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How to avoid tax inquiries

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TDS & Salaried class
by Kasyap on Feb 10, 2007 11:09 AM  | Hide replies

Tax is a necessity and we should be taxed fairly.
However in India the salaried class is the hounded group, TDS gives you no option to manipulate, which the other sections can easily do. Landlords, rich farmers, businessman gets the blessing of the tax department.
Salaried class gets double taxed, first pay income tax and then pay service/sales tax from your tax deducted income for whatever you touch.
This injustice should stop and everybody should be taxed as per income. Salaried class is not using more government resources and services than any other class and they should not pay the burden of paying subsidy for others

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RE:TDS & Salaried class
by rahul on Feb 12, 2007 10:38 AM
I agree with you Kasyap, as i too come from a middle-class salaried group.I feel pity and shame on our finance minister for his double-standards and indifferent attitude. I would like to know why there is so much gap on taxation for salaried and Business group. Why is this special treatment?? We pay our income tax and also indirect taxes on the goods we purchase.. so there is double-taxation.. this has to be corrected immediately.. else some revolution happens with collective participation of all salaried group.

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RE:TDS & Salaried class
by KAPIL GUPTA on Feb 10, 2007 03:09 PM
As a salaried person one has to spend a lot on travelling, talking to pears, attending to the group you are attached because of your service etc All such expenses are related to employment are many times not reimbursed by employers nor allowed as deduction by IT Act. For for such expenses also standard deduction of Rs. 2.50 lac must be available annually

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rajesh chakravarti
How to convince a tax man?
by rajesh chakravarti on Feb 10, 2007 10:54 AM

what you said is al-right but let us know how to convince a tax man that you are honest tax payer and this is by mistake you are questioned?

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Subramanian K
Tax System
by Subramanian K on Feb 10, 2007 07:29 AM

Will the Government of India ever make an attamept to simplify the Tax System?

Is the Government really interested in doing so?

These questions will be unanswered for ever.

We are all aw are the day the tax laws are simplified, corruption would go a begging and may be this is preceisly what is NOT desired by the guys at the helm of affairs.

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Hanumant Deshmukh
Biggest Fraud
by Hanumant Deshmukh on Feb 10, 2007 07:05 AM

Income Tax Act is the biggest fraud committed by the Indian Govt. on citizens. Instead of having one simple and flat Income Tax, they are taxing every activity under the sun under the name of sales tax, service tax, and now the mother or all VAT for fund useless and lazy politicians and bureaucracy. This is nothing but a legal exploitation.

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Ajay M Chaudhari
Sound Advice
by Ajay M Chaudhari on Feb 10, 2007 12:20 AM

The article makes interesting reading. However to an honest salaried tax payer (who is generally naive) this causes only more fear of the taxman. Is there no way the taxman can be friendly yet be effective by educating rather than levying penalties. It is also apparent where a person has erred due to lack of knowledge. Why cant the taxman guide for future if its a genuine honest mistake where no harm has come to anyone?

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asokan a
Advice to Dawood?
by asokan a on Feb 09, 2007 10:02 PM

Who else will have that kind of money than unscrupulous people. IT people instill more fear than God. Pay taxes, keep account and feel free to spend. The seriousness in the advice bring laughter.

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VamsiKrishna Chada
age tax
by VamsiKrishna Chada on Feb 09, 2007 08:45 PM  | Hide replies

Hope we get a tax called living tax which is the same as your age% of salary

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RE:age tax
by S.SUDHAKAR on Feb 09, 2007 11:47 PM
Not even they will stop at collecting living tax. They will even collect death tax which counts the % (percentage) from second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year of the person who has been died,
I think they will tell the person who has been put as NOMINEE (incharge of the died person's properties, accounts, etc) in insurance or in any other policies.

If it goes on like this our fifth generation will have to pay the tax which would have been left as due in this generation !!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:age tax
by S.SUDHAKAR on Feb 09, 2007 11:42 PM
Not even they will stop at collecting living tax. They will even collect death tax which counts the % (percentage) from second, minute, hour, day, week, month

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Avoid Tax Enquiries
by Ajeda on Feb 09, 2007 05:34 PM  | Hide replies

Nice article.. lets pray, the taxman does not get unnecessarily educated by reading this article.. Just one question I have.. why should the taxman trouble honest taxpayers like me, when I hold a record of filing IT returns, without a single break, ever since my first employment.

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RE:Avoid Tax Enquiries
by mihir on Feb 09, 2007 09:58 PM
because taxman has no record of people who are NOT paying any tax. they only have record of those paying tax. so they are helpless. after all they have to do some work from 12-2pm (read official hours 9-5pm). so after lunch they just pick up any file randomly. and even if they dont like you name, they will send you notice. so i suggest keep a very sexy name (for ladies). or keep a very long names so that they even hate to type it (and you will be saved)

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Hanumant Deshmukh
RE:RE:Avoid Tax Enquiries
by Hanumant Deshmukh on Feb 10, 2007 07:04 AM
Income Tax Act is the biggest fraud committed by the Indian Govt. on citizens. Instead of having one simple and flat Income Tax, they are taxing every activity under the sun under the name of sales tax, service tax, and now the mother or all VAT for fund useless and lazy politicians and bureaucracy. This is nothing but a legal exploitation.

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RE:RE:RE:Avoid Tax Enquiries
by Ajeda on Feb 12, 2007 09:59 AM
You seem to be partially right. But I don't feel that income Tax Act is any fraud. Yes, the way in which it is purposefully understood by dishonest taxpayers is surely a matter of concern. The law is extremely difficult to understand even by expert people including chartered accountants. And therefore the dishonest taxpayers find easy loopholes in the language used, so that they can easily avoid paying the due income tax.

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Mohan Rao
RE:Avoid Tax Enquiries
by Mohan Rao on Feb 09, 2007 08:16 PM
Its b'cos the taxman cannot, merely by seeing the returns, distinguish an honest tax-payer with a dishonest one....

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RE:RE:Avoid Tax Enquiries
by Ajeda on Feb 12, 2007 09:53 AM
But to a common sallaried person, or a layman like me, it appears that you are an HONEST tax payer ONLY if you do file your returns on regular basis. How can one convince the taxman more in a better way?

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