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Do you crib about work?

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jyoti muley
do you crib at work
by jyoti muley on Oct 18, 2006 05:54 PM

We crib because with modern lifestyle and the pressures to maintain the standards- be it personal or professional, we are under stress. This causes confusion as to what to crib about- whether personal or professional stress. Sometimes the personal issues such as buying a new flat or unpleasant relation with our spouse causes stress but we are unable to differentiate it from the professional stress. So any unpleasant event at work initiates the process of self pity. This results in cribing.If we are afraid of the results of cribs for personal reasons with our acquintances, unknowingly we crib for the professional problems.

I think the habit of self pity which develops over a period of time and that to very slowly and without any early traces- is the main cause for cribing.

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because we are human!
by shrikant on Oct 18, 2006 03:01 PM

we human beings like things to be perfect, without any pain we need all the gain.
work gives us some gain compared to any other thing we do on a daily basis.
and since we see some gain from work, we need more gain.. so we crib about the pain we virtually create and perceive. Philosophy apart, we crib because at the root of it all, work world gives us parameter driven scenarios which not many of us understand equally. once the parameters are understood, and assumptions are stated, things would become more ownership driven and we would not crib as much.
I crib that workplace is too far away from home, so the travel time is killing, hence work load is too much for me to balance work and life and that things come up at the last minute though I am planning things in advance yet it's the others who don't understand my situation.
I crib because there is lack of cohesiveness, team work at the middle management level. Everyone seeks their selfish aims and no one bothers about others. That's why they say that work place is like a tree full of monkeys. That's what I crib about, that we know we are monkeys and we still don't use the human element in us to make this a better place to be in.

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Crib at work
by ramya on Oct 18, 2006 01:20 PM

People obviously work for " Roti, Kapada aur Makan". Work atmosphere if made pleasurable enables you to perform better. Bosses inorder to get appreciation from their bosses r to gain better monetary benefits try to supress the enthusiasm of subordinates and try to manipulate them. They also have a feeling of Insecurity.What if he is promoted, recognised better than me? So these if's spoil work atmosphere. Inturn subordinates have no other go but Crib to substantiate that they r right. Bosses try to supress to an extent if u dont retaliate by paeceful means you end up losing your self-esteem and money.So this motivates people to crib. No one would work if they dont have interest in the Job they do day in and day out.

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I do crib about my job
by Ramya on Oct 18, 2006 12:06 PM  | Hide replies

Yes, I often crib about my job. It is about my job or work pressure. It is all about timings. Employers never bother about their employees life, they only bother about their profit. Working 40 hours a weak, should be made compulsory for all the companies. Job is not the life, we have family, children whom we should take care off. When we Indian will work like human beings.

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RE:I do crib about my job
by Anand on Oct 22, 2006 10:28 AM
Get a job in a government office like PWD or something. There probably u may not even need to work 6 hours a day and still get pay as well as perks. We all want some "finer" things in life for which we need more money. The one who pays us more than others will obviously expect us to work more. If you find your job demending a lot with peanuts for pay, then choice is yours whether youn want to continue in that job or look for better avenues.

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R.Sridhar Rao
crib at work
by R.Sridhar Rao on Oct 18, 2006 10:28 AM

One can see this attitude with majority as most of them do not get to work as per their education, liking and are forced to accept the jobs which they would not have accepted otherwise because it has to be done for surviving and existence.

As such working on each task and each passing day becomes a burden (as you don't like it but have to perform/do) and that is the reason why people just crimp.

As also sharing them with others gives some sort of relief (though it is purely an illusion) as the opposite person may also open up and you are satisfied that you are not alone.

Compromising with the situation and being happy with what is there is the only solution available.

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Kavita Udasi
Cribbing about the work
by Kavita Udasi on Oct 18, 2006 09:46 AM  | Hide replies

I love my job but I hate people around me. Because my work is interdependent and if the other people are not working or finishing their task on time my performance gets spoilt. So if people around me start finishing their work fast I will not be cribbing about my work at all.

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RE:Cribbing about the work
by Anand on Oct 22, 2006 10:25 AM
I think you must be the most incompetent person in your group and be given the easiest of jobs to perform. That is why you are able to finish your work while others who are given tougher challenges find it difficult. Only an incompetent person sees incompetence around him or her. Since you see others in your team to be incompetent you must be the most incompetent of the lot. Yous sound like a typical spoilt child in the team. Wont be surprised if you are also finding special favors with your boss by buttering him or her. I guess you need a lesson from your industry on professionalism. Am sure if you introspect and look at your own weaknesses honestly, u may even end up realising that you dont even deserve to be in your job. Stop complaining about others' incompetence and look to improve yourself. Grow up mentally as well.

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Sunil S Chiplunkar
Workplace a joyplace huh! a joke!!
by Sunil S Chiplunkar on Oct 18, 2006 09:19 AM

We need to titrate to the basics. A man goes to work to enrich his life. He wants to gain access to a continuously evolving material life and gain his professional joy through skill enrichment, experiences,a facilitative environment, problem solving, joy of teamwork, thrill of winning, fun of celebrations, excitement of client engagement, a great position in society for himself and family, with a great work life balance..

But what is happening in reality? Particularly in Indian companies the maai baap system and a power broker attitude prevails. So it is best to resign to one's fate or destiny, learn to adjust (lets call it enculturation) , manipulate things, manage the powerlines in the organisation and carry on with a dream that one day we will access a great work environment.

Still globalisation, media revolution, the B school and MBA power, increasing entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial culture, exercise of social leadership by enlightened individuals, rising power of companies with good corporate practices; and economic liberalisation is providing some hope, so the generations to come will surely access a 'good' work environment.

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Why do we crib about work?
by Girish on Oct 18, 2006 09:15 AM

Some people really hate their jobs, besides there are factors such as work environment, work culture,one's colleagues.

An attitude change would definetly help one cope up with the stress.

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