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3 day workshop on management skills

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naveed - ahamed
I want to swtich career from operations to training.
by naveed - ahamed on Jul 12, 2014 08:20 AM

Hi, i have 12 plus years expereince in food retail, am well veresed in cafe, restaurant,catering,hotel operations and have been training my Asst Managers,team leaders and supervisors in this feild. I want to become a full time corporate trainer in my feild. I would like to ask, what should be my next step? i would like to attend your program in bangalore.

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dilip sampat aldar
Corporate Training
by dilip sampat aldar on Jun 24, 2010 11:58 AM

I am working as a lecturer in Engg. I have conducted number of training programme on Wireless communication,and MATLAB application for Engg Teachers since last 3 years.What can i do to become corporate trainer.

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