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No Indians, please!

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Savio Figueiredo
Discussions should yield results
by Savio Figueiredo on Jan 02, 2008 08:52 PM  | Hide replies

It is very true that many Indians fawn over 'white skins", give them a better service as compared to that offered to other Indians. Call it colonial hang over or the craze for fairness( see our matrimonial and fairness cream adverts) I as an Indian and Goan have faced this "illtreatment " some times. So what do I do
1. Having my small business I try to be equal to all my customers
2. If I am treated unfairly I make it a point to bring it to the notice of the Management e.g Once when I dining with my family a "white skin" was chain smoking in an AC restaurant" I held my peace for sometime but when he continued smoking I requested the waiter to tell him to stop. The waiter refused saying that he was a guest. When the Manager too hesitated I threatened to call the police as smoking in public is against the law. It worked. I had to face dirty looks but so be it.
3. I will never visit the hotel/shop where I faced such illtreatment. One customer may not make a difference but it is the principle that matters.
4. I have resolved this year to make public such ill treatment in as many forums including the Internet about such bias

If many of us would boycott such offending business then I might make a difference to them and help reduce this malaise.

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You yourself
RE:Discussions should yield results
by You yourself on Jan 02, 2008 08:57 PM
I completely support you in this activism. This should be a part of consumer activism - to treat people fairly irrespective of their appearance.

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Venkat Chandra
RE:Discussions should yield results
by Venkat Chandra on Jan 02, 2008 10:32 PM
Totally agree with you

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Boards topper IIT MBA PhD USA guy
RE:Discussions should yield results
by Boards topper IIT MBA PhD USA guy on Jan 23, 2008 04:51 PM

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rajendra K
do not blame Desis for this
by rajendra K on Jan 02, 2008 08:30 PM

If Indians does not know that culture. Do not blame the them for that. If westerner comes here do you expect them to behave in our way?
this might be one reason to remove this goan Paradise. Locals are agaiist this.

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One request
by SV on Jan 02, 2008 07:31 PM  | Hide replies

On behalf of all Indians here in this forum, I'd like to request Shamita to stop generalising things, more so about India and Indians. You seem to be a very learned lady and I don't think there's any need for anyone to tell you that India is not just what you have seen and/or heard in your own life. It's much more than that. Seems, by and large, you had a bad time and most of the times came across only the people with bad manners and people with not enough cash to tip the waiters handsomely and put a smile on your lips.

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RE:One request
by ll on Jan 02, 2008 07:37 PM
Hahaha....bull's eye!

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Shame on us...
by on Jan 02, 2008 07:22 PM  | Hide replies

I completely agree with the Author... Especially waiters in Goa run after the "whites", even if they are janitors in their country and completely ignore the "brown skin" treating them like janitors.

This made me realize why the british ruled this country for over 200 years.

I am curious to understand as to how can a foreign national conduct business in India? It is unlawful under the immigration rules. What is the government doing? Shouldn't they be deported?

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Kishore Patel
RE:Shame on us...
by Kishore Patel on Jan 02, 2008 09:02 PM
And also why Sonia is ruling this country today..

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You yourself
RE:Shame on us...
by You yourself on Jan 02, 2008 08:59 PM
And the Italian getting votes? Not in Gujarat.

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Pay extra for heating the pudding.
by Vijay on Jan 02, 2008 06:49 PM  | Hide replies

I was in an indian restaurant with my friend. The indian lady( owner) ignored us and went to a white couple who came 10 minutes later. My friend was upset and he wanted to leave. But it old him to stay. Later after few minutes another american couple entered, and they were also taken care of, but not us. So my friend and i politely got up and walked out.
Similar incident happened with my another friend who asked to heat the kheer. But the owner said the kitchen management will charge extra for heating. Are the americans paying more than what i was paying?
We stopped going to that restaurant.

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RE:Pay extra for heating the pudding.
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 07:04 PM
Americans are the most generous tippers on the planet. Indians dont tip at all.

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m  m
RE:Pay extra for heating the pudding.
by m m on Jan 02, 2008 07:11 PM
Yes thats why the Indian hosts try to please them more than the Indians and trying to do any asslicking for them. Its pure money that makes them give that extra smile to the Americans, Europeans or the other whites. Have you ever seen the same Indian do it to Black?

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RE:Pay extra for heating the pudding.
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 07:05 PM
So YES Americans are paying more !

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RE:RE:Pay extra for heating the pudding.
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 09:03 PM
Mohit terey jaisey gutter ke kirey ko to mein ghaas nahi dal ti , better luck next time

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keyur parikh
by keyur parikh on Jan 02, 2008 06:34 PM

I agree with the authour but as everyone knows that we are from developing country..Now what does that mean....we are improving right...and its not one day process...yes many times i also feel bad when desi does something wrong..but then i realised that he is improving...

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Shamita's airline
by ll on Jan 02, 2008 05:41 PM  | Hide replies

Shamita it will be a lot helpful to all fellow Indians here if you tell the name of the airline you work for. We all shall try our best to book tickets only on your airline and if we're fortunate enough to see you on duty, we will have the pleasure and honour of learning some etiquette tips from you on the flight. Thank you.

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sandip dey
RE:Shamita's airline
by sandip dey on Jan 02, 2008 05:56 PM
You are right ! Lets see the diva in action, instead of wasting time on futile messages ..

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hariharan iyer
RE:Shamita's airline
by hariharan iyer on Jan 06, 2008 09:56 AM
On flight stewards case I would say! they are paid to be polite! they just can't complain!

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Indians must see this
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 05:28 PM  | Hide replies

The way Indian tourists behave abroad is an extension of the way that they behave in India. It is not surprising as their boorishness and courtesy is evident in daily life, with the "I" factor being most prominent. You find brats screaming and running around in malls ,public places and even in places of worship with the parents smiling indulgently. People talking loudly on mobile phones , people on the phone while driving (erratically), driving in the middle of the road at a slow pace so that others will not be able to overtake, people suddenly parking in the middle of the road, unmindful of the disruption and inconvenience that it causes to others, honking as though they have just been given the horn as a Diwali present, etc.
This boorishness will end only when we stop being selfish, and law applied equally on all.

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sandip dey
RE:Indians must see this
by sandip dey on Jan 02, 2008 05:59 PM
Instead of complaining in this message board, do something to better the lives of us poor souls, and show the way. Be adaptive dude, if you want to live happily.

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RE:Indians must see this
by ashish on Jan 02, 2008 06:06 PM
dude i tried trust me but u know wat i have realised india will never change so left it as it is ,shamita messages r to the point we indians are a bunch of uncouths and tats why india is a 3rd world yet

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Amit Kakri
RE:Indians must see this
by Amit Kakri on Jan 02, 2008 07:05 PM
Shamita, you have talked about a completely different aspect of civic sense (or lack of it). The writer of this article discusses the racial behaviour of Indian towards fellow indians when the white skin come into the picture. Any suggestions to resolve the problem?

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RE:Indians must see this
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 07:06 PM
Suggestions are to treat fellow Indians with respect including waiters and butlers, and TIP whenever they receive good service, then you will see a SEA CHANGE in attitude.

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vasu r
RE:Indians must see this
by vasu r on Jan 03, 2008 04:54 AM
shamitha why dont you see world like that instead of complaining abt every indian wherever you go,i had seen different posts of you which shows that you are ashamed to be indian and very self conscious..its alright to be indian, dont you see white or black people talking on phones loudly in public places and also while driving unless there is state law prohibiting that, kids going around and shouting in malls and other public places.dont think airport or places around it as world there is lot more than that

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RE:RE:Indians must see this
by ashish on Jan 02, 2008 05:58 PM
well said shamita ,we talk of progress ,u see a child or an old man tryin to cross the streets ,no one will styop for em instead they will horn like there is no tomorrow and we talk of respect for our elders but only at home ,step outside and u see a load of animals driving

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Indians: culture, manners, behaviour, etiquette
by SV on Jan 02, 2008 05:19 PM  | Hide replies

Looks like it's Shamita's day today!

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RE:Indians: culture, manners, behaviour, etiquette
by MathiMeen on Jan 02, 2008 05:27 PM

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Tom Dick
Ill trated?
by Tom Dick on Jan 02, 2008 05:05 PM  | Hide replies

Many a times I have seen our people misbehave. Recently I was at the check in counter of an air line and a person was screaming at the staff for not taking him. Te counter closed atleast 10 minutes earlier. Also the customers should be treating the staff politely. How many times do we hear some one saying 'Thank You' or a 'please'? So it is natural for these guys to ignore you. It is also a lack of proper training for these people who is supposed to handle customers with a smile.

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RE:Ill trated?
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 05:10 PM
I am an air hostess and I really feel like pouring hot soup on the INDIAN men who try to gape me in flights as if they have never seen a women before. Foreign men dont behave like this ever.

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RE:Ill trated?
by MathiMeen on Jan 02, 2008 05:26 PM
You are generalizing.

I have seen air hostesses illtreating the labor class Indians on gulf flights.

Foreign men not only gape, they may rape too.

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RE:Ill trated?
by Shamita on Jan 02, 2008 05:27 PM
I am talking about airlines during flight.

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sandip dey
RE:Ill trated?
by sandip dey on Jan 02, 2008 05:44 PM
Shamita, your point is kind of true. But a generalization in this regard is not worth. You dont have to be an indian to gape. Its more of a personality problem than anything else.

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RE:Ill trated?
by ashish on Jan 02, 2008 06:01 PM
iv been a flt attendant too and i agree with shamita ,indians are the worse behaved passengers as for the labour class well i agree crfew do treat them bad but in the end its the indian culture ,u have rude indian rich pasengers and prude crew who given a chance wil vent frustrns on the labour class

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