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Laughing Matters: Green with NV?

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not only veg.s
by juniorhorlicks on Jan 08, 2008 08:15 PM  | Hide replies


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RE:not only veg.s
by Rationalist on Jan 08, 2008 09:08 PM
On the contrary Karnataka is more vegeterian who constitute major ethnically vegetarian communities like lingayats,vaisyas,jains along with Brahmins.Karnataka therefore is more vegetairian of all the south Indian states next only to Gujrath & Rajasthan in the country.

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RE:not only veg.s
by IndiaWiNS ALL on Jan 08, 2008 09:20 PM
god some indians still live the LAND OF KSHATRIYAS,BRAHMINS, AND THE REST.God and I stand and wonder when we get out of this mindset of who is brahmin and who is vaishyas.come on guys,these things are in the history books now.I am a brahmin,but hell with it.I dont care wat it means....i eat everything even beef,and try to like any new thing.I know in the south people are so particular about traditional values that stand no place in the practical world.

Also,I dont know about the author,but you talk of mallus eating non veggie food,I would like to invite you to some BENGALI food and then you will know how much non veg Benglis eat.

Have Fun....and try to be tolerant to others...cause that is to be Indian


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RE:RE:not only veg.s
by Rationalist on Jan 08, 2008 09:45 PM
It is not about being brahmin or kshatriya.You can eat beef or next time if you do'nt get any food you can eat your mother too.No one can stop you. But do'nt prescribe it to others.If you do'nt have ethics and insensitive to the rights of animals so you be. And what tolerance are you talking about?

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RE:not only veg.s
by RC on Jan 09, 2008 04:08 AM
oye rationalist..some one mentioned some where that non veg is not good because we should not kill living beings..now wat i would infer from that is respect life..if u r being intolerant to the fellow being (indiwins all) then even being a brahmin or the so called veg doesnt hold good on u and u can be accused of Hypocrisy

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RE:not only veg.s
by on Jan 21, 2008 02:52 AM

Oh. Which one am I?

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RE:not only veg.s
by on Jan 08, 2008 09:29 PM
Who told all except brahmins are non-vegetarians?There are saiva pillais who are more strict vegetarians than brahmins!There are saiva chettiars,Saiva mudaliars and even among Naidus there are saivites!So if you donot know the fact don't write non-sense!

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pUnKy bOy
by pUnKy bOy on Jan 08, 2008 08:11 PM

The articles talk about China...

but the visit is to Japan...

i hope the author hasn't got confused just because all the orientals almost look same to him !!

I hope he's not sticking to the belief,
"china ho ya japan....ki farak penda hai, yaara??"

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harshal vaske
The auther doesn't know where his manager went & wht he did
by harshal vaske on Jan 08, 2008 07:56 PM  | Hide replies

The title sayf Dosa Travels to China & the story is about auther's manager traveling to Japan. Is he out of his mind? I have never come across such an obviuos error in writing.

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RE:The auther doesn't know where his manager went & wht he did
by on Jan 21, 2008 02:47 AM

Japan, China. Pakistan, India. Big difference. Yeah, right.

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chandrapraksam arunachalam
RE:The auther doesn't know where his manager went & wht he did
by chandrapraksam arunachalam on Jan 08, 2008 08:44 PM

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aus ant
RE:The auther doesn't know where his manager went & wht he did
by aus ant on Jan 08, 2008 11:41 PM
He must have travelled be Air India.
He travelled to Japan and his baggage sent to China.
It is a common occurance with Air India.

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by srinivas on Jan 08, 2008 07:32 PM  | Hide replies

If the author finds no difference in killing a chicken and a mosquito, than apply the same logic and kill humans and eat them dear, but why are you not doing it..?

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by IndiaWiNS ALL on Jan 08, 2008 09:29 PM
Oye Mr. Srini,do ou know the difference between a living thing and a non living thing....

Kiddie,I bet you must have also studied that plants do not have life....Poor child,the government must be selling you some pre-historic text books.....
I guess in India this works........Indians have some age old values which they themselves dont know,and over the ages people give some well thought out meaning to things...

Get out..... see the world,then understand wat is the difference in killing a mosquito or a pig or a cow or for that matter plants to eat and survive

I wonder when will come sense prevail over all these religious perverts!

we seriously need people to guide in India about the myths of the past and of today.

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by Rationalist on Jan 08, 2008 09:58 PM
Don%u2019t display your half baked knowledge here to justify your habit of eating animals. Plants yield fruits only to be dispersed so that they can spread.And animals(including humans) act as agents and that is nature.Got it ignorant fool. It is not as if plants do not know that their fruits are eaten. I wonder if you are eating plants & trees as whole due to ignorance. If that%u2019s right you must be on all news channels.

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by on Jan 21, 2008 02:43 AM

Personally, I make sure that my plants are dead before I put them in my mouth.

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S Ramanathan
by S Ramanathan on Apr 15, 2008 08:30 PM
Spot on! I have nothing against non-vegetarian people. But these guys think that is the civilized, noble way to live when it is actually the inefficient way (economically and environmentally).

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veg Vs non veg
by RAJENDRA RAO on Jan 08, 2008 07:25 PM  | Hide replies

atleast u non veg creatures cant be fully non veg u ppl add veg along with ur ur non veg stuff and killing of mosquitoes are concerned we dont kill to satisfy our soul and stomach like what u ppl do,so kindly dont point fingers at veggies when ur a non veg be pure non veg and not talk like a hypocrite and what do know abt veg atleast i happy im blessed to be a veggie and dont regret nor miss to be non veggie bcos non veg sucks

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aus ant
RE:veg Vs non veg
by aus ant on Jan 08, 2008 11:32 PM
Now i know veggies are morons.
Improper diet affects the brain.

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RE:veg Vs non veg
by on Jan 21, 2008 02:36 AM

Crazy mosquito doe-piaza lover.

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Srinivas Kasinathan
Nicely written but what has the title do with it?
by Srinivas Kasinathan on Jan 08, 2008 06:54 PM  | Hide replies

The writeup is not congruant with the title. Other than that, it is very nicely written with a style that is quite contemporary with writers of the humor genre internationally. You must keep writing and yes, you need to do a lot of brushing up on your grammar and punctuation skills. This is one area where Indian authors totally neglect and end up messing their works. Indians need to differentiate between visual punctuation (that has definite rules based on grammar) and rhetoric punctuation that has no rules and is based on the emotions or feelings the author wants to convey through his or her characters in the writeup. Although your dig at potbellied vegetarians is funny, it is not correct since trunkal obesity is due to laziness and inactivity and not the food one consumes. Veg food is recommended more by the scientific community due to its inherent benefits of low cholesterol, low fat, and high fiber contents. Nonveg food on the other hand has very high fat and cholesterol content and very low fiber content. Moderation is the name of the game. Flexibility in eating habits is what enjoying both worlds is all about. Personally I eat both varieties and stick to veg food most of the times left on my own. Exercise is a must for all of all ages if one has to keep obesity at bay with all its attendant problems. Keep writing!

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RE:Nicely written but what has the title do with it?
by IndiaWiNS ALL on Jan 08, 2008 09:38 PM
Dont write about the so called scientific community.......All of them are half baked knowledge........Till yesterda we had a proverb Apple a day keeps the doctor away,now
the doctors and the researchers say
dont eat appl every day ,it causes constipation

As far as intake of food was considerd
high protein content was recommended
in western philosophy(Dr.Atkins)
n now they define problems in it

So scientific knowledge is still very half
baked.I would suggest have any food
veggie or non veggie
bt dont say bad about others food
as you yourself have done no research on food

So chill
have ur sambar
have ur chicken tikka
Have ur cool beef dish
dont try to mess with others plates

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Steve Andrews
RE:Nicely written but what has the title do with it?
by Steve Andrews on Jan 09, 2008 07:05 AM
The thing veg and non-veg is a discussion matter of evolution and availability of food, actually "availability of food" thing is of shorter time duration than evolution. You see people in different parts of the world have different eating habits which is changing fast because of globalisation, now you get everything everywhere. Chinese eat almost everything, Koreans-Japanese-Singapore-malaysia-SouthEast is more towards sea food ,Arabs are more towards camel, cows and sheep, Indians are more towards veggie, eggs and chicken, muslims brought in India the bakra-mutton culture. So eating habits are more towards availability. But according to evolution humans are more comfortable to veggies-fruits-grains which is also considered more healthy. Veggies are more suitable to human heart-stomach and digestive system. So dont fight and understand the basic behind it, who-ever found the most available thing they adapted-adopted that eating habit. This in-turn be a evolution-results will be seen in another thousand years which we will not be alive to see.

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RE:Nicely written but what has the title do with it?
by on Jan 21, 2008 02:29 AM
Writeup? Congruant? Humor? Trunkal? Fiber?

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RE:Nicely written but what has the title do with it?
by faraz on Jan 08, 2008 07:22 PM
Sir, your association with the language english seems to be on a very emotional level.But what you should have understood while reading is that the author in no way is trying to show off his skills with the finer nuances of the language.Lets appreciate the efforts of our people rather than doing an awful job of classifying author into Indian and non Indian.When you say that the author needs to brush up his compiling skills, i felt strongly that even you should join him in his tryst to perfect the language.Cheers

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Subramanian HK
What Science Says.
by Subramanian HK on Jan 08, 2008 06:25 PM  | Hide replies

Non-veg is good and must for guys.
Veg is good for girls.

Thats why you may find looot of beautiful veggy women in India, men fall short by huge margins in health standards when you compare to other countries.

all the philosophies behind vegetarianism and sacrificing rituals of non-veggies... these are are all man-made concepts. ONLY WEAK MINDED FOLLOW THEM.

science is nature-made concept. science is religion of the future. period.

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stud kutty
RE:What Science Says.
by stud kutty on Jan 08, 2008 06:41 PM
ha ha ha....total lack of logic here. The chinese eat plenty of meat. But on average, they are much smaller than Indian men. If you are veg, you actually contribute much lesser to global warming and reduce the risk of getting cancer. Vegetarians also live longer. So don''t say it is not supported by science, Mr Subra! Ofcourse, I also sincerely hope that you are not reborn as that chicken you had for lunch today :-)

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RE:What Science Says.
by IndiaWiNS ALL on Jan 08, 2008 09:46 PM
Oye Mr.Reborn pundit,
U say chinese men are not taller,
Are u talking about the South of China or the north

Baby boomer,do u get ur knowledge from thegarbage truck that passes by(or does it ever come).
anyways,chill man
Wat logic do you have in your saying when u say veggies live longer?
Did your grandfather tell u that or wat

I mean people start giving of knowledge, which even science,or modern science(the so called all reason giver,and also half baked), hasnt been able to find.

So chill have fun,clean your hands before eating your sambar and rice!

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S Ramanathan
RE:What Science Says.
by S Ramanathan on Apr 15, 2008 08:37 PM
Oye India Wins all, who taught you manners? Your grandfather or what? Are you the president of some giant scientific federation? We do not need to be educated by you! When you say South or North China, what do you mean? I can safely say that after meeting a lot of Chinese (from North and South), the comment of Reborn Pundit appears to be correct. Hopefully, you practice what you preach and wash your hands (and not just before you eat--If you know what I mean).

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Subramanian HK
RE:What Science Says.
by Subramanian HK on Jan 08, 2008 07:07 PM
with due respect to your jiggle-free belly, I said, "...Indian men fall short in health standards.." and you thought I was talking about height?? LOL.. may be you can start with first learning english.. then may be think about commenting on science. BTW, height is genetic factor.

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Sachin Agarwal
RE:What Science Says.
by Sachin Agarwal on Jan 08, 2008 07:45 PM
Kindly check the Weight of Europeans, Japanease and Sheikhs of Gulf and then comment. By all means people who are eating vegetables is healthier. Kindly also note all Scientist community also recommends veg food. Not for religious reasons but for health reasons.

I also wonder who gave you idea that vegetable made you beautiful (applicable for female) and unhealthy (for men). I think this is a new research worth for Noble Prize. I also don't understand that who gave you data on the standard of health of Indian male because they are veggies.

Please think twice before writing shit. Don't try to be a laughing stock for others.

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aus ant
RE:What Science Says.
by aus ant on Jan 08, 2008 11:35 PM
I disagree,
One of the biggest contributer to the global warming are cows.
So we can save the environment if we all start eating more beef.

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RE:What Science Says.
by on Jan 21, 2008 02:18 AM
But where will we get milk from if you eat all the cows? Come on. Be a little reasonable now.

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S Ramanathan
RE:RE:What Science Says.
by S Ramanathan on Apr 15, 2008 08:40 PM
Dont waste your time on Aus ant. That is a troll who just wants to promote beef. S/he was probably force fed in the Midwest USA where the weather changes due to global warming are screwing people. And their response... eat more beef. Apparently that works in the opposite direction. But who can argue with the ant.

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King of Hyderabad
good one!
by King of Hyderabad on Jan 08, 2008 06:15 PM  | Hide replies

nice article! i such a flexitarian myself - tho born in a veg family, i love both veg and non-veg food. as a result i enjoy my foreign trips better!

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ashwini gupta
RE:good one!
by ashwini gupta on Jan 08, 2008 09:49 PM
nicely spiling the traditions of the family. you must suffer in hell for a long period of time to bring the discrace for forefathers.

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by supernova on Jan 08, 2008 06:00 PM

Sidin, poor you%u2026 what all do you have to write for a living. The comments aren%u2019t encouraging either %u2013 people are looking for seriousness in humour column. Dude, I read your blogs regularly and believe me, rediff is not doing any justice to you. For ex: The home page link says %u201CA dosa travels to China: The veg-non veg debate!%u201D, while your column title is %u201Cgreen with NV%u201D??? China? From where did your ed get this? May be your next blog should be on Rediff.

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stud kutty
funny article!
by stud kutty on Jan 08, 2008 05:54 PM  | Hide replies

Ha Ha...I had a good laugh. By the way I am a mallu and a hardcore vegetarian! I also firmly believe that you will be reborn as each of the animals you eat and get eaten the same away....just joking :-)

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RE:funny article!
by on Jan 21, 2008 02:06 AM
Careful. We could be reborn as freak plants which are a weird assemblage of all the plants, fruits, nuts and other plant parts that we have eaten and then get chopped up, cooked and eaten up by our own children. Ahhhhh!

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