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US student visa interview tips

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hi sir am vineet
by vineet on Oct 03, 2010 03:19 AM  | Hide replies

hii sir can u gve me the answers 4r these questions plzzzz

1. Why have you chosen this university?
2. What do you plan to do after you graduate?
3. Who is paying for your education and what is his/her income?
4. How do I know you'll come back after your education?
5. Why don't you do this course in your country?

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Re: hi sir am vineet
by dineshkumar on Dec 11, 2010 08:31 PM
well sir....universitie's coarse structure is prity impressive.the university offers equal oppertunities to international students moreover it is providing industrila tours after every semister and while taking look over students to faculty ratio is very well wich is benefitial to the every individual to hav an attention from the faculty members..and this university is having tie ups with so and so companis....vineet am seriously telling this really works...jst say as it is

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Re: hi sir am vineet
by dineshkumar on Dec 11, 2010 08:32 PM
well sir....universitie's coarse structure is prity impressive.the university offers equal oppertunities to international students moreover it is providing industrila tours after every semister and while taking look over students to faculty ratio is very well wich is benefitial to the every individual to hav an attention from the faculty members..and this university is having tie ups with so and so companis....vineet am seriously telling this really works...jst say as it is

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Hi All,
by ravi on Jul 14, 2010 01:59 PM

iam applying for F1 visa........i had a two rejections to UK.and i had a visa to Australia also....
now am applying as student .i got admission from university based on IELTS (6.0) ....i have experience of 5 years.and applied for MBA(HR).my experience is also purely into HR stream... now what are the chances of getting visa.please guide me.....

Ravi Kumar

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sahil devgan
by sahil devgan on Nov 24, 2008 02:40 AM

hello myself sahil.i waana apply for US student visa for my engeineering. i have done my high school with good grades.Bt my problem is i took 4 years time in completion of my high school instead of two as i cldnt doo well in academics.Will visa officer create a problem issuing mee student visa as my track record is not good.please help i have dedication and devotion and will for my higher studies ..kindly also helpo what should i say in reply to visa officer on question being asked on same please help..will be very nice of you if done so.

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for visa
by Guest on Nov 08, 2008 05:58 PM

hello sir,
i am refused first time in july 24 for august intake.and the reason was my course was not releted to my previous study. so after that i change my course and i choose BBA. but again they refused on 6th nov. for january intake. and he told me that he wants to go on previous reason. so now what will i do? can i take another date in Dec. on i have to wait for anothe intake.

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rajeshri patel
student visa
by rajeshri patel on Oct 30, 2008 12:07 PM

hello, i have completed my diploma information technology after 12th science in November 2003. then i have 3 & 1/2 years work experience in software field. and now i want to do graduation got i 20 from California state university Northridge in computer science course. so can i get visa as undergraduate student

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nilay jani
Student Visa for USA some questions
by nilay jani on Jul 24, 2008 07:32 PM  | Hide replies

if counsler ask that
1) if stay in US after graduation?
2) why u select US not ur country?
what i want is small and sweet answer of it

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manreet ludhar
Re: Student Visa for USA some questions
by manreet ludhar on Dec 14, 2008 07:09 PM
hi the answer will be
no i will not stay in us as my main aim is to study
2 us is the top most educational hub for all feilds of studies.us edu gives good job opportunities in countries like india n a us degree is valued the most in the whole world.

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manreet ludhar
Re: Student Visa for USA some questions
by manreet ludhar on Dec 14, 2008 07:10 PM
hi the answer will be
no i will not stay in us as my main aim is to study
2 us is the top most educational hub for all feilds of studies.us edu gives good job opportunities in countries like india n a us degree is valued the most in the whole world.

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