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Do you feel overworked?

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over load in office
by umesh on Sep 20, 2006 10:40 AM

Yes, i am working in at state govt. service in rajasthan at rural development office. Generally our sunday holidays are cancelled by our local officer. We work normally 10 am to 7 pm. Most of our employees are sick with High blood presure and other diseases.

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by RAJENDER JUYAL on Sep 20, 2006 09:58 AM

Yes i fully agree that in India, peoples are doing work till late or long hours. Though now in India there are lots of MNC entered but they are not treating peoples of India as well as they are with their own peoples.

If you ask about Indian Companies i personally working with a company having 3000 Crores turnover but there is culture to sit late sometime with work & sometime without work to please your bosses. In a day we are spending 10-12 hours in office & 2 hours for comuting in delhi traffic, so what we left with us nothing.... As if you go deep you will find that Indian salaried person is in more pressure & always in fear of his;/ her job. The consequences are bad health, depression & family problems and so on and on......

So there is a need to change the face of Indian Companies as India is growing day by day. Therefore i plea the Government to pass some kind of rule or legislation to control the working hours so that one can enjoy their own life with his/her family.

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Managers need to change thinking to implement Fixed Working Hour concept
by viraj on Sep 20, 2006 09:24 AM

I belive that managers need to change thinking to implement Fixed Working Hour concept. Many time it happens that to impress client/top level management they ask team members to sit late/come on weekends even though they have enough time to complete that activity and can achive deadline without any extra efforts. If they manage/plan the activities such that everything can be done smoothly without affecting anyone's personal life. Also bachlor team members should not make habit of siting late everyday becuse it increases/changes managers expectations/thinking then managers plan the things accordingly. So it's everyboy's responsibility to change culture of putting unnecessary extra efforts and sitting late and try to implement fixed hour culture in team.


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Yes I feel so
by Sachin on Sep 20, 2006 09:05 AM

I'm a Techie. Our clients office are spread around the Globe. I think we are the only people available to cater the need of both ends of the world. When its time for us to go to bed the day breaks out in US and they call to us to attned telecon. They dont understand its a resting time for us. On weekends the Isreali guys turns up and asks to attend his telecon. In Isreal the guys work on sundays.
Overall we are in the receiving end. Even on weekends we dont get "sought after" rest.

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by Ashok on Sep 20, 2006 08:58 AM

I agree we are over worked, not only because we are sitting late in office, it is also because we do not have any plan for Weekend.

Plan your weekend well...

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Not possible...
by IT on Sep 20, 2006 08:51 AM

Well, fixed timings may suit manufacturing and most other sectors...but in IT, just not possible except very few Indian owned, product based companies...service sector almost entirely depends on US and some on Europe,,,and you cant demand the working hours(well, I feel Indian managers definitely dont) simply becos there are hundred others waiting to grab the deal! I guess this is the call of lazy ppl...those who get the job doine in 8hrs, leaving or stying is their call, no point in forcing them to leave or stay...managers who give weightage to ppl who 'just' stay are simply shortsighted and fools! fortunately in IT, I believe we dont have that many fools.

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Not Overworked but OverTime.
by VSingh on Sep 20, 2006 08:17 AM

I don't think people in India overwork because productivity due to infrastructure constraints and cultural habits is low.

If I spend 3 hours commuting everyday then obviously I am overworked but no output is generated for the company inspite of that.

If I spend 2 hours in lunch and chai paani then that can't count as work.

In a typical day , I don't work more than 2 hours.

sorry but that's the truth :)

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Kiran Salaunkey
by Kiran Salaunkey on Sep 20, 2006 08:06 AM  | Hide replies

Hello there,

Being overworked is just a perception of oneself, most commonly that arises after comparision with someone/somewhere with self.

A job is something that we do to make a living and it can have fixed working hours, but a career is something that you want to do, and probably love doing so does working hours matter here.

I love doing what I do, my profession throws challenges everyday and gives me happiness so i dont mind working long as long as there is something new to learn every day.

Its upto you to decide how long/how hard you want to work.

So come of age, stop grumbling and start working.

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by San on Sep 20, 2006 03:21 PM
I am sorry to say but its exactly people like you who spoil the work culture of this country.You people make the ones who leave at 6 look bad.
So,start being responsible for the organisational culture rather han being selfish in grooming your career.May be a trip or 2 abroad will help you.

And all others who say 'its not possible in IT' are fools.They do not know thier rights.Need to be sent to some kind of training.I am also in IT and have been very successful without sitting beyond 6.Also in UK,US I never had to sit late.I think its irreponsible people who make this habit.

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jayanta k mallik
by jayanta k mallik on Sep 20, 2006 07:59 AM  | Hide replies

absolutly true. as i am in creative profession i also work 12 hours a day and even weekend also. it should be change otherwise output will no be produtive in long run. our country will suffer.

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by Shiv on Sep 20, 2006 02:46 PM
Well said, cant agree more

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Overworked!!! Not at all...
by Balaji on Sep 20, 2006 07:46 AM  | Hide replies

I feel Indians are not so good at time management. Once they come to office (that too late) they will check their mails, then do some work, go for coffee for 30 mins, then do some work and in-between chat with friends... then go for lunch etc. They also waste lot of time in meetings as they often dont agree with the other person's view just for the sake of it. And they say OVERWORKED!!! The IST (Indian standard time) is often used for people coming late to meetings. I have worked in India mostly and been to many foreign countries also. In abroad, the work starts at 8 AM and ends by 5:30. But in India, it starts at 10 AM min and ends at 10 PM... But at the end of the day what is achieved? Nothing!!! Guys... learn some time management... just try to fill ur timesheet at the end of the day with what you did and you will know u have done nothing. Then change the things. I am sure you will find good results. If after all this, you feel your boss is squeezing you, just go and tell him politely your problems. You should also gaurantee him that you will do your work with quality and within schedule. And do some SMART work instead of HARD work. All these will pay. If nothing pays...get lost

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RE:Overworked!!! Not at all...
by Shiv on Sep 20, 2006 06:25 PM
Well said, cant agree more

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