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A do-it-yourself Home Spa

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A do-it yourself Home Spa
by Pamela on Sep 19, 2006 07:43 PM

This article was great. It will help people like me who have not enough time to spend in salon.

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Good Tips
by Payal on Sep 19, 2006 07:14 PM

We need more of these tips to help us look and feel better

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really useful article
by meenakshi on Sep 19, 2006 06:45 PM

this article is really gud with all the beauty tips that we can make easily at home itself..it wud be really great if someone cud tell me how to remove the darkness on the lips..thanx and rgards..meenakshi.

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reply for the beauty tips
by r.venkateswaran on Sep 19, 2006 05:45 PM

dear sir,

i am surprised to note that tea can give rise to such wonderful results.i has to be checked whether it really works as glorified in your story.however it was a interesting article.

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by usha on Sep 19, 2006 05:19 PM


Thanks very much for such good tips.

excellent article

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by namita on Sep 19, 2006 05:19 PM

hi.....this topic is of gr8 help.....but can u plz advice me how to treat my dark circles.i have them since childhood.

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by geetha on Sep 19, 2006 03:40 PM

This is a very useful article for the people who cant afford much money for going to beauty parlours.
Thanks alot and we wish to see many more articles from you people

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@need help on black marks on back
by priti on Sep 19, 2006 03:19 PM

Can anyonehelp me out on this . i have these dark brown black strip like thing coming on back esp near the spinal cord. This thing is getting itchy day by day looks very ugly. I have tried all home remedies like scrubbing but the problem is worsening Can anyone sugest me remedie for this or what is the cause of this?

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Hair smoothy
by PRADEEP on Sep 19, 2006 03:16 PM

Sir my hair is rough to become smoothy what i should do please retify my problem

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Kiranmayi R Kamath
Dark skin on feet
by Kiranmayi R Kamath on Sep 19, 2006 03:14 PM

The article is very informative and useful.

Can you please suggest a remedy for lightening the dark skin(which has become like one big boil and is very dark in colour) on the big finger of my feet.

An early response will be very much appreciated.



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