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How to ask for a salary raise

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sonali  dey
Not a very practical approach
by sonali dey on Jan 19, 2007 03:45 PM  | Hide replies

I think its not a very practicle approach, although it is a very polite and professional way of approaching a boss. Since most of the corporates have a slab for each designation, it may not be very practical to expect something beyond the given range. The employee can internally investigate and compare his bonus/increment with other colleagues. If he thinks that he has got less bonus/increment, he can approach his boss and figure out what went wrong, by using some of the steps mentioned here.

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satish agarwal
RE:Not a very practical approach
by satish agarwal on Jan 20, 2007 12:38 PM

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just cool
RE:Not a very practical approach
by just cool on Jul 19, 2007 03:09 PM
That's the way MAHI WAY

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RE:Not a very practical approach
by azmat on Jul 20, 2007 08:08 PM
sonali is damn right..........hi sonali....i wanna b ur fren lol

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S Prasad
Very Good
by S Prasad on Jan 19, 2007 03:37 PM

Article is very much provocaing us to follow the suggestions.


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chella krishna
practically impossible
by chella krishna on Jan 19, 2007 02:39 PM  | Hide replies

It is practically impossible for any employee to ask for salary hike since it may backfire if your boss says no. Will look terribly awkward from next day onwards to work with him. Relationship may spoil.

The best option for asking salary hike is first to find a new opportunity and get the offer letter and tell your boss that I will quit if I am not offered the salary hike. If you are worth, your boss will retain you or else you can say goodbye

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Ranbir Thakur
RE:practically impossible
by Ranbir Thakur on Jan 20, 2007 01:29 PM
If you feel that such approach will backfire then the organisational culture where u are working is not worth continuing there. So Immediately start searching an opportunity to work with open minded boss. With such a change u will automatically gain by negotiating better terms as well as better choosing a better organisation. Please don't say that organisations having such professionals are not there. U have to sacrifice some short terms benefits to find out life long good things. Be positive.

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Lopamudra Jena
asking for a salary hike.
by Lopamudra Jena on Jan 19, 2007 01:47 PM

Its a good article. Adhering to the norms mentioned also sound good. But you never know what your boss has in store for me. No matter how informative, practical, sincere etc you are, everything rests at his/her will. In addition to now a days a before you say something about you, you about speak a lot of good things about your boss too. There should be a some tactics to handle these whimsical bosses who don't care or respect for your sentiments or the work you have done. I think a soultion to this can also act a pain killer to the subordinates.

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nisarga biotech
How to ask for a Salary Increment
by nisarga biotech on Jan 19, 2007 12:45 PM  | Hide replies

Its very easy to write and to read. But practically its very difficult.

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just cool
RE:How to ask for a Salary Increment
by just cool on Jul 19, 2007 03:10 PM
Nothing is difficult in this world just try once

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Sreenath Upadhyaya
by Sreenath Upadhyaya on Jan 19, 2007 12:29 PM

The procedure might work ,but most of the times,it fails ,In my past 20 years of experience,i have seen,that all this "stories of accomplishments" will not augur well with the boss,i had bosses,who would say "good and wonderful ,after seeing my accomplishments" and then would say,"yes,i will look into" and when the pay slip comes,it would be the regular increase.Now a days,most of the companies follow the "level increase pattern" and hence,one would get a increase of 1-2% ,more than his level,if he has achieved or contributed to the company.Yes,one would get,if he is the favourite of the boss,if he/she belongs to the same caste of the Boss,sometimes,same town etcc..I have seen firms,where the top management always gets more than 35% increment,the middle management an average 11-15% and the low management 5-8%.My views are more related to the Non-IT industry.

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Anil Shenoy
Good, but....
by Anil Shenoy on Nov 19, 2006 10:52 PM


It was really a good article, the way of writing is quite impressing. But in usage sometimes or even more becomes impractical. I think only a least percentage could be able to work out, it is just unrealistic. If everyone in the world were looking alike and all were living alike, what would the world be...........he he!!

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basab baruah
Gone are those days..
by basab baruah on Nov 09, 2006 02:28 PM

It just can't work that way..it's only and only performance..do things away from what exactly needs to be done(within the limitations)...you get all!!!

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Salary Hike
by Raj on Oct 27, 2006 09:41 PM

The article was good and gave me an idea on how to approach my job for discuessing any issues other than salary. Its a nice way to ask for more responsibilites and salary hike, however it won;t work in BPO as far as salary is in the issue untill ur the AVP or the VP of the company. worth learning.!

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Ask for a salary rise
by Sanjay on Oct 25, 2006 05:33 PM

You not have only have your immediate boss, but the deptt heads etc also to please & how far will you go to do taht. In my opinion, give yourself a timeframe & keep yoru expectations realistic & if things are not going as one has anticipated, MAKE A MOVE TO ANOTHER COMPANY WITH HIGHER PAY PACKET. Based on my experience, these things practically don't work. Company look their own profitablity 1st & by that yardstick, who so ever is having better parental linkages,e g. in Govt. offices etc, will invariably get salary hike even promotions, as well, year after year.
Suggetions are good but impractical.

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