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IIM-Kozhikode's Crucible-2006

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IMM celebrations
by Balajee on Sep 09, 2006 11:54 AM

Dear Sir,
The IIM celebrations are not going to help the common man on the street. I have myself wanted to be a part of IIM but the so called selection process of the instute even for distance education puts the dreem of a common student a distant dream.

How are we going to benifit from the IIMs. Is it its aim to make one a leader and then to follow him as a slave for life long or is it to create leaders in the country.

I beg to differ from IIM strategy where they on one hand are trying to open education shops abroad where as their own students in India have no chance of studying in this instution.

I have graduate an am having an MBA degree from a loacal university in Tamilnadu. I would like to thank these universities which have given me the opportunity to prove my self. I think the future is very bleak for the IIMs when they would be facing the foreig instutions and then compet against them.

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