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Are you happy with your appraisal?

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shivajirao B
by shivajirao B on May 22, 2008 12:27 PM


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Rekha Harthik
hai !
by Rekha Harthik on May 22, 2008 12:19 PM  | Hide replies

I work with a Govt office. I am due fr promotion having completed the period twice that of what is minimum.But a couple of over jealous Sr. colleagues in the establishment section are sitting on my file and not forwarding same to Superior officers fr orders so that my case is through & I get my orders.Previously the file went half way & got clearance from Finance section , now thes epeople have to proces it further to get clearance from superiors for giving me orders. But inspite of my several request pleadings to them, nothing has materialised.They are not paying my salary from their pocket, still..they do not wish that I get my promotion, though my job is independent & nothing to do with them. One of my superior officer when I compalined against their attitude/inaction she said while she is getting transferred that they are doing it wantedly (?)reasons unknown.

I suspect they want money..fr doing this favour to me.Is it a favour? really? it is something I have earned through hardwork fr years, it is my right.In Govt. nothing moves unless a bribe is made. It is really very sad...I don't know what to do...I can't bribe just becos thay want it...even if it is my own case...it looks very hopeless...what can I do? It is causing me my people unending agony..demoralising..I hate this entire machinery of Govt. fr what state it is in now...all (90%) take bribe & do work...no bribe no work...files won't move...who is responsible fr this state of affairs? what is the solutin to m

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shivajirao B
RE:RE:hai !
by shivajirao B on May 22, 2008 12:31 PM
change your name to Rekha sharma, or Rekha shukla, or Rekha mishra & see the differrence. Then you need not have to work also. They will give you without asking

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shubhankar sharma
RE:RE:RE:hai !
by shubhankar sharma on May 22, 2008 12:45 PM
shivaji rao,
which world are u living in? I am sure u are an OBC.I wish I was born an OBC. Maximum power and maximum money. I would have become a gundalike OBC politicians and screwed everyone's happiness....
so before writing idiotic posts check ur facts.

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RE:hai !
by Shyam on May 22, 2008 01:14 PM
In Government setup there is a hierarchy in each office. Identify the competent authority to give you promotion / benefit etc. and put up a self explanatory soft worded petition to him for action. Give around a month time and give a reminder with copy to his next boss (who is your Appellate authority)and give one more month time. If nothing comes up, file a complaint before the CAT for orders. Obtain and keep records of acknowledgement with you. Procure copies of all relevent supporting documents before approaching CAT. The matter will automatically move. In Government no one can harass anybody for long since all senior officers are transferred regularly. If lower level officials are playing mischief, getting their seats changed is the best way if you can do that. You may have to spend some money and time for the exercise and also patience. If you are among those who think that if anyway money has to be spent for CAT or to bribe and bribing is easier, then God help you! Have a fighting spirit and you will certainly win. All the Best.

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Hanumant Deshmukh
RE:hai !
by Hanumant Deshmukh on May 22, 2008 12:30 PM
File an RTI application. In the application, ask on which desk/office has file spent how much time. Ask which officer has taken how much time/days on your file.
It will cost you only 10 rs for this application but will do wonders for your promotino. Do google on RTI india for procedural details.

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RE:hai !
by dddelhi on May 22, 2008 12:50 PM
and please ask in RTI that 1. what action/punishment is there if they do not froward your file in a defined time frame.
2. If this is delayed and action/punishment is there, why this is not taken yet?

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RE:hai !
by Kamal on May 22, 2008 12:39 PM
Best advise one could get !

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RE:hai !
by Chanakya on May 22, 2008 12:36 PM
Dear Rekha...for once, let us believe that you are an Indian Government staff... The various questions asked in your comment are very often asked by the common to the government employee every time he approaches for any work, approval, sanction, etc. Now you need to answer those questions ? do you have an answer... when it comes to you, you raise these qustions... just think about the plight of 150 crores of common man suffering at the currupt government staff.

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bapi kar
RE:RE:hai !
by bapi kar on May 22, 2008 12:58 PM
You are right Chanakya!!!
Govt employees should have no right to cry in crocs fashion!!!

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RE:RE:hai !
by Shyam on May 22, 2008 01:16 PM
Don't try to find solace in others problems.

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RE:hai !
by rna on May 22, 2008 12:29 PM
Rekha...Comment on govt. officials regarding promotions is just like understanding WOMEN.....
sad part is, u cant even put up ur paper, they will easily accept it!

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Suresh S
by Suresh S on May 22, 2008 12:18 PM  | Hide replies

I am working in Mumbai for the largest IT services/consulting company in Europe. I have just got a meager 5% hike for 6 months appraisal period, though I have got good rating during the performance review process.

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kalyanaraman s.
by kalyanaraman s. on May 22, 2008 01:46 PM
can you quantify the money ? 5% raise on 50 lakhs is hell of a lot of money !!!

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atul verma
by atul verma on May 22, 2008 12:27 PM
you are working in capgemini for sure,
i left cap because of the same reason

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gopal patel
by gopal patel on May 22, 2008 12:44 PM
Capgemini.... 6 months... 5% is n excellent hike dude..... I left (Kanbay: acquired by Capgemini now...)it a year back and am happy for the same......... though i must tell u some good performer frnds of mine got 7% hike even after a promotion........... u must throw a party and call up all CG employees to that......... they have done u a gr8 favor[:P]

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by iron on May 22, 2008 12:27 PM
You and I seem to be from same company ;)

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Feu Ado
by Feu Ado on May 22, 2008 12:39 PM
thank heavens....i am happy they couldnt afford me or else i wouldnt afford mumbai!!:D

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sahul hameed
Ur skills
by sahul hameed on May 22, 2008 12:06 PM

Many organizations wont realize ur skills and presence at the time of appraisal, but they do realize when u throw ur papers, it is not applicable for all concerns but majority

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avinash gaikwad
changed the job
by avinash gaikwad on May 22, 2008 10:38 AM  | Hide replies

i got 20% hike though i given 200% of my best..and i have 2-3 offers in hand..so when iam about to putting down papers my manager told me we'll hike your salery but then i feel its not the way to hike salery sand i resigned from my current company i want hike on my performance not the way they are giving ..pls tell me am i tuk rite atep or wrong

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RE:changed the job
by Adobe on May 22, 2008 12:03 PM
Start your own company?

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RE:changed the job
by Shyam on May 22, 2008 12:05 PM
You did just the right thing. Firstly, skill and hardwork should be recognised and rewarded. Secondly, if they are hiking your salary just because you are leaving, it means they need somebody like you on hand immediately and can pay more; that also means once they get another guy they will show you the way out, and that may well be at a time when you don't have offers on hand. So one cannot rely on such management. Thirdly, there is no point in working in a place with dissatisfaction. We should not stay where we cannot put our heart and soul in. You did the best thing. Hope you would get the right treatment in your new job.

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Suyash Tambe
RE:changed the job
by Suyash Tambe on May 22, 2008 12:33 PM
Hi Avinash
Let me explain you the process of appraisal. See for any organization be it MNC or local comanay a budget is decided for the appraisal. The comapny gives hike according to that budget. Once the appaisal is done aand grading is given to everyone,the noramalization of grading is done.This is done so that everyboday gets the salary hike. then on the basis of the noramalization the salary hike is decided for everyone on prorata basis.
And secondly I feel your decision is right

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Varun Mishra
RE:changed the job
by Varun Mishra on May 22, 2008 12:24 PM
I think that in the end only thing that matters is the result. Have you achieved your target or not. Even if you do a job switch then next year same thing can happen to you. This time a new employer or a new manager will do it. So get the raise and do not worry about morals and ethics since appraisals and hikes are not performance oriented they depend upon the business requirement and your future importance.

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Naresh Lodha
RE:changed the job
by Naresh Lodha on May 22, 2008 12:43 PM
Mr avinash gaikwad
There are many factors on which your decision needs to be evaluated - how much satisfied you were with the present job, your relation with your superior and juniors, how you can say that the performance which you have given was 200% of your ability is there no chance of improvising further on the your performance, how many years you have put in with your present job,how much increase you should have got.

Before putting down your papers you should talk with your manager and ask for the reason for such increase and if still you are not satisfied then you should quit. But you should analyse the above mentioned factors keeping in mind your job profile, working conditions in future assignment.

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RE:changed the job
by Junglee on May 22, 2008 12:13 PM
How do you know that you have given 200%. One key thing you must always yopurself is that self appraisal can never be taken for granted. In most cases they are only guidelines for your superior to gauge you and your outlook. 20% is a good raise and very few employees get that level of hike.

Coming to your point of your manager offering you more hike when you wanted to resign, is is common practice everywhere. In almost all cases, this issue also becomes an additiopnal outside appraisal of your performance. If the employee is good the management generally offers higher salaries. You should ignore these pinpricks and decide your future based on the outlook and performance of the Company and your immediate manager. Getting carried away by emotions do not help in real life. Since you have already resigned, best of luck.

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RE:changed the job
by Indian on May 22, 2008 12:21 PM
Avinash... Remember that, the managers have pressures from higher management to cut down on cost. So though u worked hard and good.. they will still try to find some lack and try to cut down on your hike. No company will religously give you hike based on your performance. Its always based on negociations. So keep your ego aside and stick to the company.

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debashis mondal
RE:changed the job
by debashis mondal on May 22, 2008 12:53 PM
Okay Guys, Let me narrate a story to you. I am an M.B.A with an experience of over 8 years. I am presently working with a logistic company as Area Manager and looking after a total Zone. I am associated with this organisation for the last 1 year 4 months. During this time i have increased the business figure of this zone miraculously by around 5 times. Right now we are the topper in terms of business among all others in the trait, throughout the zone. Two years back we were among the "Last Benchers". Apart from that i have brought the entire zone in a perfect shape in all other departments too. But very remorsely, i mention i have not got a single paisa hike till date. Moreover our employers are adopting tactics to demean me all the time. Now what do you suggest Avinash??

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RE:RE:changed the job
by Chanakya on May 22, 2008 12:19 PM
because his 200% effort is worth a 20% increase..management did the right thing.(he will be afresh in the new company and will have to put in 800% efforts to establish his merits), by losing his seniority, experience on job etc. in the organisation whether he throw his papers

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RE:changed the job
by SAUROV THAKUR on May 22, 2008 12:34 PM
I had this principal some months back and was in the hope that ultimately I shall be rewarded. But time goes by and I was the only person left with min pay. Then somebody told me "If u cannot change the sytem be a Part of the System"....Now today I am a happy person as I became a part of that system....so why not u...?

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rajju bisen
RE:changed the job
by rajju bisen on May 22, 2008 12:06 PM
who is going to evaluate your performance your manager right and if you think you did not get what u suppose to then do one to one with your manager but leaving the organization is not a solution b'coz it happens everywhere how many job you will change? some times u need to do this kind of exercise also.

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sahul hameed
RE:changed the job
by sahul hameed on May 22, 2008 12:10 PM
Ur boss and ur parents is not in our decision, i heard this from senors, but personally i had a experience management wont take the complaints seriously when it comes any managers, they usually afford to loose the guys rather than managers, dont know why?, but most of the immediate managers i encountered are not skilled

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avinash gaikwad
RE:RE:changed the job
by avinash gaikwad on May 22, 2008 12:10 PM
thanks guys but i took decision to change job and i already putdwon papers ..ur advice will help me in future...

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RE:changed the job
by Chanakya on May 22, 2008 12:17 PM
after taking a decision, don't ask whether it is right or wrong...decision taken and matter over. Next time ask me before you take a decision..okay?

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Anuj Goyal
RE:changed the job
by Anuj Goyal on May 22, 2008 12:49 PM
If you say you are leaving and then stay just for money or hike you may be hitting your possible promotions ans management would think you are just staying because of money. Imagine me after working for 7 months i am gonna get only 3% appraisal, but the problem i do not want to argue as i do not want to spoil my CV.

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kalyanaraman s.
RE:changed the job
by kalyanaraman s. on May 22, 2008 01:55 PM
first of all, your 200% of my best may not be good enough ! i remember one of my interviewers telling me, when i said "I will do my best", "your bets may not be good enough" !!

secondly, we are not saints who would honestly do a self-appraisal. i have not seen anyone, who has appraised his/her performance truthfully. lack of quantification makes this difficult.

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RE:changed the job
by rna on May 22, 2008 11:59 AM
This is the way of gatting appraisal...Dont count your ego in between...Appraisal will never be a performance based..continue with the same org, it will create more impact on ur cv..

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avinash gaikwad
RE:changed the job
by avinash gaikwad on May 22, 2008 12:05 PM
then on what basis appraisal would be done..

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vijay singh
RE:changed the job
by vijay singh on May 22, 2008 12:15 PM
Thats one way of giving increment it seems.. let one resign if not satisified and then offer increment..Else there may be dissatisfaction among others for more increment to one guy.. Well this is only one possibility..Otherwise the increment offered after resignation can be a late realization of one's contribution.. or it can be just to save some overhead expenses..till one resigns..You know better what u want in life..Usually salaries are based on market rate only not performance based...

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HR people plagiarise ratings
by happyonline on May 20, 2008 11:28 PM  | Hide replies

there is research to show that HR people themselves are not happy with their own appraisals ?!!!!!

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RE:HR people plagiarise ratings
by Chanakya on May 22, 2008 12:21 PM
HR people in any case does not depend on the salary they get... their income depends on the headhunting agency with which they deal vis a vis attition in the organisation. A good networking with HR people of other companies is a bonus as far as rotation of employees is concerned...

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Anuj Goyal
RE:HR people plagiarise ratings
by Anuj Goyal on May 22, 2008 12:51 PM
anyways Indian HR is the most irresponsible bunch of people it hardly matters to them

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vinay singh
appraisal, does it affect u!
by vinay singh on May 20, 2008 10:19 PM  | Hide replies

it is strange that in era of foreign players in indian market, it is still a case of exploitation. it is also very strange that we indians feel proud that foreign MNCs are flocking our cities. it is just that we indians are educated but undemanding, submissive people mostly. we can be exploited for cheap labor & that is what makes us lucrative. similar jobs in US or UK pay much much more than in india. what is a dream salary to us is actually a poor man's pay for them. we are not looked upon in the same way as foreigner workers are. foreigners work barely 37.5 hours a week. is that so in india? these very companies are forced to be employee friendly when it comes to europe & US but in india they want employees to work till nine in the night!
tall claims of high GDP growth is all meaningless if the life of a common indian is shameful. we have no infrastructure, no transport facilities, no roads nothing. we do not even have self respect or policies that save people from such blood sucking so called MNCs. We will never truly be respected by others till we show we have a spine of our own. Let MNCs work on similar terms as everywhere else (pay & work hours wise) & then we will see we are not wanted anymore

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kamal sanghvi
RE:appraisal, does it affect u!
by kamal sanghvi on May 22, 2008 12:09 PM
Better join the system to improve all those things what you want, be a part of the system and then start the changes you want. Lets stop blaming the govt. for not giving us what we want, ultimatley we have selected them as our leaders. Lets be a part of the system and then rectify the same for our better future.

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Arpit Kapadia
RE:appraisal, does it affect u!
by Arpit Kapadia on May 22, 2008 12:15 PM
I agreed wht vinay has said.......

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pradip verma
RE:appraisal, does it affect u!
by pradip verma on May 22, 2008 12:17 PM
Absolutely right...what you said makes sense...the biggest jokers of the show are the Bosses sitting on our head....they never bother to understand that they are the most exploited

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Smart Fool
appraisals are lies...
by Smart Fool on May 20, 2008 09:35 PM

Appraisals are just a bunch of lies put together and the boss and the employee sit together to discuss who is a better lier.

It doesn't matter whether one does work or not. All that matters is that the immediate manager/boss/supervisor of the employee to like him/her to get a good appraisal and a good hike.

All bosses know only one thing, divide and rule.

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RE:Big Appraisal
by User on May 20, 2008 04:43 PM

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HariOm Chawla
Appraisals should be thought about
by HariOm Chawla on May 20, 2008 03:22 PM  | Hide replies

I think we should not consciously woory about appraisals. We should do our karma and not think about rewads. Rewards would definitely come - as a logical outcome. But if we too much worry about the results, we miss our goal. Our goal should be the work in our chosen field and not the money or annual increments.

Money should alwayys be by-product of our actions. It cannot be our dirct goal. The really successful and rich persons in life have not directly cared about rewards. They chose their one passion in life and endeavoured tirelessly towards the same. All good things in life come from persons for whom money was the by-product, not the direct goal.

As an eample, the best and the most profitable films are made by persons who really have to say something, have a passion for some subject and want to communicate. Bad films are made by perons whose sole aim is to earn money (and they fail to earn even that).

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RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by taatparya on May 20, 2008 04:17 PM
I totally agree with your thoughts Mr. Chawla....very well sald.

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Jedi Knight
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by Jedi Knight on May 22, 2008 10:14 AM
Mr. Chawla, Appreciate your perspective. But I feel you're thinking of an ideal situation where all's well everywhere and people are content. But it's far from the truth. The fact of the matter is that people are NOT content, neither will they ever be.

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v amar chand
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by v amar chand on May 22, 2008 12:30 PM
Well said.

by Amarchand V

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Truth Prevails
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by Truth Prevails on May 20, 2008 03:32 PM
Hello HariOM,

Deciding to Think about money depends on what is your position in the organisation.

If you are an employer, you should not think about rewards.

But if you are an employee, you should think about money as you are controlled by employer.

or atleast think about moving away from the employer.

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RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by dddelhi on May 20, 2008 03:26 PM
paisa paisa baba paisa!!
paisa faink tamasha daikh...
i do not know that how can you deliever such a good speech on karma without having any money in your pocket!!

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RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by Abhishek on May 22, 2008 12:55 PM
Dear Hari om ..
Guru ji .. You have openened my eyes..
I think you are a manager in some xyz company..and already getting a hefty amount of money as a salary so why to worry ......When I will become a manger I will start thinking of Karma same as you...

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HariOm Chawla
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by HariOm Chawla on May 23, 2008 02:30 PM
Dear Abhishek, you don't have to be rich to know the meaning of karma. I hve a firm conviction that money is only a by-product of our efforts to achieve something higher. If we endeavour to make money as our goal and try to earn directly, it would be a sheer wastage - we won't get any satisfaction.

The fact is that during the last few years, Indian have become too much materialist. There ins no difference between a crorepati and a pauper. One is trying to earn is 100th crore, the other is trying to get his first crore. That is why we have not made any worthwhile original contribution in any field - art, literature, science, sports, films, TV serials and shows, even in spirtual domain. In all these fields we are just trying formulas to make money, not to create anything original.

We should work whole heartedly towards our chosen goal. Money will come automatically as a by-product. A persons who works more than he get,would soom be getting more than he works.

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RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by shyam on May 22, 2008 12:46 PM
You are talking like you are an employer your self. "Karm kar, phal ki ichha na kar. phal to milega aaj nahi to kal" But my question is "yeh kal kab ayega" after retirement or after death....

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RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by bhai on May 20, 2008 08:00 PM
I believe my karma is to earn money... so the by-product/reward of my karma is also money! that's a win-win situation!!! hahahah

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vynie ann
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by vynie ann on May 21, 2008 06:36 AM
Hi Mr.Chawla
I respect ur ideology of Karma as the ultimate truth. But the organization u r working for is least interested in it's employee's karma. U can't possibly wait for the company to increase ur salary when u have additional responsibilities. Not fulfilling them will no doubt affect our karma. At times money is a priority to meet family needs and sticking with a company which is not financially lucrative is gonna make matters worse........ultimately leading to bad karma.For some reason I believe that we have a passive attitude which makes us more susceptible to exploitation. Employess doing meagre jobs in other countries get more salary than those same employees in India.Why.......karma or exploitation?

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iam indian
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by iam indian on May 22, 2008 12:14 PM
om shanti shanti.....
do social work tirelessly then see wht u get as by product.

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Suresh  T
RE:Appraisals should be thought about
by Suresh T on May 22, 2008 12:09 PM
'karma' is not meaningful in this context.
We are not doing charity.
You can be satisfied with your karma, a few years down the line, the person with bad karma will be earning more than you.
U will still be happy, but your spouse, relatives, and all around you would be cribbing and you end up feeling sad for your karmas
If its only karma, don't work for a private company.

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