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Learn to be more assertive!

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indira gopinath
Being assertive depends on the situation
by indira gopinath on Jul 29, 2007 10:06 PM

Assertiveness depends on time, place and people. Discretion is the better part of valour. If somebody requires our help, we should help him. When something can be postponed, then we can say so. So, assertiveness should be a carefully used strategy.

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Vinayak Kadam
A few additions!
by Vinayak Kadam on Jan 18, 2007 07:31 PM

Being assertive is always best, no doubt; but to say No you need to ensure that you would still be in the control of situation.To be assertive its the fact that you need to passive and create a position for you such that you would be assertive in future. For eg. On the first day of my new job I cannot leave early if asked to wait.... but In that case I would certainly say No some day in return of my Yes... i.e you need to keepa balance among Yes and No.. after all its natural that always Yes or always No in any kind of situation will mess it up.. balance is required..

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by ManojJoshi on Dec 10, 2006 10:40 AM

ASSERTIVENESS is doing things your way without treading on anybody else's shoes. It's all about respecting one's OWN feelings. Being assertive is not an innate trait of one's personality. It is something one can learn, like language or any other communication skill/ swimming/ cycling.

Assertiveness is not about win or lose, or lose and lose. The aim is to achieve a "win-win" situation for both sides.

Richa's "Learn to be more assertive!" is precise, crisp & to the point. It explains Aggressiveness & Assertiveness in a simple & easily understandable manner. The more I read this article, the more I like it. Thanks again, Richa.

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Great article
by Nithya on Oct 25, 2006 11:20 PM

This article is excellent and leads us to do some soul searching.

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Worth read
by manish on Oct 23, 2006 11:41 AM

The article is nicely crafted n organized. I feel it can help e'1 in a way or other...

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How to be assertive & avoid procrastination
by Omkarnath on Oct 23, 2006 05:33 AM

I read the articlew on Assertiveness published in the Get ahead. The article is from Richa Pant dtd Sept 26, 2006.

It would be a usually common article in Normal situations.

But I liked to read it again when, I required it most.

In situations of Conflict, I always try find the dialogue in a manner which would not hurt the feelings of others. But when I want others to do some tasks the way I think appropriate. I feel, I neet to be more aggressive.

Although the people listen to me, they may not follow me.

I would like to get your help on a topic on how to avoid procrastination. In unpleasant, work situations, , when a task is to be performed at some stage, I get into the mode of procrastination.

It keeps on piling up and then finally results in more embracing situations which are still detrimental. But usually that is what happens around.

I seek your comments / critique / suggestions on this subject.


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Ishtiyaq Ahmad Shah
A Hard Truth---''nothing to do but only to accept''
by Ishtiyaq Ahmad Shah on Oct 19, 2006 06:18 AM

It is very difficult to keep body language, eye contact and deciphering of words in one line when you are a truthful person and are circumstantially forced to speak Yes instead of your conscience saying you are doing it wrong::::
I think this article is perfect for corporate world... but on a braoder perspective i feel it would lead to a society in the near future where truth will be a fairy's tale......

But guys Competition is there: Survival for existence.. Man is a social Animal... nothing can be done:: materialistic feelings overcome truth at all levels so if we have to remain in society we Have to Bluff::: I think it would be an Apt "BLUFF" which describes this whole topic:: But emotions always got subdued by existentialism.....

GOD Bless All...

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Being assertive
by S.Viswanathan. on Oct 16, 2006 05:31 PM

Being assertive is good. Being aggressive is no good.When the other person/s with whom you show assertiveness, is/are also assertive, one should see reason and not be a stubborn. If the other person/s is/are correct, action be mended ,corrected , remedied or repented, as the case may be. It should also be remembered that our action be not always be reactions. Wear always the the three piece suit of behavior- Be Positive, be pro-active and be predictable.

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