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No Indians, please!

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Racism in India as well
by on Jan 02, 2008 03:03 PM  | Hide replies

If you're complaining about Indians treating native Indians like dirt, well, look at the way we treat fair skinned fellow Indians! If you were to see a dark dhoti clad man and a fair person, on an average the fair person will be assumed to be decent, good and nice - JUST BECAUSE OF THE SKIN COLOR! So do you really blame Indians when they suck up to foreign skin? When they can ill treat fellow indians based on color, then foreign skin is like God to them!
Though we have got independant from these gora chamras, we still live under mental slavery. We do not feel proud of our culture and our skin color. We try to ape them in every way.

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RE:Racism in India as well
by on Jan 02, 2008 03:22 PM
That is so not true. If you were to visit South India, there are many Brahmins who are medium or dark complexioned. You may even find a shudra person who is fair complexioned. Does that automatically imply that a fair complexion person is better?

I get a feeling you agree with the fact that indians who are fair skinned deserve to be treated better!

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Robin Joseph
RE:Racism in India as well
by Robin Joseph on Jan 02, 2008 03:30 PM
Well Shamita... you are at it all over the place it seems... I might be catholic and not know my bhagvad gita, but wasnt Lord Krishna depicted as (being politically correct) not a fair skinned person?

Correct me if I am wrong !

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RE:Racism in India as well
by on Jan 02, 2008 03:34 PM
Yes you are right. Lord Krishna was dark skinned. He was also known as Shyam because of His skin color. So Shamita your phrase - 'devtas were white skin and asuras rakshass were black dark skinned' is wrong!

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RE:Racism in India as well
by on Jan 02, 2008 04:20 PM
Shamita's statement is not only wrong, it is ridiculous. These are naive people who have lot of time on their hands and putter away on the keys just to gain a moment's attention. They do not realise that they are doing a great disservice to the nation by encouraging divisive tendencies based on color, caste, religion and region. Please desist friends.

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good one
by roy on Jan 02, 2008 02:55 PM

good one

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m  m
You need a law for this discrimination
by m m on Jan 02, 2008 02:50 PM  | Hide replies

We can only agree with the author and all others who wrote their experiences and feelings here. Those who have ever been subjected to this sort of discriminations will understand its pain to be treated so badly in our own country by our own countrymen. As Indians we supported the South Africans against the ' apartheid ' regime. It is time now for us to look inwards and clamp down at this racial segregation enforced by our own folks. Government should enact a law with severe punishments and enforce this to stop this practice. For example, enforcement authorities can fly in airlines and check on the airhostess or visit hotels, pubs and restaurants and see the treatments meted out to them to take spot actions.

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RE:You need a law for this discrimination
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 02:53 PM
Do you know how indian tourists talk to waiters and lower level staff as if they own their lives ? Problem is within Indians who behave like lords and expect all to bow to them.

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m  m
RE:You need a law for this discrimination
by m m on Jan 02, 2008 07:07 PM
Are you justifying what the waiters and lower level staff are doing to their own countrymen and approve when they bow down to please any white-skinned foreigner? Shamita, we all know the mind set of these a%u2026lickers. It is pure money and favoritism that they look for from those foreigners. Indians do not have the habit of pleasing someone who is doing their jobs for which they get paid by the employers. In the West they pay handsome tips because that%u2019s the money the waiters earn.

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Godex: I am He
by Godex: I am He on Jan 02, 2008 02:43 PM  | Hide replies


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by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 02:49 PM
No because Indian tourist DONT tip at all. Foreigners tip Rs 100 at least. Plain and simple HUMAN GREED. Plus Indian tourists are rude and behave like kings with waiters treating them like dirt, due to their culture.

In foreign, you cannot ill treat a waiter nor look down to him. There it is dignity of labour, and job is a job , big or small. Here in India, we worship only very rich and powerful, and look down to lower class of people.

So naturally if I were a waiter in India why would I attend to Indians who treats me with comtempt and dont even tip me ???

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Munmun Sinha
by Munmun Sinha on Jan 05, 2008 10:52 PM
so as a waiter i shall not treat ANY Indian nicely and basically forget all my training and professionalism and behave like a jerk? Huh ? How prejudiced (And stupid) is that ? Shamita, seems like your bad experiences with the uncles and liking for firangs have made you take a very one sided view.

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yogi  sippy
by yogi sippy on Jan 03, 2008 12:44 AM
Hi Shamita,

I have travelled the world and have tipped enough and more. You will be surprised that in some countries the Indians get better service than the locals

Can I ask you an honest question? How much do you normally tip anyone? Be frank. I know your name is Shamita and presume that you are an Indian. And please answer this from within your heart.

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by . on Jan 02, 2008 03:19 PM
Its also becas outside India, many places, waiters dont get salary they just have to rely on tips not like India a fixed salary.
So people give tips, if they dont get salary we will also tip them good.
And you got to agree few Indians are real beggers they will just beg to foriegners only

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sapna  shivadas
very true
by sapna shivadas on Jan 02, 2008 02:25 PM  | Hide replies

yes this is absolutely true.. we indians give high regard to the foreigners who come to india and are willing to wag our tails behind them but when we go to any foreign locations we r merely given a second class treatment ,below the nationals .. its understandable if we receive such treatment from abroad as we r offcourse nthn but 'foreigners' but in india too d outsiders r given preference over us .. n here too we have second class treatment .. is there any place in the world where we can get preferential treatment?

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Jennifer Flowers
RE:very true
by Jennifer Flowers on Jan 02, 2008 02:30 PM
Yes some Indian must have stolen it for sure.

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RE:very true
by raj on Jan 02, 2008 02:40 PM

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RE:RE:very true
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 02:36 PM
jyadatar indians baiman hotey hein, ko shak nahi.

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yogi  sippy
RE:very true
by yogi sippy on Jan 03, 2008 12:47 AM
Shame on you for thinking that most of your countrymen are beimaan. maybe you definitely are

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goans pandering too much to the goras
by raj on Jan 02, 2008 02:25 PM

i sometimes feel the goans deserve all the ill luck for licking the white ass a bit too much. its so revolting. they suck upto any white skin, who are mostly cheap tourists looking for hapless young kids or marijuana in a country where cops look the other way around. its incredible that we cater to such scumbags.

that said, i'd roll the red carpet to genuine tourists, who are interested in the goan history & culture, the churches & temples, the fenni, the idle beaches and exotic seafood. i hope sanity prevails, and the goans recognize that indian tourists are well paying and less demanding.

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Smart Fool
Incident this morning at office...
by Smart Fool on Jan 02, 2008 02:17 PM  | Hide replies

The director at our office is an Indian who went to the US sometime back and now he is an US citizen with US passport. But he moved back to India with a PIO card and presently working in the Indian office as a Director.
For a project team who did well, the customer from the US sent digital cameras as an appreciation for the work they did to the people here in India through some courier company.
Finally when the package arrived here, the director came to know that 2 cameras in the box were missing and he immediately made a fuss saying that Indians must have stolen it.
He asked the security to search all the office help staff. And after further inquiry it came to notice that the courier company itself has delivered the box in an open state and the 2 cameras went missing even before it reached us.
This is the attitude of an person who WAS INDIAN towards his fellow Indians.

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RE:Incident this morning at office...
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 02:38 PM
kyuki jyadatar indians baiman hotey hein

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RE:Incident this morning at office...
by raj on Jan 02, 2008 02:41 PM
hmmm, ok. so ?

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