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How inflation hitss your wallet

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pramod  balasubramanian
Very informative article written in a simple and understandable language
by pramod balasubramanian on Feb 13, 2007 12:38 PM

Congrats to Prasanna for a beautiful piece of work. Am expecting more of such kind in the days to come.

Best Wishes

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nimal sundaran
nice one
by nimal sundaran on Feb 13, 2007 12:38 PM

very useful article , and very importantly with sipmle language , we r expecting same kind of article regarding share market etc..

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Ameya Bhakay
by Ameya Bhakay on Feb 13, 2007 11:25 AM

Hello Mr. Editor! Great job done. Such informative stuff should be posted quite often. Explained in plain, simple, understable language...

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Nijoe Paul
Good Work..
by Nijoe Paul on Feb 13, 2007 10:53 AM

Very informative article and explained in plain english..Thankyou..

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aditya jain
Excellent Article...But
by aditya jain on Feb 13, 2007 10:18 AM

I congratulate Prasanna Zore for writing such an informative article. But probably he forgot to mention that inflation is calculated on the basis of increase in price of "A fixed basket of good" and not everything as the article suggest...hence not exactly the true reflective of increased prices.It will be great if he can include the component of that basket if possible.

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ashish sinkar
very good article indeed
by ashish sinkar on Feb 13, 2007 09:41 AM

very informative and explains inflation in simple language congrates to prasanna zore

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mohsin jafri
excellent article
by mohsin jafri on Feb 13, 2007 01:21 AM

i believe its an excellent article. congrats to Prasanna Zore

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Sunil Paul
Brilliant article
by Sunil Paul on Feb 12, 2007 11:55 PM

Rediff recently has been dishing out a lot of useless news.
Articles like "How inflation pinches your wallet" are what we need more of, if we are to make India an intellectual and knowledgeable society.
Hats off to Prasanna Zore for a down to earth, easy to understand, article.

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Well done!
by Vijay on Feb 12, 2007 11:31 PM

Well done, Prasanna Zore! Such good articles r a must to counter the masala and routine n boring celebrity oriented news all the time!!

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Wonderful article, every body can understand
by RaviShankar on Feb 12, 2007 11:11 PM

Dear Prasanna,
Its a wonderful article by you.
We expect more articles like this on stock market, points(i never understand these)


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