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Getting married? 4 rules

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Love isn't like in movie
by cathy on Jun 12, 2006 02:20 PM

U know,what I noted is that movies always show us that love is really wonderfull and so on...of course firt time it is always so fine and so on but the reality is that it isn't always like this!!not at all!!

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jaideep nazare
my life partner
by jaideep nazare on Jun 11, 2006 01:58 PM

how wii be my life partner, when shee will met me, she will be in love with me or not.

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Purnima Bapat
by Purnima Bapat on Jun 11, 2006 12:26 PM

First of all - give up all your dreams of how you imagine married life to be, because it is just that - a dream!!! In reality, marraige is full of compromises for both husband and wife and making it work and still being happy is a skill and an art and needs a lot of hard work too! If you succeed in remaining happy you will be a much stronger person and will finally find the companionship that you yearn for at the end of the tunnel!!!

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by MAHALEKSHMI on Jun 09, 2006 05:40 PM

I am mahalekshmi. Married with a son. My advice to the young couple is, don't hide anything between husband and wife and do give importance to your wife too the way u give to your parents. You discuss everything with your wife and plan saving monthly according to your income. If possibler once in a month take her out and spend some times with her. In that way there won't aby any misunderstanding.


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anitha Bhatt
advise for newly wedded woman!!
by anitha Bhatt on Jun 09, 2006 05:13 PM  | Hide replies

If u happen to know your partner before marriage, dont expect that he will be the same after marriage....afcoz things do change to some extent,coz then there are more responsibilities to shoulder...as the family would grow, and your partner may be focused...but that does not mean he doesnt love you as before,its just that the expression may be different,and it would be of great help, if the female partner understands this and does not keep reminding the husband that he has changed,or no longer loves her.Expression of love before and after marriage will not be the same.Ihere will be some amount of maturity in expressing love after marriage,your love has to be shown in your actions and behaviour and not just by words.Just being there for him without making fuss is also a great way of showing your love.Dont worry ,never think that your partner may not get the message, he is observing you, and will surely tell you one day-that he is lucky for having such a wonderful and understanding wife!and the words are not just sufficient to tell you how exactly you feel after hearing this.But if the matter becomes worse than it would be better to sort it out by clear and tactful communication.

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Kiran From Sydney
RE:advise for newly wedded woman!!
by Kiran From Sydney on Jun 12, 2006 08:52 AM
Hello Anitha, your suggestions for a newly married copule is very good.Thanks for that. I am getting tensed by reading your coloumns. I am a 29 year old bachelor,male and a software professional in Sydney,Australia.My parents in bangalore is searching for a girl for my marriage...my parents believe in arranged marriage and even me too...and they are very much particular about horoscope match.
Do you persoanlly think that If my horo matches with the girl and If I marry her, then my life will be good in future with minor understandings...please reply back at your Leisure. Just thought of having your suggestions.

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