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Students with part-time jobs

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balancing of work with studies.
by Gobinda on Oct 18, 2006 04:25 PM

it is good to see you people are looking at these type of students. i feel the employed students are much more talented as they have taken the itiative of earning as well as obtaining education. i am an employed students and know how difficult and challanging it is to manage time but satisfaction is there.

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student with part time job
by anjali on Oct 18, 2006 04:21 PM  | Hide replies


i m anjali sethi from small city thats name kurukshtra actually i m doing my b.a final year now
and i m also doing job as a accountant .

morning 8 to 11 am i m attend my collage and then doing job.

i m happy beacuse its help for my finacial posituon and also my speaking activity u know thats in my collage i m thefirst who can know about account even i m a b.a student not b.com so thats a very intresting thing to me.

i think every student has to do job even its a tutions type or even its a part time sales type but he or she should be do the job of their future.

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RE:student with part time job
by vallari on Oct 18, 2006 08:20 PM
hi anjali,
i am really happy to see your interest in a field that is so different from what you are studying. great going!!
regards ,

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Student but a Front office Executive Also.
by Jayshankar on Oct 18, 2006 03:41 PM  | Hide replies

My cousin, Sharath is a third year engineering student from Calicut. He is in his fifth semester and continue to study in the college during the day and in the night he goes to Hotel Calicut Tower and work as a Front Office Executive. His interaction with customers and other dignatories actually brings out the best in him which is communiction skills.
He loves to work at this place one for money and second for the kind of exposure he gets by talking and mixing with outside world. He is very workholic and can work upto 8 hours during night and even during college holidays upto 16 hours. He gets around Rs. 2000/- per month plus good tips from the visitors.
He is an above average student in E&C engineering and has set his goals on the telecom engineering wherein he wants to get selected in the campus interviews by big companies.
It had helped him as he now looks decent enought as presentable front office executive rather than the hippy he was otherwise.
He always thinks about future and feels that this opportunity has given him to understand the outside world and like other known people, want to make his mark on the world once he comes out of college.

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RE:Student but a Front office Executive Also.
by vallari on Oct 18, 2006 08:18 PM
it was really nice to read about the young boy, he has a long way to go and a bright future.

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Instructor in Typewriting Institute
by Anandateertha on Oct 18, 2006 03:33 PM

Altbough this event is past one, I am more than happy to share it with readers. In historic days, (30 years back), Typewriting Institutes were very popular and expensive (Rs.7 per month). I somehow passed my Junior Typewriting Exam and since the Principal of the institute was having agricultural lands, I volunteered to work as instructor for the junior students for 4 hours a day during my college days. I used to earn my Typewriting Class (Senior) fees, college fees and expenses for books/notebooks, which, my parents could not afford. The experience helped me immensely in my professional life where I was taking classes for professional and promotional courses.

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