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How to ask for a salary raise

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Play on your strengths!
by Amit on Oct 07, 2006 05:21 PM

i think the most important aspect is to play on your strenghts at work.Also keep in mind that your boss would have been asked about a salary hike by many people before you and so he is used to the pitch.Therefore the idea is to keep it unique and substantiate your request with your strenghts and at the same time hint your boss about the prospect of him losing you as a performer!!he will then listen.
what you then get is what you negotiate.Remember that your boss also would happen to do the same exercise with his boss!!
so go in with a purpose and not as if seeking a favour!

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by ramanan on Oct 06, 2006 08:30 PM


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Mayank Dwivedi
Understand the performance, contribution and development
by Mayank Dwivedi on Oct 06, 2006 07:03 PM

Dear All, there is no ideal way of asking about the salary increment, what has been told to you in article is one behavioral aspect and it will not be acted only on that day but every working and non working day of your life. More than the way it depends on the type of company in which you are working, financial situation, verbal policy (not written one) of employer and thoughts of employer towards you. (It includes your worth to company and employer, behavior, contribution and so many other factors

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Nice one...
by sreijan on Oct 06, 2006 12:06 PM

u ppl are good....

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James Sam
by James Sam on Oct 06, 2006 12:04 PM

Increment is must in any organisation, without these, nothing can be done to prograssive manner. Increment means not in slary hike-up but in all ways sales, production, capacities to boost to new ventures, thefore the national captial is also increased. Per capita income of a person depend on his expense against acutual. Managment shall be considered to re- think its prevaling policies and maintain upto data on prodata basis. Without asking or wirting a increment request letter to Management, Management would have worked out to declare its % of increment on scale wise/promotion wise/ designation wise to the sole dicreation of the Managment.



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debangshu nandy
how to ask for a salary raise
by debangshu nandy on Oct 06, 2006 11:34 AM

the article is good ,but i think it is based on profit centre based job like sales but what for accounting jobs , you cann't pinpoint the actual achievement when you are working as a team of accountants .

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Salary raise
by Alex on Oct 06, 2006 03:28 AM


Looks good, Nice way of putting "Boss iam under paid"

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Nice Article
by Anand on Oct 05, 2006 04:52 PM

Dear writer,

The article on "How to ask for a salary raise" is very interesting. Hope to see some good articles even on Management related stuff from you soon.


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