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Guru Purnima: Lessons from your guru

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by Jhon on Jul 17, 2008 11:53 PM

Today real guru is hardly found. Once upon a time teachers were respected and revered. Nowadays so called gurus have become 'Vyapari'. Dharmaguru have indulged in politics and became status symbol living luxurious life. Most of the modern gurus are lustful, power broker and minting money. One should believe in self our 'Atma' is our guru. Keep our mind body and soul clean and pious and follow the conscience. At the most if any body wish or want guru worship our parents they are the real guru who taught us from the day one and sacrifice their lives for our well beings. Otherwise if you dont have guru dont repent, you are lucky and happy. If you already have guru then avoid.

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Sanjay P
by Sanjay P on Jul 17, 2008 11:52 PM

1. Introduction

What if children were told to educate themselves in modern sciences without any teacher or any access to prior knowledge gained over centuries? What if we had to reinvent the wheel in every walk of life, without having access to knowledge that was already available from authorities in the field? If this were the case, we would spend a lifetime trying to educate ourselves without making much headway or perhaps even going down a wrong path.
n the same way, a guide is very much required in our spiritual journey too. It stands to reason that a guide in any field needs to be an authority in that particular field. According to Spiritual science a person who is an authority in the field of Spirituality is known as a Guru.

There is a saying that in the kingdom of the blind the seeing man is king. With a highly activated sixth sense, He is the totally ‘seeing’ person in the kingdom of the spiritually blind and ignorant. He is someone, who has already walked the spiritual road under the guidance of his Spiritual Guide and has access to the Universal Mind and Intellect. In this article, we will explain who can be considered a Spiritual Guide or a Guru and His characteristics. spiritualresearchfoundation dot org

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Sanjay P
Who is Guru
by Sanjay P on Jul 17, 2008 11:47 PM

The word ‘Guru’ is derived from the Sanskrit language and has a deep spiritual meaning. Its two syllables Gu and Ru stand for the following:

Gu denotes the spiritual ignorance that most of mankind is in.
Ru represents the radiance of spiritual knowledge that dispels the spiritual ignorance.

In short, the Guru is the One who dispels the darkness of spiritual ignorance in man and bestows upon him spiritual experiences and spiritual knowledge.

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