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Do I study at Amity Biz school?

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query about graduate school of business administration
by adilkhan on Oct 20, 2006 10:52 AM

1. what is a profile of school
2. what is a placement position
3. how much expenditure may be incurred in two years
4. what is the rank in north & overall

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How much worth is doing management?
by Rajiv on Sep 11, 2006 06:18 PM

I just want to ask people why they are crazy about doing management just after finishing their graduation.Every one should think about it before taking the final decision.If you are an engineer, then it is better to carry on your technical stream rather than changing to the completely different platform like management. If you have done well in your engineering then look for the job in IT sector or any technical field where you already have some idea and confidence.I can assure you that after two years your salary will be very much compatible to the salary of a PGDBM student from a premier institute like IIMs.So why to cry for IIMs?But in case if you changed your stream from BE to Management but could get into top 20 B-Schools in India, then i can assure you that you will regret a lot for changing your stream.Yes if you are a simple graduate(B.A.,B.Sc etc),then you can look for management and it is worth to do.

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Deepak Kumar Vasudevan
Government Universities are better
by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan on Aug 02, 2006 08:53 PM

It would be better to go with a government university for higher education since it is safer.

Thanks and Regards,


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study at Amity
by Parul on Jul 25, 2006 03:22 PM

Hi, It totally depends which course you are pursuing from Amity.I myself studied from Amity three years back.

It boast of 100% campus placement, yes it is there,but one should ask what is the average package, when Amity boast of 100% placement.

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