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Expert advice on weight loss

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mary christina
weight loss
by mary christina on Oct 25, 2006 11:20 AM  | Hide replies

Name: Mary Christina

Age: 26 years

Vital statistics: 5.6 in height

Weight: 69 kgs

My fitness goal: to reduce 19 kgs

Occupation: PA

Location: Bangalore

Working hours: 9-4

Daily routine: i wake up @5:20am i workout for 25minutes, i do some housework like sweeping, and have breakfast which consists of either ragi porridge, 4 slices of bread (white)and leave my house by 7am, as the college where I wrok is very far from my house, I have lunch between 1:45 to 2:30 which consists of rice , dhal and some side dish, I come back @ 5pm , for tea i have some biscuits or cake which is very rare. My dinner I have @8:30pm which consists of rice, dhal and non-veg. I do not have any beverage during the day, chocolates very rare, oily food like chips very rare, whenever I go out i have chat & fruit juices, I do not eat outside, but I do not know why i don't reduce my weight, please help me, as i have to get married also

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Hemant Jain
Reduce weight from 79 Kgs to 65 Kgs
by Hemant Jain on Oct 25, 2006 07:38 AM

Name:Hemant Jain

Age: 36 years

Vital statistics:

Weight: 79 Kgs

My fitness goal: 65Kgs

Occupation: Businessman

Location: Mumbai

Working hours: 11-00am to 9-00pm

Daily routine: I wake up at 7-00 am Gym for 1 hrs ,take Milk with Pohe / Upma , I leave for the office at around 10.30 am. Another cup of tea follows at around 11.00 am. Lunchtime is at 2 pm and comprises 4 chappatis ,1 Vegetable, 1 bowl dal and dahi. I have my evening tea at 4.30 pm, with Marie biscuits -1 packet. Dinner, at 7 pm, is 1 plate Idli with sambhar . Sleep at 11 pm. During Day I eat fruits -2 pcs , Chana , marie Biscuits and 5 to 6 glasses of water.

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Mes.Nina Arvind Sawkar
want to reduce weight
by Mes.Nina Arvind Sawkar on Oct 24, 2006 11:39 AM

Hi i am 64 year old lady , height 5ft. weight 85 kg. no disease at all i.e no DB no Blood pressure , no cholestrol but knee pain is there. pl suggest some exersise or diet. Nina Sawkar.

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reduction weight
by S.Haque on Oct 23, 2006 12:44 PM  | Hide replies


Age: 46 years

Vital statistics:

Weight: 72 Kgs

My fitness goal: 60Kgs

Occupation: Teacher

Location: Silchar

Working hours: 8-30am to 5-00pm

Daily routine: I wake up at 4-00 am walk fo 10 minutes ,perform morning prayer for 15 minutes(prayer includes standing,kneeing,sitting,bending etc),take tea with two pieces of slices without butter or jelly at 6-30am,prepare lectures and then take bath at 8-00am and take food which contain quarter plate of rice with fish/egg(only one) curry or vegetable with salad.At 11-00 am a cup of tea.At 1-30 pm I take 3 rutees/paratas with sabzi or gugny(peas),a cup of tea.At 3-00pm another cup og tea,at 6-00pm a cup of tea with pakora or pathies. walk for 15 minutes. At 9-00 am I take dinner with 1/2 plate of rice with fish curry,sabzi,salat.During the whole day a drink 2-3 litres of water.I donot have diabetis but mental work is more to prepare lectures and teach the students.I donot take any medicine nor I am suffering from major disease.However I have a gallbladder stone of 10 mm size,without any pain now.

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RE:reduction weight
by unnikrishnan on Oct 30, 2006 11:48 AM
Dear Sir Shri S Haque. I think, from the timing you have given, you have lot of time; hence this suggestion. Try to view programmes of Live Pranayam & Yoga under the able guidance of Swami Ramdevji of Pathanjali Yoga University, Uttaranchal. In the morning between 6.00 to 8.00 and in the evening between 20.00 to 21.00 Hrs. daily on AASTHA CHANNEL. Please have patience; try to see, listen and understand what Swamiji says and does; also listen to the reactions from hundreds of people who have already benefitted from Pranayam & Yoga under swamiji's guidances. My experience says, for you Sir, it is better to begin with atleast 5 to 10 minutes "Bhatsika", 15 minutes each daily "Kapalbhathi" & Anulom Vilom", and 5 minutes each "Bhramari" and "Udgeeth"; all are Pranayams. If possible, try to reduce intake of Non-vegetarian items; instead have more fruit salads and milk without fat daily. I am 60 Years old and have been practising "Pranayams" since last fifteen months. I could avoid taking diabetics pills since last 6 months and I am perfectly alright immune to any disease in the world; this much confidence I could gain just by practising "Pranayam" regularly.
God Bless u Sir..

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RE:reduction weight
by Khan on Oct 26, 2006 12:42 PM
Hi, I have reduced my weight upto 10 Lgs in 1.5 months & also lost 4 inches from my body waist. I feel great & have no ill effects as far as my body is concerned. For details call me how I have lost my weight at 9818264188.

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Tom Venuto
INCORRECT calculator
by Tom Venuto on Oct 23, 2006 09:34 AM

The formula youre using is wrong. It would be physically impossible
to raise your heart rate to 212 when your MAXIMUM heart rate is 200.
Please be c areful when you post such wrong information.
Correct way: restHR+0.70*(maxHR-restHR) NOT restHR+0.70*maxHR

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wana lose 5 inches in 3 months
by sanya on Oct 23, 2006 01:17 AM  | Hide replies

hey this is sanya im 17 yr old i dont hav much time 2 perform exercises due 2 overburdened studies my shedule is i get up at 5 am n perform bit of joggin 4 abt 20 min i hav a glass of milk thn straigh away i hav my lunch at 12.30pm of 2 chapatis rice n some curry thn in evening i hav som fruits like an apple
thn at 11pm i hav my dinner of 2 chapatis rice with some curry aftertht i go 2 sleep at 12.30am tell some effective meathods n also plz do tell som exercises 2 increase my height at this age

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RE:wana lose 5 inches in 3 months
by sheetal on Oct 26, 2006 12:42 AM
u can join yoga classes so that u can learn exercise both for wt loss & ht increase,
for wt loss do dhanurasan,chakrasan,
for height increase,do tadasan and all strching exercise

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RE:wana lose 5 inches in 3 months
by rajju077 on Oct 29, 2006 01:42 AM
dont lose 30 kilos in 3 months, its sheer STUPIDITY! and also harmful for your body, lose max 5 kilos per month, to make the weight loss permanent. the faster you lose it, the faster u gain it.

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weight loss
by priyanka on Oct 23, 2006 12:13 AM  | Hide replies

my weight is 90 i want to reduce 30 kg in 3month without taking any pills by exercise and home tips
is this possible?
help me to reduce weight faster do tell me some exercises and home tips

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RE:weight loss
by unnikrishnan on Oct 26, 2006 11:12 AM
Priyankaji, it is quite possible. Please practice Pranayam and simple yogas at home preferably early morning every day for atleast one hour. "Kapalbhathi" and "Anulom Vilom" at least 15 miniutes each to begin with. You can increase the timings when you come to know the real benefit of doing it. Try to avoid all types of non-veg foods. Take maximum vegetable salad daily. reduce your intake of Roti (Wheat) and Rice. When you take vegetable salad you can gradually stop eating rice and wheat without any problem. Take milk daily without fat. Do some yogas which are very simple to do watching Swami Ramdevji on AAStha or Aastha Internation Channels daily. I have narrated my experience. I am completely immune to any disease since last one year. Pranayam is the real "Mrutasanjivni" Try and see the results within a week... you will remember my words.. Thanks :: Unnikrishnan

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glen robinson
walk first then eat
by glen robinson on Oct 21, 2006 05:36 PM

another know-it-all fitness expert!!! he should walk first then eat , since his body has not had any nutrition for a long time ie overnight, the glycogen levels in the blood will be low hence the body will draw whatever energy it needs from the bodyfat stores, this will help in reducing fat. remember most people who say they want to lose weight actually mean they want to lose fat .

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govind solanki
loose weight
by govind solanki on Oct 21, 2006 05:28 PM

iam govind solanki 30yrs old. doing interior designing.
my ht5'9" .wt around 95kg. i take breakfast at 9am with pohe or upma. rest of the day i cant take my lunch because of uncertainity. at 5-6 pm i go for sandwitch/idli/dosa etc. then 9pm dinner no particular
food. i'm not nonveg.

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