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Falling for your best friend?

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balaji gururajan
friendship turned love is the best
by balaji gururajan on May 07, 2007 11:03 AM

frienship blossoming into love is better than love at first site !!!!!!

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bidyut mazumder
It depends...
by bidyut mazumder on May 07, 2007 07:47 AM

Platonic relationship is very possible. But taking such a relationship to the next level will only be possible if and only if both the people involved in the relationship are willing to do so. There are great advantages of having such a relationship since a Friend knows you much better than others and will exactly know how to handle the relationship of Love... And as is popularly said, FRIENDSHIP is the Perfect Foundation for a Long Lasting Love Relationship!

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rick anthony
depnd upon in which coutry you live....
by rick anthony on May 07, 2007 02:25 AM

If you live in western country it would be ok.they dont see big difference between friendship and relationship ..take it easy... or if you live in india..they are serious about relationship..

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Vivek V
Nothing wrong
by Vivek V on May 06, 2007 11:36 PM

I fell for my best buddy......she did reject it but ya she continued saying that as a friend I meant a lot to her and right now she is not looking for a committment at all...we are still close to each other this time with more transparency( she knows that I still have those feelings :-) )

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dutta  kekatpure
love and friendship.
by dutta kekatpure on May 05, 2007 10:39 PM  | Hide replies

Friendship with opposite sex is also love...only you cant make love ;) So its worst of both worlds.

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Rajdeep Bhattacharyya
RE:love and friendship.
by Rajdeep Bhattacharyya on May 06, 2007 09:40 PM
It doesn't have to be like that. a platonic relationship with the opposite sex is very much possible. just as u don't feel sexually attracted towards your sister or cousins, its possible to be chaste towards ur friend. But yes, a frienship turning into love is nothing uncommon. problems start when it happens only from one side...

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chandra singh
Can you fall in love with your best friend?
by chandra singh on May 05, 2007 12:54 PM  | Hide replies

yes, there is ample chance.

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pooja sarkar
RE:Can you fall in love with your best friend?
by pooja sarkar on May 05, 2007 01:46 PM
i have been through this kind of relationship, when me n my bestfrend carry forwarded the relationship to a next level and it felt apart but till date he remains to be my best friend as he was for last 8years.
friendship is a pure feeling which is above having a boyfriend bcoz at the end it is a boy who is ur frend...

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Himadrisekhar Halder
RE:RE:RE:Can you fall in love with your best friend?
by Himadrisekhar Halder on Sep 25, 2007 09:49 AM
I am interested in friendship with you. My contact phone no is-9231501528

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dinesh shivhare
RE:Can you fall in love with your best friend?
by dinesh shivhare on May 05, 2007 08:28 PM

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Nagaraj kurma
Friendship and Relationship
by Nagaraj kurma on May 04, 2007 04:25 PM

Generally it may be possible that a friendship can lead to love as the time progress. And whether it is good for both or not depends on the sacrifice one make for another, means we call it adjustment.

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vikram mkt
Castisum in Institutes in Pune - Mali and brmhin --shameful
by vikram mkt on May 04, 2007 11:29 AM

Government is funding the collages and institutes ....This fund is indirectely came from common man's pocket ...and this education mafias in Pune are prefering the castisum while recruiting the employees in their educational institutes ....it is unfortunate that people are saying castisum is ending but some well educated doctors which are establishing a huge institutes in Pune ....whther it should be prefered when thease people are taking funds from government to run their so called money making institutes ...they shoul feel ashamed as they are doctors ...which are said to be free from all caste and paitient is the only cast for them .........

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jagdish malik
friendship and relationship.
by jagdish malik on May 04, 2007 04:04 AM

In my view, friendship and relationship should be kept apart so that friendship continues. In case, it's turned into relationship, I agree that one w'd loose both.
malik, jagdish

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