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4 rules to start saving

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by amitabh on Nov 03, 2006 11:50 PM

sip is of no comparision

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anupama jain
saving money
by anupama jain on Oct 24, 2006 03:19 PM

Your article is really good. Specially young generation must understand the benefits of savings. We are using one idea which works well and we enjoy it too. We are making 'one day in a month' with zero expense. We are not spending on anything on that day untill unless any emergency falls. At the end of the day, we discuss together how much we saved that day. This gives sense of saving even in a child. My son was very careless earlier, but now major changes coming in his spending attitude after this. People can try this even.

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Simply Awesome
by William on Oct 05, 2006 12:38 PM

Simply Awesome

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Jojan jos
by Jojan jos on Sep 29, 2006 07:42 PM

Savings for a bighter future."little drops make mighty ocean" 'Save Regularly' is the thump rule of viable successful life.If one can save 1 re a day likewise if all can save the nation is benefitted immensly if it is invested creatively.teach your children at young age the art of saving.high thinking and simple living should be the motto

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save money
by kalai on Sep 26, 2006 11:39 AM

now saving money future use.

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Prices are going up
by ahmed on Sep 26, 2006 10:31 AM

Thinking of saving, but what about rising prices. people always wants to save money for future. Global world tempting for enjoying the life. Any how article is good for younger generation ...

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Baiju john
money saving
by Baiju john on Sep 26, 2006 09:56 AM

i like your article well would appreciate if some more articles given to this same topic

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Very Basic but Well Explained
by Chandra on Sep 26, 2006 09:14 AM

I think thats where west is fighting, saving among the common man. We are progressing towards the western lifestyle and if our young generation doesn't understand these basic tips, we will be in trouble soon and in fact we will be in bigger trouble than westeners as their government is still helpful and ours is not.

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pk sahni
4 rules to start savings
by pk sahni on Sep 26, 2006 08:17 AM


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