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Your job = No personal life?

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Chaman Lal
by Chaman Lal on Aug 16, 2007 01:27 PM

LKiving has become expensive. Plus family wants to live a good life. That requires money, and lots of it too. In service one will pay you only when he squeezes 5 Rs out of you, if he pays you a Rs. Shudnt make a fuss about it.
Imagine doing 10 to 5 job, and getting 5000pm...can we survive in this 10 to 5??
Mantra is....Lage raho Munnabhai!!!!

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Madhava Reddy
Is your job causing your personal life to suffer?
by Madhava Reddy on Jul 29, 2007 12:23 AM

In the private sector, employees are nothing but glorified slaves. Employers behave as if they own the souls of employees. This is inevitable in a barbaric system like Capitalism where millions toil to make ends meet while the rich live in ultra luxury.

In Indian companies, there is no respect or dignity for employees. The saddest part is the only alternative to this evil system is Communism which is no less evil. Only God
can deliver Mankind from these Satanic economic systems that have only goal - to exploit the masses. One for the sake of promoters and the other for the sake of Communist Party bosses. Until then, one can only make the best out of the present state of affairs.

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Krishna Padmanabhan
Is your job causing your personal life to suffer?
by Krishna Padmanabhan on Jul 15, 2007 03:05 AM

Working for private companies in India is a nightmare. I have worked for a multinational, lala company and an Indian multinational. The Management of Indian companies think they own their employees, once they pay them a salary. Bosses have no hesitation in ringing you up at midnight to ask some trivial question, to summon you to office on holidays, and shout at you as and when they please!! HR guys are the biggest deceivers of all. When an employee is contracted to do a certain number of hours of work, the management should have no right in forcing him/her to do more. Can the CEO's of some of India's biggest/ best-run companies really say 'honest-to-god, I do not slave drive my employees. I am a fair employer.' ? Can any Lala say that? One has to only visit some of these lala companies. There is the stench of suffering in their posh recepton areas!! Some Lalas start foundations and charities to boost their image.Charity should begin at home, gentlemen!! Do business honestly, treat your employees well!! Come abroad, and see how the law ensures that employees are treated well. In the western world, some of our biggest corporate leaders ,and many small ones too, would have been in jail.

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Ravinder Kumar
How I can perform my duties up to 16 hrs.shift
by Ravinder Kumar on Jul 05, 2007 11:42 PM  | Hide replies

My working hours are so prolongrd what should Ido?

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Sunit Kumar
RE:How I can perform my duties up to 16 hrs.shift
by Sunit Kumar on Jul 13, 2007 07:44 PM
if u have balls, u wondnt be working for 16 hrs !!

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Is job ruining your personal life?
by on Jun 26, 2007 12:03 PM

Yes, high-flying corporate jobs definitely ruin the personal life of individuals. Nowadays, people have become too much career driven and they give least importance to the emotional well being of the family members, especially their kids. My question is, "what is the use of spending endless hours in the office and earning lakshs of rupees when you don't have time to spend that money on your beloved ones. There aer instances where the parents, especially Dads don't even get to meet or greet their children everyday. The modern day women has also metamorphosed from being a very caring mom to a machine-like mom.

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prashant sangani
Worklife balance..WORK before getting married...LIFE after getting married..
by prashant sangani on Jun 16, 2007 02:06 PM  | Hide replies

My idea for having a work life balance is to avoid greedy nature for more money..no doubt in metro cities its necessary but at some level we should concentrate on our personal life also...and yes work life balance is always depend upon your marital status..if you are single then no doubt you should give priority to work and career...but after gettin married, work is second...thats it..else all gonna lose everything..thats for sure

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Jagbir Singh
RE:Worklife balance..WORK before getting married...LIFE after getting married..
by Jagbir Singh on Jun 27, 2007 01:50 PM
Yeah, I totally agree with Prashant, I usually spend 10-12 hrs at office, which was also in hectic schedule since I was in a pvt. service industry,and couldn't find much time for my own self and family, but anyhow things were managed. But after marriage I have to take certain responsibilities and my life started disturbing. I could not make myself justified to my family and wife. Day by day things got worsen and finally I decided to quit my job to save my life further. Certainly pvt. cos are blood suckers, they want to squeeze urself to the extent they can. Notwithstanding the fact that we are also human beings, we do have family and other responsibilities also. But Hats off to the bludy Management who don't bother about the welfare of employees.

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Employee shoudl work only 9 hrs a day.
by on Jun 16, 2007 10:07 AM

As per my opinion no one should work extra hrs. In case any one is working for more hours I feel he is inefficient or having an extra work. One should analyze the same and in case having a more workload he should ask for extra man power. In case boss is not agreeing for the same look forward for a change plenty of opportunities are available. All you are working for your family in case you don't spend time with you family no point in working extra hrs. In case those who are working extra hrs his productivity and quality will not be good as compare to those who are working 9 hrs a day even company should analyze the same. I am sure company will find that productivity and quality of the work will not be upto the mark those are working extra hrs. Also keep it in mind that sky is not going to fall if you don't complete some job on the same day. Please try and work only 9-10 hrs daily everything will work fine.

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