they will have idendity.IT jobs in India are going to be outsourced to China & Latin America.Don`t live in illutions.

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why create unnecessary hype - here r facts
by Gr on May 30, 2008 08:32 AM  | Hide replies

Let us put the facts here
Only 8% of colleges come under the "Best engineering colleges"
Maximum of 18-20% colleges in india have campus interviews - ask the graduates they will tell the story.
Only 15% of the placed students get the pay package that you r talking about (10lak etc).

around 40% the remaining engineers are trying to get a decent job which fetches them 10,000.
Rest of engineers struggle to get a decent job for 1-2 years and join some training institutes and end up in jobs which pay 5000.

This is the true fact and the hype of software engineers getting 10lak is media created.

There will be not enough people to support this fact since lot of these engineers are not allowed to use internet so easily.

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ram mohan
RE:why create unnecessary hype - here r facts
by ram mohan on May 30, 2008 09:29 AM
A diploma holder In Civil engineering who only know to take measurments are asking for Rs 25000/- per Month.Four years back Rs 25000/- was the salary paid to Asst.Genral Manager who has 20 years of experiance

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Manoj M
RE:why create unnecessary hype - here r facts
by Manoj M on Jun 01, 2008 03:15 PM
Prices of everything have gone up man. Those lousy houses which we would snigger at buying for 5 lakhs a few years back would be sold for more than 50 lakhs now. Same with a lot of other things. Why are you grudging the 'poor' engineers? Let them have their day under the sun. Not too long back, even an appointment letter for 3000 Rs was cause for cheer.

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Rajendra Nayak
What about other fields?
by Rajendra Nayak on May 30, 2008 07:28 AM  | Hide replies

It is highly appreciated that the best brains go to IT but what will happen to other fields? There will be large number of mediocres in other fields. Like some construction companies are saying that they will have to avail the services of Koreans, Srilankans etc. for construction activities in India. This is because many universities have closed civil engineering departments or very dull students exist who have taken it as a last resort but still want to become engineers.
We talk of merit and standards and again we start agitations against foreign recruits. Some companies will be recruiting Chinese, Bangladeshis and other south east asian personnel for construction activities but they fear that the locals may attack them and the Government of India is not giving any support. These businessmen feel that outsiders are better and do 16 to 18 hours of job on site, finish the project in record time and leave back for their country. They say the outside workforce is far better and finish the projects before schedule. Are we ready to accept this or start an agitation that only Indians should be recruited? This is again interfering in the affairs of a company that you should recruit Indians only.
One businessman was telling me the advantages:
1. The outsiders donot waste their time because family and work is totally different for them unlike Indians.
2. There are no unions and just a contract to finish work. So they work day and night.
3. Perfection of job given.

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ayyasami  krishnamoorthy
RE:What about other fields?
by ayyasami krishnamoorthy on May 30, 2008 11:35 AM
Wonderful answer!! You have analyzed correctly.Keep it up.

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dd roy
IT in cognitive science
by dd roy on May 30, 2008 06:37 AM  | Hide replies

Principles of IT are based on cognitive science theories. IT has wide applications in Cognitive scince improvement. Currently, cognitive sc. is the first priority sector. Students should be aware of it.

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ashutosh gupta
RE:IT in cognitive science
by ashutosh gupta on May 30, 2008 09:24 AM
kindly explain it in more lucid and elaborate manner. thanks

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IndiaForce India
what management consultancy the idiots give?
by IndiaForce India on May 29, 2008 11:58 PM  | Hide replies

every one talks of management consultancy a fancy name? is it like match fixers?what conusltancy a fresher MBA graduate or an engineering graduate can give and to whom and for what?
perplexing ,is not it? Or is it name to some dirty and filthy games played in corporate and dincail fixing world?

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Sriram Rags
RE:what management consultancy the idiots give?
by Sriram Rags on May 30, 2008 01:39 AM
very true

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Steve Andrews
RE:what management consultancy the idiots give?
by Steve Andrews on May 30, 2008 02:50 AM
Trust me Students in college level are the most confused lot( about 80%), They don't know anything where they will go, All they are Alice in wonderland. These firms also run their business conducting such surveys.

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red chillies
Why so surprised or whats so great about
by red chillies on May 29, 2008 11:49 PM

what has taken a research to find is a layman knowledge.....nothing great about it.

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