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Ayan Roy
stupid reactions
by Ayan Roy on May 13, 2008 04:40 PM  | Hide replies

I see many stupid reactions defending the airline for its incompetence.

I agree we should be proud of our country, but that does not mean that we should be happy with pathetic services and be angry if someone points that out. Instead, we should take it up as a challenge and make the airline the best in the world. Alas, that attitude of excellence in not seen in most Indians.

We love to live in the gutter like animals, and hate it if someone points it out to us!

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Vijay K
RE:stupid reactions
by Vijay K on May 13, 2008 04:44 PM
I see here a few others have written they never had any problem with service in AI!!!!!!

So we r not talking about consistent inputs.

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RE:stupid reactions
by Jags on May 13, 2008 04:47 PM
I did write a comment that Ravi Shah is talking through his backside. This is not because I condone Air India's less than average service, but his reasons for travelling with them was that they charged $300 less than the other airlines. Crying children are not the responsibility of the airline. If he had presented a more cogent argument maybe I would have agreed with him, but as it stands, his views are pretty lopsided. So no marks from me.

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Nisha Shukla
RE:stupid reactions
by Nisha Shukla on May 13, 2008 04:46 PM
The article is in bad taste. If flight developed a technical snag, pilot did the best by returning the flight back. Also they did good by providing lunch inside aircraft itself and providing accomodation in one hour.
I fail to understand what AI did so wrong with author of this article to pass him such a bitter judgement against AI. Indeed I am no fan of AI but I am against the people who in general will bash anything that is Indian.
The guy obviously is cheap. He paid $300 less to travel by a cheap airline. In a budget airline you dont expect a 5 star hotel. As a matter of fact all similar airlines in US dont even provide one extra bottle of water forget about providing food or accomodation. Author obviously is biased against India and is a cheap NRI.

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vikram chauhan
RE:stupid reactions
by vikram chauhan on May 13, 2008 05:00 PM
Tell me Nisha , buying discounted tickets or tickets under some schemes , does it mean that anyairline will start providing services below par. If he paid 300$ less , it was his prerogative but he didt deserve risk to his life by paying 300$ less yaaar.

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Nisha Shukla
RE:stupid reactions
by Nisha Shukla on May 13, 2008 05:27 PM
No, he wasnt provided a bad service. In fact the accidents like these are rare occurances but these do happen. Even if you are travelling by first class in the world's best airline a similar technical snag may happen. I have experienced it multiple times in business class in various US flights.
However what AI pilot did was remarkable. Instead of criticizing the AI, the guy should be full of priase for intelligance of AI pilot.
The reference that I made of 300$ was regarding his complaint of getting a stay in a non five star hotel. Every airline has pacts with hotels as per the status of the airline. Budget airlines provide budget accomodation and luxury airlines provide luxury accomodation. AI is obviously a budget airline and hence they provided budhet accomodation. So the guy doesnt have a right to complaint about it. Besides the hotel they provided is kinda decent one.

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Vijay K
RE:stupid reactions
by Vijay K on May 13, 2008 05:34 PM
Even the Hotel Stay
Hotel Ajanta in Juhu is a 3 Star hotel.
I have personally been to the Hotel & the service is good... try to google Juhu Mumbai Hotel Ajanta and check for yourself

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RE:stupid reactions
by nishantbret on May 13, 2008 04:49 PM

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Ayan Roy
RE:stupid reactions
by Ayan Roy on May 13, 2008 04:44 PM
Hey dude,I think you commented on the wrong post. Because you are exactly supporting what I said!
What you said is very true.

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Viqar Ashraf
by Viqar Ashraf on May 13, 2008 04:39 PM

I think that this guy is seriously annoyed by the presence of old nanny type airhostesses in the our own AI flight. Probably he was expecting otherwise. & now he is blaming it on the oily food & howling kids.
Living in america he has surely forgotten the basic indian values & gets frustrated by slight unworthy issues like people going to toilets.
Surely he must have stayed back in india until his wife's visa issues were sorted.
I really empathise with this sorry soul & I would really like to request my other friends not to ridicule him. He just needs psychiatric help but be ware that psychiatric hospitals might be noisy.


Viqar Ashraf

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virippary sayooj
Pay more enjoy more
by virippary sayooj on May 13, 2008 04:39 PM  | Hide replies

If U NRI can pay more for other airline they are bound to give you good service...but if u are charged a cent more on AI u start giving big talks...so Mr. Praful R u listining increase the Charge and give the better service

A question to Mr.Ravi Shah ..Would u travel by AI if the fare would have been $300 more....I am pretty sure No....u paid less enjoyed a long trip baba.....Try kingfisher ..mallaya is waiting for customers as RC is big loss

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by nishantbret on May 13, 2008 04:37 PM  | Hide replies

ha ha ha ha ha to good man..bilkul sahi bola..raddi airlines hai yeh..y dont they convert all the planes into museums and put all 40 garish blue-green eyes fat airhostess in charge of the museum..Pra fool Patel ..please close your raddi shop..

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vikram chauhan
by vikram chauhan on May 13, 2008 05:04 PM
cmmon.....u being more than the sarcastic..have u travelled by AEROFLOAT that sturdy russian aerplanes ....sometimes mid air u start feeling as if aeroplane is breaking into the pieces ...good quality services v/s cheap tickets , one cant have best of the both worlds.

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vasant patil
Jet airways
by vasant patil on May 13, 2008 04:30 PM

One in Chennai Jet Airways made a crash landing and my heart came to my mouth. When I enquired the Air host he said crash landing helps to reduce the speed while landing on runway. if he becomes the pilot then I am sure he will land in 90 degree.

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radhika meganathan
Chill out
by radhika meganathan on May 13, 2008 04:30 PM

I have travelled many many times with Air India and haven't had any problem at all with them. These problems may happen to any airline. Just be happy that you got down safely. No point in cursing just one airline.

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Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Nana on May 13, 2008 04:30 PM  | Hide replies

You should be ashamed to criticize parents who are struggling to cope up with their kids on such a long flight..and that too after such delays...

You are a real moron...Lets see what you wud do when you have kids...fly in a private air line or probably you wud put your kid in the cockpit...

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Ayan Roy
RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Ayan Roy on May 13, 2008 04:35 PM
Only Indian parents struggle with their kids as they have not taught their kids manners. Indians in general are very loud and dirty.

You check foreigners who visit India with their kids. They are so quiet and well behaved

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Nisha Shukla
RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Nisha Shukla on May 13, 2008 04:52 PM
Ayan, obviously you are one of those people with colonial attitude. You are generalizing all foreigners with good behaviour and all indians with mannerless.
If you wanna see wild foreigners go to Goa. You will find white skinned minor kids smoking pot and doing all the things which they aint supposed to do. Where are the manners there.
I have seen kids in US talking to their parents in most insulting and abusive language. But in your slave mind you will ove anything that foreigners are doing. Dude first love urself ur country instead of licking boots of others.

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Ayan Roy
RE:RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Ayan Roy on May 13, 2008 04:58 PM
Well, you will call me a "colonial slave", I will call you "blind" to realities. I love myself and my country, but accept that we have warts and deficiences, which is the first step in improving ourselves. Self-correction is the first step in achieving greatness.
And if something foreign is good, why not adopt it?

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Nisha Shukla
RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Nisha Shukla on May 13, 2008 05:33 PM
yes indeed if something in foreign is good then adapt it. But dont be "BLIND" in adapting it. You generalizing that all foreigners kid are well mannered and all Indian kids are ill mannered is a shear colonial thinking. Indeed there are foreigners who teach all good manners to their kids same is with Indians. As a matter of fact Indians teaching mannerism are higher in percentage than foreigners teaching mannerism to their kids.
I am not sure if you have the kids are not, but once you get the kids you will better understand how to deal with kids. In US I had come across some of the worst behaved kids, indeed there are good ones too. But saying that all foreigners are very mannered made me really LOL.
If you love your country then you shouldnt criticize whole of your country without giving a thought.
I am proud of my parents that they gave me the best possible lessons in life. I am as proud as none of my american colleagues are. So I find it hillarious coming out of an Indian that all Indian parents dont teach any manners to kids.

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Ayan Roy
RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Ayan Roy on May 13, 2008 05:46 PM
That's very good! I did not mean ALL Indians. I meant MOST and MOST would be 90% of the Indian population, where as the ill-behaved foreigners would probably constitute around 40%.
You fall into the 10% who behave well.

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Nisha Shukla
RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Nisha Shukla on May 13, 2008 05:57 PM
No Ayan. It is not just 40%. Most of the foreigners that I know have no clue about responsibility as parents. With most, all they care is somehow get the kid to high school and you are done with responsibilities. That I am talking about regular ones. The people who are worse kind dont even care about sending kids to schools. In India, majority of parents care about their kids for life long.
Here in US most of the counsellers and even I tell my friends to be a parent of their kid, instead of just being a friend. In India counsellors ask parents to be a bit friendly with their kids.
Here in US despite more richness than India people first care about themselves. In India even a laborer earning 2$ a day first brings food to his kids. Here the parents wont give up their retirement plan money unless they have extra for their kids, in India one of my childhood friend's mother sold blood to pay off the fee.

India may be lacking behind in tens of things, but as far as parenting goes, India rocks.

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Joel David
RE:Absolutely inconsiderate..
by Joel David on May 14, 2008 07:06 AM
Mr Ayan Roy, sorry that I have to refute what you have to say. Am sure you are one anglo- Indian who doesnt have a legacy in India, and have since time immemorial have been licking the british boots for them to give you a tight kick at your backs.

Even after suffering so much you dont seem to realise children are children and no matter how much manners ever you teach them, when they are in discomfort due to whatsover reasons, they have no option but to cry.

Just today afternoon I went to a restuarant (am currently outside India, in a place called the most exotic destination in the world) and there were a french couple who could not stop the child from crying. The kid was annoyingly loud and crying but doesnt mean that everyone threw them out. Everyone in the restuarant had the maturity to understand that children do cry and you just cant blame the parents for that. Of course the dad and mom tried to stop the child from crying but couldnt do much.

So now do you expect me and everyone in the restuarant to issue a general statement that "French dont care about children - They are very inconsiderate".

You may be right in your own perspective but doesnt mean thats the eternal truth.

Come out of your colonial attitude and see your fellow countrymen and if anything try to help them have a better life.

Have a life!

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People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by Jags on May 13, 2008 04:29 PM  | Hide replies

Look Ravi Shah, the reason you wanted to save $300 shows that you were willing to compromise on service. You get what you pay for my friend. I have travelled Virgin, Emirates, Qatar, British Airways, KLM etc. and they all have their pros and cons. I haven't travelled Air India, but that is the point you see. I have heard their service isnt all that grand, so I dont want to use them. Even if it means I have to pay a bit more. And your gripe about children crying in the plane...I would sincerely ask you to get a life. How about trying a private jet next time round?

I am speculating on the sequence of events:
1) You bought a ticket in AI because it is cheap
2) You tried to convince the check-in clerk to accept your excess luggage
3) He asked you to get lost
4) You got pissed off
5) You drew the conclusion that Air India is bad.
6)From then on it was one gripe after another.

I may be wrong with my speculation, but I doubt I am.

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Cutlet Gravy
RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by Cutlet Gravy on May 13, 2008 04:37 PM

I must say I have very good experiences
of my flghts, both inbound and outbound,
on Air India.

Ravi Shah just had a bad hair day.

And REDIFF, please may we have a
seperate Readerspeak Page where we
can all gripe with our keyboards.
This one doesn't serve the purpose.

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vikram chauhan
RE:RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by vikram chauhan on May 13, 2008 04:49 PM
Mr.Cutlet i think the moment you must be boarding the aircraft yr mouth must be full of stuff like cutlets , gravy , beer wines and vodka and in this boozem state how wud u come to know how piolet drove and how many speed breakers were there...yess but AI is quite unpredictable like weather department some times they r bang on the target and sometimes they bang into the target!!!!

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Vijay K
RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by Vijay K on May 13, 2008 04:33 PM
I agree with you!!!!

If this was an American Airline Mr, Ravi would be writing...

"The PILOT was very Skillful and brought us to ground Safely!!! AMERICA has value of life India does not"

Get lost mr RAVi we dont need you in India or to comment about India.

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vikram chauhan
RE:RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by vikram chauhan on May 13, 2008 04:42 PM
Vijay i agree with you....Ravi has lost all the values etc...He seems to be pretty AMERICANISED!!!!

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RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by Kutta on May 13, 2008 04:36 PM
VIjay sorry to dissappoinmt you life is CHEAP IN INDIA


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Vijay K
RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by Vijay K on May 13, 2008 04:38 PM
For sure you dont.!!!!! and neither those who leave India.

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Nisha Shukla
RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by Nisha Shukla on May 13, 2008 04:40 PM
well answered.

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vikram chauhan
RE:RE:People who want to save $300 should not throw stones
by vikram chauhan on May 13, 2008 04:44 PM
nisha where r u from....ur reply is the shortest...u deserve a free ticket to NEW YORK being the most brain efficient person on the net . You shud be piolet who can save so much of fuel.

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