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Expert advice on weight loss

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give me advice
by D SURESH BABU on Oct 26, 2006 11:56 AM  | Hide replies

i want to gain my wait not lose my wait please give me the suggestion please.mail me the suggestions.

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RE:give me advice
by unnikrishnan on Oct 30, 2006 06:03 PM
Mr.Suresh Babu, If you believe me, please try to do pranayam daily, preferably early morning. You will get maximum result if you practice "Kapalbhathi" daly for half an hour or more. It is a real balancing technique; those who practice "Kapalbhathi" can gain weight if he is underweight. Same Pranayam can reduce weight for overweight persons. As you know, there is scientific reason for all these. To know more about it, view Live pranayam on website of Pathanjali Yog Peeth(Now a university) in Uttaranchal or see programmes of Swami Ramdevji on Aastha Channel daily in the morning and evening. If you can follow Hindi, you can understand what to do and not to do for achieving your goal... Thanks .. God Bless You.. Unnikrishnan

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dr k k gupta
loose weight
by dr k k gupta on Oct 26, 2006 11:15 AM

name-dr k k gupta,ht-5`11,wt-94(3 month before it was 100.4,present wt is due aerobics n yoga 41.5 hr/day in morning n 50 minutes cycling in night b4 dinner),goal is achiev 75-80 kg in one year.

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want to know about weight gain
by Sg on Oct 26, 2006 10:11 AM  | Hide replies

I expect an article which gives information about gaining weight. Underweight person face more serious helth problems than overweight person. Health problems like weakness, lack of imunity power, excessive tiredness are all because of not having everage weight.

I want to gain 10 to 15 kgs. Please suggest some medicines that can pump my body and tell us about diet.

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RE:want to know about weight gain
by unnikrishnan on Oct 31, 2006 11:11 AM
Sg, please see my advice to Mr. D. Suresh Babu, here in this message Board. Try to practice Pranayam - Kapalbhathi- daily for at least half an hour in the morning while the stomache is empty. Definitely you will gain weight and also can get rid of so many health problems like Diabetes, Hyper tension, Physical strain & weakness, mental strain and even depression. "Kapalbhathi" is just like Mrutasanjivni. Complete immune system is re-vitaliseded.. Try and see the result. Experience is the real guru. I don't have to repent once you start the pranayam ... Thanks ... Unnikrishnan

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want to reduce
by kavita on Oct 25, 2006 05:36 PM  | Hide replies

Name:Kavita Singh


Vital statistics: height 5ft,weight 68 kgs

Weight: 68

My fitness goal: 58 kgs

Occupation: Consultant

Location: Pune

Working hours: 9:30 to 6

Daily routine: wake up at 7have break fast at 8.45
lunch at 12.30 dinner at 10

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by sukanya on Oct 25, 2006 03:05 PM  | Hide replies

This article was good.I'm sukanya.65 kgs .I'm 27 years old.I want to reduce atleast 5 kgs in two months..

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by sameer on Oct 25, 2006 02:52 PM

Thanks for the advice and my profile matches with it .

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weight loss
by anina on Oct 25, 2006 11:58 AM  | Hide replies

Dear Brinda,

I am 32 yr old mother of 7 month old twins. I weighed 50kg before pregnancy and now weigh 55kg. My height is 5'2". I have chronice low back and knee pain since many years. I have been a regular at the gym till my pregnancy, now i plan to start again from the 1st of nov. Please suggest exercises to help me loose weight and also to fight my pain. Oh! my food habits.......no tea/coffee/wine/alcohol/soft drinks/juices. eat carefully, moderately and on time. dinner latest by 7-8pm, sleep around 11pm or later. Earlier i used to hit the gym at 8 a.m but now i can make it only around 6pm. the weight i want to loose is centered around my waist and hips.....at the moment i have flabby stomach....i want my previous flat stomach....please advise.


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mp singh
weight loss
by mp singh on Oct 25, 2006 11:40 AM  | Hide replies

i am 34 ys old male,90kg ,5-10 height and suffering from anxiety.takes a mild antianxiety pill daily. I am mildly hypertensive with normal bp stands 140/90.want to reduce weight according to my height.

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loose weight
by sia on Oct 25, 2006 11:28 AM  | Hide replies

hi am 21 yr old tryin to loose from past 5 yrs.am 65 kg n 5'3 , my lower portion is vrey heavy..
plz help me out.
i have tried evrythng frm clinics to medicines to dietician
in brakfst i take a sandwich with tea then @ 2 my lunch is of 2 chapati with a sabzi, n evenin either tea + 2 digestive bis. or a fruit, n i take dinner m,ax by 8 comprisin of papya n apple n milk.
my workout is restricyed to half hr walk, as am in a hostel doin my post grad.
plz help////

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