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'Why students must know English'

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english speaking
by uttamkumar on May 05, 2006 10:29 AM

hi rashmi,i was completed my TYBCom now only in the year Apr 2006 but i cant speak english actually i am from telugu mediem in school life.so please tell me what i have to do please tell me

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praveen prabha
knowing English
by praveen prabha on May 05, 2006 07:49 AM

Down south, well qualified Engg. Graduates lack English knowledge, specially when it comes to expressing themselves.They fare miserably in the Interview/s despite knowing the subject well, because of theri inability to come out. More than the language(English), there is apressing need for honing their presentation skills, starting with the neutralisation of the mother tongue influence.

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SC/ST OBC reservation and Morcha
by HARI on May 04, 2006 09:42 AM

I don\\\\\\\'t think Morcha is the right way to protest.Because if we do Morcha , there are chances of some mishappening. I think it would be better to raise voice with questions. And asked appropriate answer of each of the questions from ministry. I hope this will help to understand the stand point of government on reservation.

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Dharmendra Goel
Ms. Bansal's- Recipe for the contemporary youth...
by Dharmendra Goel on May 04, 2006 08:41 AM

PKL. Thursday, the 4th May ,2006.
Gleaning through the blog's mutual fraternising over
sucking up to each other's gushing and drooling
conventese , I am awe-struck this what the old Indian Reformers could visualize that the India's freedom would produce such self centred deracinated
masked persons ,who are neither adequately delivered to global economy and West's Market ideology nor have any concern for the poor indigent Bhasha speakers of the deprived...Aurobindo, Gandhi , Vivekanand or Ambedkar and Lohia must be crying in the company of Angels watching these antics of our dark swarthy Skins aping English speaking conventese
masks!D. Goel

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pruthvi raj
hi, this is my first mail to u
by pruthvi raj on May 03, 2006 07:02 PM

hi, i'm not good at spoken english,but i love to speak English. I cant speak fluently, when i'm alone the words comes but infront of anyone i cant speak. i dont know what is the problem with me. plz suggest me how to face this kind of situation & how can i improve my spoken english.

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pruthvi raj
hi, this is my first mail to u
by pruthvi raj on May 03, 2006 07:01 PM

hi, i'm not good at spoken english,but i love to speak English. I cant speak fluently, when i'm alone the words comes but infront of anyone i cant speak. i dont know what is the problem with me. plz suggest me how to face this kind of situation & how can i improve my spoken english.

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sonu khanna
by sonu khanna on May 03, 2006 05:05 PM

Hi Rashmi,

Your articles are very nice and interesting. Rashmi ji I am a graduate (arts) and have done two years diploma in secretarial practice. I have done my schooling from govt. school through Hindi Medium. I am working as a secretarial assistant to G.M. Finance & Company secretary since 8 years in a limited company. My main job is to assist my boss in all statutory matters. could you suggest me any option which will be much better for my career. I am very much confused that what should I do. And main thing is that I have to do something with my job only and there is a long gap i.e 10 years in studies. I feel that if I have to progress and survive, I have to do something. I am thinking to do MBA through correspondence. Will it serve my purpose.

Please give some suggestions.



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Dr LD Mishra,
Teaching Anaesthesiology
by Dr LD Mishra, on May 03, 2006 01:17 AM

I read Ms Rashmi's column today. Unfortunately, I had never read it earlier. It's simply superb. Please keep it up Rashmi dear.

However, I do not agree with her when she says that being a free and democratic country we can not oppose the presense of elderlies like Arjun Singh in the politics (and ofcourse as ministers). If nobody beyond 65 can hold any office/job in our country then why we continue having them only in politics especially those over 65. I think, time has come that we demand that no political party should give tickets to any body beyond 65, and if elected nobody should be permitted to hold any ministerial berth beyond 65.

Its true that if elected, an MP can become a minister or even PM. We can go on blaming our less conscious electorate to keep electing non-deserving candidates, but irony of the given situation is that Mr Arjun Singh was not even elected. He has hardly wone any (probably one) Parliamentary elections in his whole political carreer.I think that the time has come for the Congress Party to avil the opportunity in getting rid off such a tired and out -of context sole.
With regards,

Dr LD Mishra, MD
Reader in Anaesthesiology
IMS, BHU, Varanasi.

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Dr Sudeep
by Dr Sudeep on May 02, 2006 08:49 PM

i ve done my MBBS and now doing my MD.i ve also done part time Diploma in business management. i ve planned to join the pharma industry. do you think DBM will gimme as edge or do i need something else.

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