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India calling: 'I've made my mind'

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Kris iyer
Indian Diaspora - ABCDs and FoBs
by Kris iyer on May 24, 2008 05:10 PM

The Facts: 1. Since the second half of 19th century, Indians were taken to many lands by the British - Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, East Africa, Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad, Surinam, Fiji.
2. Indians voluntarily migrated to Canada, USA, UK and France (many from Pondicherry in TNadu) mostly in the second half of 20th century.
--About Five Million Indians, mostly Hindus, are now the descendants of these early Indian diaspora.
3. Indians in the USA and UK seem to figure in the Indian media more than others for good reasons.
4. Living away from India, changes Indians gradually, but surely. From saying "thank you" or "sorry" or making "small talk" to preferences in terms of work and cultural environments, Indians change. But their basic temperament remains Indian. They love India but worry about the chaotic conditions - that is the only type of news given by the world press, since in Indian press also does the same - they do not get much positive news about India. The third generation Indians in places like SA or Guyana do not wish to live in India. They are out of the India - orbit. They are of no use to India. They never visit India.
5. The Indians in the USA and UK are first-generation Indians, still very aware of India. We should befriend them. They have more money than the 19th century diaspora.
6. Many will increase their contacts with India, if only Indian metros are free from kachda, urine and traffic fumes - if only power and water supply are reliable.

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sonali  chowdhary
Have you forgotten that India was once your country too?
by sonali chowdhary on May 24, 2008 02:19 AM

The narrative looks like comming from a old generation mom who has adopted US as her home country and almost forgotten what it is like to be in India as she says that she is proud that her daughter loves and enjoys "her" country. For me living in US has only made me appreciate the big and small things that India or most developing countries have to offer in terms of relationships, social support and ability to help others, is almost priceless. And I cant see how people are so enchanted with the material aspects of life that US has to offer without appreciating the softer aspects of life that are missing. I beleive that for the immigrant indian american community it is important to encourage and imbibe the core Indian values in their children rather than discourage any interface with India.
Also the author being from a generation who never had the chance to do anything for their country(directly or indirectly) except crib about how bad India is, its a chance to even out by allowing their children to atleast make their small contribution towards making India a better place.

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Suraj Shankla
India is good
by Suraj Shankla on May 24, 2008 12:14 AM  | Hide replies

I have been in US for almost three years now and everyday i wake up i ask myself "Kab waapis jaana hoga apne watan ko?" I know US is a very convenient place to live in and my friends keep telling me that i would not be able to adjust any more there; however how can i get 27 years of living in India out of my viens, it runs in my blood. It would take atmost two weeks to get accustomed to the clamour. Friends argue you would not find this peace over there and I keep telling them "this is not peace, this is graveyard silene, boss yeh shaanti nahin hai; sannatta hai." Recall Swades's lyrics "Mitti ki jo hai khusbu too kaise bulayega...." so true. Thank God for coming to US and my resolve to be in India only got stronger. Helped by my wife's very strong stance; "Bache apne desh main hi karenge...."

People who talk about inconveniences back at home have a point however they have to do something about it rather than babble about it. If your mother has a leper would you despise her, leave her.
India is good.

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Avaneesh Kaushik
RE:India is good
by Avaneesh Kaushik on Jul 05, 2008 01:06 PM

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Avaneesh Kaushik
RE:India is good
by Avaneesh Kaushik on Jul 05, 2008 01:14 PM

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Avaneesh Kaushik
RE:India is good
by Avaneesh Kaushik on Jul 05, 2008 01:16 PM
Sooraj, I am not able to send you message through orkut. I don't know why.

Send me a mail at kaushikack@gmail.com
Mobile 09780195711

Luv kaushik

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RE:India is good
by samy on May 24, 2008 01:56 AM
I hate ba*ds who say this. When ever you wake up and feed bad, you can go back to India, unless you commited a crime and put in a jail. So why do you crib.

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watch for the positive in the negative...
by eagle on May 23, 2008 06:36 PM  | Hide replies

Electrons are negative but help us in a positive way.. in the same way... what the writer is saying is India is still nuturing nature in our way of life... we do not sacrifice nature to a artificial life of keeping clean or make it so tough for everyone to come on time go on time to learn things. we enjoy our studies. even though we are casual about things. Everything gets done. We learn we have keep ourselves a part of nature.

I like the way the writer has made me realize again how precious my country is.

I'm living in the US. But miss India a lot.

Yeah yeah, there are some guy wao will comment now.. why dont you work for your country.. Does it matter... as long as I educate people in US that INDIA is a country with a moral culture, and attitude. I'm still doing it for INDIA. Hope people who are in INDIA are doing the job they have to do with "our nation" in their hearts.

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hanumantha g
RE:watch for the positive in the negative...
by hanumantha g on May 24, 2008 12:21 AM
Cool.. Awesome i really like ur view point this is Rahul From Garden City & u can mail me # rahul3555@rediffmail.com.

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Dhruba Chakravarti
the point is...
by Dhruba Chakravarti on May 23, 2008 02:24 PM  | Hide replies

that we in India are expected to move up as a society. The world outside is waiting for us to clean up our acts, and clean up our country. If we can manage to do that, they will all come and make glowing remarks about us.

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Hemal Patel
RE:the point is...
by Hemal Patel on May 23, 2008 08:53 PM
Very well said

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Ganpat Rai
I'm confused
by Ganpat Rai on May 23, 2008 02:21 PM  | Hide replies

Is she praising India or mocking India?

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RE:I'm confused
by old on May 23, 2008 03:08 PM
fools like u are always and will always remain confused. u dont do any good and dont appreciate good done by others. mr ganpat take a break. have kit kat.

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Good Will
RE:RE:I'm confused
by Good Will on May 23, 2008 03:22 PM
Right said Mr Old, Ganpat People like you will always find faults in other ones..

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Ganpat Rai
RE:I'm confused
by Ganpat Rai on May 23, 2008 05:17 PM
excellent comments from "old" and "Good Will". However, you haven't answered my question, you morons.

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Ganpat Rai
RE:RE:I'm confused
by Ganpat Rai on May 23, 2008 05:29 PM
Oh, I definitely appreciate the good job you're doing in these forums. Exactly how "old" are you, my friend?

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atish nadkarni
RE:I'm confused
by atish nadkarni on May 23, 2008 11:21 PM
She is praising her daughter! Period.

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Good Will
RE:I'm confused
by Good Will on May 23, 2008 03:21 PM
She is obviously stating the facts in India. You will have to take it as you like it. As far as I am concerned she had lots of Good things to say.

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Ganpat Rai
RE:I'm confused
by Ganpat Rai on May 23, 2008 05:27 PM
Again, you seem to have assumed that my intent was to criticize the author. You haven't answered the question.

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Good Will
RE:Its really shameful
by Good Will on May 23, 2008 03:23 PM
How can such things about girls of any religion. I am not a Bengali but what proof do you to say such disgusting words to anyone

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RE:Its really shameful
by Vas on May 23, 2008 05:27 PM
"Bengali' is a religion? WOW, good to know that. Personally, I always regarded those guys as 'dumb marxists' who'll rush and pant to marry a white at a drop of hat.

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pradeep sharma
RE:Its really shameful
by pradeep sharma on May 23, 2008 04:31 PM
Aman are you frustrated because some bengali girl ditched you? Poor chap.

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RE:Its really shameful
by eagle on May 23, 2008 06:39 PM

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RE:Its really shameful
by aman on May 23, 2008 02:10 PM
sorry it is ...people who are not allegiance towards their spouse, how can they will show respect for their country........

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Good Will
RE:Its really shameful
by Good Will on May 23, 2008 03:20 PM
Some people are talking good about India and you still want to find fault in it. Accept that in India there no proper roads, no proper hygiene in certain areas. Only thing we can do better is to make out country as one better place for everyone to live in it.

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Madan Sawant
Indians are indians
by Madan Sawant on May 23, 2008 12:59 PM  | Hide replies

Its true that people love to shit around our country and clean up the others....when most of indians live in india...they spit anywhere where they want...but when they go to US there they keep clean and talks about cleanliness......but atleast people miss there places.....irrespective its US or Heaven....i am sure people will be missing there hometown ones they even go to heaven....."grass is always greener on other side guys".....about Mrs Bannerji...its quiet obvious feeling of once mom to be so caring about her kids....about place like india where dirt or monkeys on road..that common and we are infact accustome to it...being in S,korea some time i miss those Red colored spits on the road which people spit after eating "PAN"...Its like every country have its own "odour"....many of them feel India have some dirty smell...but thats the smell which we like when we go back to our home...and about changing this attitude our system to say...remind those dialogue of RDB " koi bhi Desh Acha nahi hota, ussa acha banaya jata hai".....so its depends on us to whether we want to stay there or want to grow. One thing which every one should remember....inspite of so many disadvantages in our country like corruption, bad system....our GDP is ranking 3rd....just imagine if there is no corruption our system is good...than that day is no longer where india will be Super Economic power. JAI HIND

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RE:Indians are indians
by eagle on May 23, 2008 06:46 PM
Hello, dont pull everyone inside. My parents, My school in mysore taught me to keep my suroundings clean.. I have always dont it where ever I go. Not just in US I never spit or threw waste outside in India. Keeping your surrounding clean is something you have to teach others by being a example. Teach little children to be clean that way your future will be strong. And grass surely is greener in US becouse they maintain their lawns. And will be arrested if they dont water their lawns.

Dont just talk what others have been drumming for a long time. go learn more about other countries cultures too.

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RE:RE:Indians are indians
by Krammer on May 23, 2008 06:47 PM
What kind of MORON are you to like the PAN smell..most disgusting habit

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Puneet Avuru
What is so great abt this article
by Puneet Avuru on May 23, 2008 12:50 PM  | Hide replies

"Ruby Banerjea, mother of Sreoshy, 17 and Urvashi"

The writer name clearly indicates that she is an India who must have married and then immigrated to India or one who should have gone there for jobs..

Intially when I read I thought she was a complete stranger to India as she had mentioned abt roads,mosquitoes etc..

It makes me sick when indians act as if they are unaware of india

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Good Will
RE:What is so great abt this article
by Good Will on May 23, 2008 03:30 PM
May be she must have heard the things from the people who have visited India.

Many American women ask me, that they have other American women travelled in India and while they were travelling in the train many Indian guys come up to them and ask for sex with them. They ask me are all the Indian mens are like that. I have no answer, cause I know that is true, some guys must have!!!!!

News like this get spread and people start saying about it, even if you are not the first one to experience that..

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RE:What is so great abt this article
by Vas on May 23, 2008 05:34 PM
Oi Good will, you sound like some obscure white guy very eager to talk about India. I'm sure NO Indian girl would have asked to have sex with you, for sure! Some white women - maybe! But then, the whites that Indian men typically marry are not too picky - most are poverty stricken and desperate, and more than happy to milk dry an Indian man with inferiority complex.

Just like one Indian man belonging to a 'famous' Indian family.

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RE:What is so great abt this article
by eagle on May 23, 2008 06:50 PM
Yeah truth is always bitter. Leran to accept it. Just becouse you close your eyes does not mean world does not exist. Its not that men in other countries dont do it. Its the same everywhere. But atleast they flirt first before approaching. not go to some tourist and say will you have sex.

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RE:What is so great abt this article
by Vas on May 24, 2008 01:01 AM
Nope, my eyes are wide open, and I still don't see it. Perhaps its more obvious to the Pakis living in India.

And you think in Italy, they flirt first before pinching a woman's bottom? Dude, you need to get around the world before you judge India, and assume, from watching Hollllywoood trash that all white land is the same and phuntastic...

No wonder one Italian lady 'prefers' staying in India. She probably got tired of having a sore bottom constantly from having it pinched and wacked by Italian men walking past.

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