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The most popular Chak De girl!

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Chak de as a 'Theme'
by RAKESH DOGRA on Sep 14, 2007 09:48 AM

Chak de is not so hit because it tells us how Indian women can win a hockey world cup but it tells much more than that.It tell the following points.
1.We some time abuse and redicule our sports heroes to the point that that they are even branded as anti national if they loose an important match.
2.There is a visible vias towards Muslims.
3.Its a team that wins matches and not indivisuals.
4.Males have no real appritiation for women sports person.
5 Sports women do not always get support from their family.
6.Leader of the team has to be non egoist as coach Kabir asks Bindia to play a match which only she can win after she is made to sit in most matches due to her attitude.
7.Its very important to have the right attitude to win any battel in your life.
8.Hard work is an integral part to get success.

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adorable gal..
by J A N E on Sep 14, 2007 07:46 AM

Chakde sagarika.. you are simply adorable kudi of chakde team : )

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Nirpinder Singh
You voted: The most popular Chak De girl!
by Nirpinder Singh on Sep 14, 2007 12:30 AM  | Hide replies

In all this hype about the Movie has anyone noticed that in real life the India Women's Team lost at the latest competition? It seems that one of the major problems with current Indian society is that it prefers delusions of grandeur over actual performance. If we and the players in real life were serious about their "work" (competition is not play) then we would have something to celebrate.

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RE:You voted: The most popular Chak De girl!
by friend on Sep 14, 2007 07:29 AM
Quite True ! But does everyone not have a right to fulfill desires in their dreams if not in reality. And is it not true that those who dream sometimes achieve success in reality and not those who never dream ? Do you ever dream Mr Nirpinder ?

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kuldeep jain
RE:You voted: The most popular Chak De girl!
by kuldeep jain on Sep 14, 2007 08:41 AM
rightly said...a screen game and we make such hype.. but in real world our sports achievments are not world class...

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abhinna khare
hmmm Preeti saberwal
by abhinna khare on Sep 13, 2007 09:44 PM

So Isnt it great and fun, to see her win, i know some of you feel really its something wrong with her winning the show, and you are right, but none of you can answer. Everyone had the point that its what happens in India. But who makes India , NEHA, AVANI? we make it right. My aim is not to question you, but to ask you all to question yourself, arent we too part of the same creed.Its moral cult, greyness, but yes it exist, and people like us make it possible, haven't you ever used those creams which promise to make you fair in weeks, Yes you all have, thats where the need is, so many of us, the need to look for ideals in others never in yourself, If you really wish to look for it go deep down search it, if you have courage, and do read this poem called "IF" by rudyard kippling search it on net, first few lines are,

If you can keep your head when all about you are loosing their's...........

read it and then contact me what you think


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avani bhushan
facial beauty
by avani bhushan on Sep 13, 2007 07:47 PM  | Hide replies

Number one position given to Sagarika once again show that in INdia glamour looks r voted above playing instinct. result is before u.
P T Usha and humpy sre over looked and Sania is looked through. Same reason again.

well done voters !!

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gopal sedain
RE:facial beauty
by gopal sedain on Sep 13, 2007 09:21 PM
dont take it seriously..one who doesnt know the depth will decide by cover. hai na...
Anyway the movie was a real booster..

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Vijay Bhatia
RE:facial beauty
by Vijay Bhatia on Sep 13, 2007 08:37 PM

do u by any chance think that this poll was based on well the actors play the game in the movie.

come out in the real world.. these girls were potraying the role of a player (they are not professionals.)

hence, obviously voting is based on glamour and looks.

in future if they have a poll to choose the fav don between SRK and Amitabh, please remember voting is for the actor's acting and style and not who is more deadly a don than the other coz none of them are.. they are actors remember.

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Atul Patil
RE:facial beauty
by Atul Patil on Sep 14, 2007 08:52 AM
Hi!! Vijay, but still as far as acting is concerned couple of other charactrs are far better than what preeti is!... Komal chautala, Bindiya.. Think on it. Not saying that Preeti acts bad but others are better. and example of Sania and P T Usha are real.

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RE:facial beauty
by NEHA VERMA on Sep 13, 2007 08:16 PM
Fully agree with you !!!

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manju latha
by manju latha on Sep 13, 2007 06:46 PM

really motivating

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rpy ypr
real motivator
by rpy ypr on Sep 13, 2007 06:05 PM

'Chak De India' is real motivator to all hocky team and specially these girls

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vikas k gupta
Chak De...
by vikas k gupta on Sep 13, 2007 05:57 PM  | Hide replies


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RE:Chak De...
by ptbt on Sep 13, 2007 11:16 PM

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hi sagarkia
by MITESH THAPLIYAL on Sep 13, 2007 05:54 PM  | Hide replies

good girl and they look really indian heroine

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RE:hi sagarkia
by MITESH THAPLIYAL on Sep 13, 2007 05:55 PM
hi miss yu ar so beutiful and played good wht yur future plans

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RE:hi sagarkia
by on Sep 13, 2007 08:04 PM
Thanks Mitesh. I appreciate your comment. Reg future, I am looking forward to get married to someone like you. Are you fine with it?

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