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Expert advice on weight loss

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Jyoti Nayyar
Weight Loss
by Jyoti Nayyar on Oct 30, 2006 10:46 AM

My Husband is 42, height 165cm wt.74kg. 4yrs back underwent surgery of backbone and factured knee. since then not doing any excercises. has lost muscles and put on weight.
please suggest a suitable weight loss program and excercises.

Jyoti Nayar

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for you
understand your body
by for you on Oct 29, 2006 10:50 AM

there are so many teachniques to loose your weight and most of the teachniques are only to make money and may you have seen how this business is going.if
you want to loose your weight then first understand your body and life style.ONLYFOOD are not the
causes .small stress can also imblance your digestive system and and whole system becoem unhealthy. the perfect health comes only by doing physical exercise every day and may you can select yoga or walk ro may going some club but this will be good not to depend on maschine. LIFE STYLE: without changing your life style you can not come out from problems. you must take care of food and most good is when you feel hungery then eat. most of the peoepl do not eat more food just because they want to loose their weight and this is totally wrong and some tiem peopel get so much problems and mainly disturb mind , weakness, loss of memory and even small thing can disturb these type of people. so best is eat as much you feel hungery and give your enough time for your personal exercise. doing exercise also help you to come over the stress and tension.do not jus concentrate on diet. you can get balance health by balance

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by rajju on Oct 29, 2006 01:40 AM

no one cares what you eat, make sure you eat less than what you spend every day , calorie wise, only then you shall lose weight. and lose weight from a specific part of the body, exercise.
And for all the people who want a trim abdomen, exercise! there are no supplements or devices or other such things to take care of it. Only if you can afford to go for plastic surgery.

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by rajju on Oct 29, 2006 01:36 AM

any sugar substitute having aspartame, is dangerous, it cause neurotoxic effect ( not good for your brain ).
Any idiot you thinks pranayam and other such kinds reduces your weight, is not true, it will reduce your blood pressure, but nothing else.
Weight loss is achieved by diet control and reliable exercises, supplemented by vitamins.
and all the thyroid hormones are done regardless fasting or non fasting.

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Suggest some protien suppliment
by Abhijeet on Oct 28, 2006 06:29 PM

Name:Abhijeet, Singh Age: 28, Height: 5'6, Weight: 66 Kg

I do exercise 1 hour, 3-4 days a week. It includes light & heavy exersises like weight lifting, bench press etc. I feel very tired the whole day. I think my diet is not as per my work out. Please suggest me some protien suppliment powder to energize my self. At the same time I dont want to put up weight.


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by Revathi on Oct 27, 2006 04:32 PM

Name: Revathi
Age: 31
Vital statistics: Height : 5 4.5
Weight: 72 kgs
My fitness goal: 65 kgs
Occupation: Public servant undergoing a 6 month intensive training programme
Location: Bangalore
Classes : From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Daily routine:
Breakfast at 8.30 a.m. (idli/dosa/puri etc)
Lunch : 1.30 p.m.
Evening snacks (2 or 3 vadas/bonda) 5 p.m.
Dinner : 9 p.m. (1 or 2 chapathis & 1 small bowl of rice)            
2 years back I put on a lot of weight (80 kgs) when my intake of Eltroxin tablet (for hypothyroidism) increased my hormone levels. 6 months back I have been advised by my doctor to stop taking the medicine. I have come down to 72 kgs, but the fat around my abdomen, upper arms is still there. I do some exercises in the morning and go for a walk for half-an-hour.

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weight loss
by shalini on Oct 27, 2006 01:40 PM


this article was good and informative and also motivate to keep fit.
My name is shalini my age 29 . vital stistics- my height is 5'2 ,my weight is 65.5 kgs.my fitness goal is 52 kgs .my occupation is manager administation.location - jaipur
my workings hours are 10a.m-6p.m
i am taking no medication.
I only want loose on my abdominal area,waist line and thighs

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reduce weight and abdom.
by ASDHOK DHOLAKIA on Oct 26, 2006 04:22 PM  | Hide replies

i am having wieght in between 86 to 90 kg and 51 years of age. my tummy is 44 inches periferial and want to reduce to minimum 38 inches with 80 kg first phase and t0 75 kg later on. physically am fit and healthy no record of diabetes or other disorder.except b.p.90130.

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RE:reduce weight and abdom.
by Arif on Oct 30, 2006 10:53 AM
Hi Sarabjeet...
I am not very clear with what u have mentioned...

Is it that we have to boil the water in the night, keep it whole night and then early morning without taking brakfast we have to drink that water by adding lemon and honey to it??? please confirm...

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Sarabjeet Singh
Add water therapy to see wonders
by Sarabjeet Singh on Oct 26, 2006 11:56 AM

At night, boil 1.5 litres of water (measure with a cold-drink bottle).

Squeeze one lemon into it in the morning.

Add two spoons of honey.

Add some salt.

Enjoy the wonders for reducing weight + dramatic changes in your overall health.

Sarabjeet Singh
New Delhi

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